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Strategic Action Group 3: Scholarly Research & Communication (SAG3) Orientation Webinar June 24, 2013 University of California Libraries Systemwide Advisory.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Action Group 3: Scholarly Research & Communication (SAG3) Orientation Webinar June 24, 2013 University of California Libraries Systemwide Advisory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Action Group 3: Scholarly Research & Communication (SAG3) Orientation Webinar June 24, 2013 University of California Libraries Systemwide Advisory Structure

2 Overview  Current UCL Advisory Structure (1998 - June 2013)  Goals of the Revised Structure  Service Development Lifecycle  Revised UCL Advisory Structure (July 2013 - )  Membership  Transition Process  Priority Activities 2

3 3 Current UC Libraries Advisory Structure (July 1998 – June 2013)

4 4

5 Goals of the Revised Structure  Support UCL shared library services throughout multiple stages of development: strategic planning, design, implementation, operations, and continual improvement.  Promote effective collaboration, communication and project management relative to shared library services.  Further the priorities determined by the Council of University Librarians and set forth in the UC Libraries Systemwide Plan & Priorities. 5

6 6 Service Envisioning Generate ideas for new services and improvements to existing service; innovation Suggest processes, systems Service Strategy & Design Identify users and their needs Determine specs, technology Secure resources Define processes, systems Service Implementation Build, validate, test service Plan and coordinate training Transition from project to production Service Operations Deliver service on ongoing basis Investigate, implement regular improvements Stages of Service Development

7 7 Revised UC Libraries Advisory Structure (“UCLAS”) (July 2013 - )

8 8

9 9 Strategic Action Groups “SAGs” (3) Service Development Stage: Strategy & Design

10 10 Project Teams Service Development Stage: Service Implementation

11 11 Coordinating Committee Service Development Stage: Overall coordination, communication

12 12 Operations Teams Service Development Stage: Operations & Continual Improvement

13 13 Common Knowledge Groups “CKGs” Service Development Stage: Envisioning / Innovation

14 Strategic Action Group 3: Collection Building & Management (SAG3) Functional portfolio includes strategies, services, and tools in the following areas:  UC-wide shared collection building  Shared acquisition  Cataloging/metadata  Preservation and archiving  Mass digitization 14

15 Strategic Action Group 3 (SAG3): Membership Membership:  UC campus libraries (10) + California Digital Library (1)  Portfolio Manager (1)  LAUC (1) To be determined:  SAG3 Chair  SAG3 representative to Coordinating Committee  Ex officio membership 15

16 SAG3 Chair & SAG3 Coordinating Committee Representative SAG3 Chair  Two-year term; selected by group membership  Group management, communication, leadership SAG3 Coordinating Committee representative  Total 6 CC members: CoUL, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, CDL, Communications Manager  Two-year term; nominees selected by group membership; approved by CoUL  Broad oversight of SAGs, CKGs; conduit between CoUL and rest of advisory structure; coordination of advisory structure activities 16

17 SAG3 Chair & SAG3 Coordinating Committee Representative Selection process:  Convene first meeting before July 15 (volunteer needed to schedule; develop agenda)  After first meeting, Marlo Young will email LISTSERV with call for statement interest, deadline  Submit statement of interest or nomination  Marlo will compile / distribute voting instructions  Vote!  Goal: Process completed by July 31, 2013 17

18 Transition Process: “The Launch”  Implementation Team (Jan - Oct 2013)  New groups charged beginning July 1 st ; old groups discharged June 30 th  Distribute inventory and reassignment of shared services, initiatives and projects: “UCLAS Services and Projects Master List”  Tools: Confluence wiki protected workspace (UCSF), public web presence (CDL), LISTSERV (CDL)  Expect refinement and fine-tuning 18

19 Member Responsibilities  “UC Libraries Systemwide Plan & Priorities, 2013-2016”  Three-year term;.2 FTE (up to one day per week)  Engage fully in group activities  Communicate SAG activity to campus colleagues  Communicate campus interests / perspective to SAG  Develop and maintain agendas, minutes, wikis, and historical record of decisions and activities  Full range of responsibilities, scope, and parameters included in group charge 19

20 SAG Portfolio Manager Responsibilities  Broad goal: Effective project management relative to shared library services  Coordinate activities within and across projects  Track and analyze data across the portfolio of assigned SAG project teams  Assign project analyst to project teams as needed 20

21 UCL Advisory Structure Priority Activities 21  SAG1  E-research priorities, goals, strategic agenda  Open access (OA) policy, technical support  SAG2  UC Libraries Digital Collection (UCLDC) project (POT1)  SAG3  Review the role and function of Bibliographer Groups  Systemwide ILS investigation (SPOT3)  Collection Licensing Subgroup (SAG3)  Acquisition, licensing activities  Demand Driven Aquisition  Coordinating Committee  Advisory structure implementation

22 Characteristics of Successful Groups UC Libraries systemwide groups are more likely to be successful when members possess:  Systemwide approach: “member” vs. “representative”  Collaborative: actively work to build relationships  Innovative: enthusiasm for experimentation  Agile: garner buy-in and move initiatives forward  Diplomatic: effective at the local level; diplomatic at the systemwide level; maintain confidentiality  Awareness beyond UC: understand the dynamics of external partnerships 22

23 Questions? Project Information: Redesign/UC+Libraries+Advisory+Structure

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