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Lunar New Year Helpers/Talent Show Performers Needed The Lunar New Year is celebrated by Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand,

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Presentation on theme: "Lunar New Year Helpers/Talent Show Performers Needed The Lunar New Year is celebrated by Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Lunar New Year Helpers/Talent Show Performers Needed The Lunar New Year is celebrated by Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Philippines, and also in Chinatowns all over the world. The College will celebrate the coming of Lunar New Year 2015 on campus between 11:00-15:00 on the 13th February, 2015. The following talented students are needed for this event: Asian culture related talent show (singing, folk dancing, etc.) Chinese Gongfu tea demonstration (2 students) Origami (3 students) Calligraphy (3 students) Asian culture display ‘ Little Apple’ Group Dancing dancers + singers (the more, the better) For the ‘Little Apple’ group dancing, you need to learn from youtube yourself For its singing, you can learn from If you are willing to participate, please contact LI Xing as soon as possible.

3 Uni Taster Days February/March 2015 Please find below a list of free university taster courses taking place this February/March 2015 which still have places Places are allocated on a first-come first-served basis for the majority of the taster courses so please to apply as soon as possible via website The university taster courses provide a great opportunity for students to try university and a specific subject area before they apply. Most of the university taster courses last a day and are all free to For a complete list of ALL taster courses taking place in 2015, please go to Accounting Pearson College London, Sat 7 Mar 2015 Arts and Sciences UCL, Wed 18 Mar 2015, Business and Management Queen Mary University of London, Mon 23 Feb 2015 Pearson College London, Sat 7 Mar 2015 Classics UCL, Wed 18 Feb 2015, King's College London, Fri 20 Feb 2015 King's College London, Wed 18 Mar 2015 Computer Science Goldsmiths, Tue 17 Feb 2015y Goldsmiths, Thu 19 Feb 2015y Computing Goldsmiths, Tue 17 Feb 2015 Computing (Graphics and Sounds) Goldsmiths, Thu 19 Feb 2015 Design Goldsmiths, Wed 4 Mar 2015 Education UCL Institute of Education, Mon 16 Mar 2015 Goldsmiths, Fri 20 Mar 2015 History Goldsmiths, Wed 11 Mar 2015 Educational Studies Goldsmiths, Fri 20 Mar 2015 English Goldsmiths, Fri 6 Mar 2015 Goldsmiths, Fri 13 Mar 2015 Goldsmiths, Fri 20 Mar 2015 Finance Pearson College London, Sat 7 Mar 2015 Politics Goldsmiths, Fri 6 Mar 2015 Psychology Goldsmiths, Fri 13 Mar 2015 Birkbeck, University of London, Wed 25 Mar 2015 Social Work Goldsmiths, Wed 11 Mar 2015 Sociology Goldsmiths, Mon 9 Mar 2015 Teaching UCL Institute of Education, Mon 16 Mar 2015 Management Goldsmiths, Wed 4 Mar 2015 Media and Communications Goldsmiths, Tue 17 Feb 2015 Music Goldsmiths, Wed 4 Mar 2015 Performance Goldsmiths, Wed 11 Mar 2015 Philosophy King's College London, Wed 4 Feb 2015 King's College London, Wed 4 Mar 2015

4 All Year 2 students HE @ Brock For more information and advise regarding Higher Education courses at Brockenhurst College please come to the following session: Wednesday 25 February 12.45pm-1.40pm in the Foyer Brock HE further information:

5 All Year 1 students HE Information Evening for Parents Wednesday 25 February 7pm-8pm This HE Information Evening for Parents on 25 February will be held in the Hall at Brock, from 7.00pm -8.00pm. A representative from one of our local university partners will be giving a talk on HE, including the application process. There will also be a chance for you to ask individual questions.

6 All Year 1 students HE Fair Thursday 5 March 10am-2pm in the Sports Hall On Thursday 5 March from 10.00am – 2.00pm we will be having our Higher Education Fair at which we have over 70 universities from around the UK with displays with an opportunity for students to meet admissions tutors to find out about each institution. Students in lessons will be given the opportunity to visit this Fair during their lesson time but will also be able to visit independently at break, lunchtime and during study periods.

7 Student loans Apply now for September 2015 Go to:

8 COME ALONG TO A REAL MOCK DEBATE AND HAVE YOUR SAY! YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE DEMOCRACY FIRST HAND!!!! Thursday 26 th February in the SEC between 2.10 pm – 4.20 pm In light of the significance of the EU in relation to the 2015 General Election, the Politics department will be hosting a mock debate exploring the consequences of the relationship between the UK and the EU. Two guest speakers from Civitas and the European Movement will debate the different perspectives of this key issue. All students are invited to attend the debate

9 Asian Film Show As a part of the Chinese New Year Celebrations Time : 12:40-13:40 9 th & 23 rd Feb. and 2 nd March Place : E18

10 The clinic will run EVERY TUESDAY from 09.30 to 11.30 & offers:  Contraception  Emergency contraception  Condoms  Chlamydia screening  Sexual health advice  Relationship issues

11 Need Careers Advice? Not sure which path to take after Brock? Make an appointment with Rachel to explore your options Go to ebrock – Next steps – Careers Advice, email Rachel or make an appointment via divisional

12 11th February 9.45 - 15.00 Email:

13 RENEW YOUR EXAM ARRANGMENTS now! @ Skills Development Upstairs in the LRC



16 Are you determined, self motivated, reliable, good at listening and committed to making changes for young people? Would you like to represent young people in Hampshire? If so, why not become a Youth Voice Representative for Hampshire County Council? We are looking to recruit two young people - a male and a female - to act as Youth Voice Representatives. The role is all about being able to interact with young people in Hampshire and allow them to engage with active participation to shape services, as well as improve the co-ordination between young people and the decisions that are made by the County Council. To apply for the role, you will need to be 16 to 21 years old, or up to 25 with special needs, and a school leaver. You will have current or previous experience as a representative for young people in Hampshire. The position is voluntary, for one year, starting in April 2015. You will be able to work around any other commitments such as work, college, university and family. We will pay your travel expenses and provide a rail warrant so you can get where you need to be. As you will be representing Hampshire’s Children’s Services Department, it is important that a good standard of behaviour is maintained in the working environment. This includes being tolerant towards everybody and not discriminating against anyone. To request an application pack, email your name, address and contact number to or call 01962 845877. Applications must be submitted by Friday 6 March 2015. Interviews will take place in March, in Winchester.

17 Brockenhurst College Lunar New Year Celebration 2015 Invitation Time: 11:00-15:00 Friday, 13 th February, 2015 Location: Foyer at Brockenhurst College Activities:  Chinese performance (details see next week notice) (two sessions: 11:30-12:00; 13:40-14:10)  Calligraphy writing – English name translate into Chinese  Asian Origami  Vietnam Culture Display  Chopstick competition  Kongfu tea demonstration  Authentic Chinese food taste  Confucius Classroom work display  … More details to be followed next week!

18 For more information on news and events, including Apprenticeship Opportunities and past Bulletins please visit eBrock.

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