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Quoi de Neuf?* Leveraging Things and People as Sensors for Smart Cities Animesh Pathak Project-team MiMove Inria Paris-Rocquencourt BIS 2014 June 19, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Quoi de Neuf?* Leveraging Things and People as Sensors for Smart Cities Animesh Pathak Project-team MiMove Inria Paris-Rocquencourt BIS 2014 June 19, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quoi de Neuf?* Leveraging Things and People as Sensors for Smart Cities Animesh Pathak Project-team MiMove Inria Paris-Rocquencourt BIS 2014 June 19, 2014 * ’ssup?

2 The Internet of Things (IoT) Connecting the physical world with the virtual world Leveraging sensing and actuation capabilities embedded in Things Increasing number of mobile Things with many benefits => mobile IoT - 2

3 Mobile IoT: Illustrating scenario 3 Wind-chill in Paris?  How to measure wind-chill?  How to know they are in Paris?  Wind-chill sensor?  Location sensor? ? ? ! So many devices ! Diverse types ! Unknown availability ! Incomplete measurements Service Oriented Middleware ! Coarse grained data Focus: -On-demand -Discrete -Sensing/actuating requests

4 Key Challenges of the Mobile IoT Heterogeneity (Representation) Different Things, different data types Ultra Large Numbers Millions of Things, large volumes of data Dynamic Environment Mobile Things, short-life span 4

5 More likely to not register Enough coverage Design Rationale -Do not register redundant Things to reduce number -Set coverage threshold Managing Scale: Probabilistic Registration Centralized Approach Compute decision at registry as search problem Using global displacement knowledge But computation time increases linearly 5 Decentralized Approach Compute decision on Thing Estimate displacements of registered nodes using mobility models Constant computation time Jardin des Tuileries ✔

6 6 Managing Scale: Probabilistic Look-up Candidate Thing Selected Thing

7 Probabilistic Look-up: Normal distribution 7 r3r3 D max Lookup controls participation of Things X r1r1 r2r2 r4r4 Candidate Thing Selected Thing

8 Moving on… to moving in the city - 8 Photo:

9 Transport: in Europe - 9 Photo: Animesh Pathak

10 Transport: This is what “Smart” means now - 10 Photo: ParisByTrain Photo: Anjali Sharan

11 Transport: This is what “Smart” means now - 11 Photo: ParisByTrain Photo: SNCF/Android Photo: DMRC/AppStore Photo: Anjali Sharan Same info, smaller screen!

12 … but there are more things to do! - 12

13 Our Inspiration: Connected Things, Smart Cities, Mobile Citizens - 13

14 Scenario 14 A football match just ended and the train station is crowded. Charlie is going to Alice’s place with his son and he does not want to catch the Metro 7 if it is crowded. Photo: Reuters Photo: Dailymail

15 Idea: Participatory Sensing, for Mass Transit - 15 Like Waze, but for the Metro, Bus, RER…

16 TravelDashboard: Participatory Sensing for Urban Transport - 16 EIT ICT Labs Ambientic Inria Thales ALU UCL Systematic

17 Prototype: TravelDashboard Paris - 17

18 Prototype: TravelDashboard Paris (2) 00 MOIS 2011 - 18

19 Meanwhile in London… new incentives! - 19

20 and now… a short video… - 20

21 Back to Paris… and to industrial adoption! - 21

22 from Passenger to Operator… - 22

23 and now… another short video… - 23

24 3cixty Platform (2014-) Platform for comprehensive view for city travelers Uses Traveldashboard capability. Provides preference based inputs to the user by querying related data. Customizable platform 24

25 - 25 Incentives Financial Ego-centric Altruistic Democratic Physical and Social KB Participatory Sensing Social Sensing Social-semantics- based access-control policies Personalization Citizens Opportunistic Sensing Needed: Algorithms and protocols for incentive and privacy

26 Recognition and Future Directions Awarded the “Prix Mashup” (€2500) at the RATP OpenDataLab in May 2013 Led to appearance on TVFIL78 evening programming Federated Social Networking Privacy policies for mobile social networks Incentive Mechanisms How to encourage people to share their inputs Project “Sarathi”, and Inria Lab CityLab ( Tackling smart-city challenges in Europe, India, and the Silicon Valley! - 26

27 MERCI! Members of MiMove@Inria (previously known as ARLES) Especially Sara Hachem The TravelDashboard and 3cixty project partners

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