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Selected Health, Safety & Environment Issues F. VAN HOUTE (CPIV/EDG) ICF Technical Exchange Conference Waterford/Ireland 13-14 October 2002.

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1 Selected Health, Safety & Environment Issues F. VAN HOUTE (CPIV/EDG) ICF Technical Exchange Conference Waterford/Ireland 13-14 October 2002

2 Contents 1)Worker Exposure OEL for Lead OEL for Crystalline Silica OEL for Noise 2)Consumer Exposure and Environment Traceability Lead Release into Water Other (Boron Risk Assessment)

3 Worker Exposure: OEL for Lead I 8 September 2000: SCOEL recommendation for new OEL for lead 30µg/dl (70 µg/dl), 100 µg/m3 (150 µg/m3), justification unclear (why 30 µg/dl?) Procedure: 6-months period for scientific/socio- economic comments, Commission proposal, codecision (revision of 1982 directive on binding OEL for lead) Comments/lobbying prepared by Eurométaux (EU non-ferrous metals association) Socio-economic comments: questionnaire prepared (lead/users) on the impact of 30/40/50 µg

4 Worker Exposure: OEL for Lead II 2 scientific reports: by independent expert (Prof. Bernard, UCL/B), and by industry experts >>Conclusion: No justification for common blood level, for 30 µg for men, for identification of neurobehavioural effects on the basis of OEL (May 2001) Socio-economic reports: reports by Eurométaux, Eurobat, ILZSG (lead and zinc study group) General conclusion: for men 50 could be reached, 40 if necessary within at least 5 years, no change for lead in air

5 Worker Exposure: OEL for Lead III OEL to be integrated into the new EU Chemicals Policy, currently in discussion at EU level National intiatives: F (40 µg/dl by 2006), D (55 µg/dl by 2003, 40 µg/dl by 2006), Italy (60 µg/dl by 2002/3), Scandinavia (50 µg/dl), Cz (40) etc. Time schedule: final SCOEL recommendation (January 02), ACSHH, socio-economic comments (October), Commission proposal for legislation Not on EU priority list, staff changes Common lobbying: Commission, ACSHH, EP, national level, possible CPIV/EDG actions

6 Worker Exposure: OEL for Crystalline Silica I Background: 1996 IARC evaluation of inhaled crystalline silica (quartz, cristobalite) as a carcinogen. Scientific Evidence? 1998: Council asks Commission to prepare OEL, SCOEL starts working. But not a priority substance for classification. Basis: Chemicals Directive or Carcinogens Directive Review by advisory bodies, national initiatives in EU countries planned?

7 Worker Exposure: OEL for Crystalline Silica II 20 June 2002: SCOEL recommendation OEL should lie below 0.05 mg/m3 Document open for comments till 31/12/02 (first scientific comments, socio-economic comments later) Final recommendation for autumn 2003, then Commission proposal, codecision procedure EUROSIL action: socio-economic survey (feasible limits), questionnaire to user industries at national level Possible action at CPIV level

8 Worker Exposure: OEL for Noise Proposal for a Directive on Physical Agents (1993) split into separate proposals: vibration (1999), noise (2000, repealing 1986 directive) Noise: 1st proposal: new action values:85 (90) dBA, 80 (85) dBA, hearing protection allowed Council Common Position, Parliament readings (2 nd reading reducing action values to 85 and 80 dBA, limit to 87 with hearing protection) Position Paper (no justification for revision, limits too low, no hearing protection unacceptable) Conciliation talks started early September

9 Consumer Exposure: Traceability I 2001:Proposal for amendment of Dir 89/109/EEC on food contact articles to include « traceability » EU Commission (Dr. Rossi) asked EUPC to prepare guidelines on traceability practices, to be attached to the revised Directive All articles in contact with foodstuffs concerned, compulsory marking considered… EUPC working group, lobbying (proportionality), preparation of industry practical guide (including 1-page practices in container glass industry)

10 Consumer Exposure: Traceability II EDG Lobbying against compulsory marking (eco., technic. difficult, design); position (with FEVE) on impact on multiple-use articles…. Latest amendment: obligation to identify only « businesses », raw materials ‘where appropriate’ Industry Practices Document: delivered in March, adapted in July, new broader document for all sectors (guidelines, not prescriptive practices) Timetable: Commisson proposal (recast) expected in November, codecision (Parliament/Council lobbying needed)

11 Other Issues: Lead in Water Water Framework Directive (2000): lead classified as « priority substance under review (‘01) », Commission to determine by end 2002 if all emissions of lead to water to be phased out by 2020 2 reports prepared (lead fact sheet by TNO, lead- related risks to health/environment by consultant) Commission to ask CSTEE for opinion (due for June, delay), Faunhofer report on methodology to set criteria expected soon Final decision possibly delayed

12 Other Issues: Boron Since 1999 boron is assessed by the Commission (A), based on hazard: possible classification as carcinogenic Industry task force set up with IMA (risk assessment) Questionnaire to collect information from producers/end-users (worker exposure, use, waste, emissions to water…) External expert to analyse the data but process blocked (lacking data, New Chemicals Policy)

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