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Joints Joints - Articulation Classified –Extent of their function –Degree of movement –Structure - based on the presence or absence of joint cavity and.

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2 Joints

3 Joints - Articulation Classified –Extent of their function –Degree of movement –Structure - based on the presence or absence of joint cavity and supporting tissue.

4 Joints Classified by Movement Synarthrosis - Immovable joint - generally fibrous joints. Amphiarthrosis - Limited movement - generally cartilaginous joints. Diarthrosis - Freely movable - generally synovial joints.

5 Fibrous Joints Lack joint cavity Lack fibrous connective tissue Generally immovable in adults Types –Suture –Syndesmoses –Gomphoes

6 Fibrous Joints Suture - tight union - movement rarely occurs. Skull bones Syndoesmoses - bones are close together but not touching, held together by collagenous fibers or ligaments. Radius & Ulna. Gomphoses - peg and socket. Tooth

7 Suture Joint Movable in children Immovable in adults Only in skull

8 Syndesmoses Joints Bones close together but not touching Held together with collagenous fibers. Example –Inferior tibiofibular –Ulna & Radius

9 Gomphoses Joints Fibrous joint made up of a peg and socket. Example - teeth

10 Synarthrodial- Immovable Joint Fibrous

11 Cartilaginous Joints Bones united by a plate of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilaginous disk Lack joint cavity Permits little or no movement Examples –Synchondrosis - epiphyseal –Symphysis - pubis, manubriosternal, invertebral joints

12 Cartilaginous Joints Synchondrosis- Temporary joint composed of hyaline cartilage joining diaphysis and epiphysis. Symphysis - Bony surfaces bridged by flattened plates and disks of fibrocartilage.

13 Amphiarthrodial - Cartilaginous Joints

14 Synovial Joints Most of permanent joints Allows the greatest range of movement Ends of bones are covered with smooth catilage. Lubricated and nourished by thick fluid called synovial fluid Has a joint cavity

15 Synovial Joints - Diarthrosis 4 essential structures of synovial joints Synovial Cavity - has a space between the two articulating bones. Articular cartilage Articular capsule - lines the synovial cavity and outer layer of capsule. Ligaments

16 Synovial Joints Types –Hinge –Pivot –Condyloid –Gliding –Saddle –Ball-and Socket

17 Types of synovial joints Hinge - elbow Pivot - radioulna joint Condyloid (modified ball-and-socket) knuckle joint except the thumb. Gliding - vertebrae, carpal and tarsal Saddle - Thumb Ball-and-socket - shoulder, hip

18 Pivot Joint

19 Condyloid Joint

20 Ellipsoidal

21 Ball and Socket

22 Joints When things go Wrong!

23 When things go WRONG! Arthritis - inflammation of the joint Osteoarthritis - degenerative arthritis, wear and tear arthritis, most common. Rheumatoid arthritis - most debilitating form of chronic arthritis, involves inflammation of the synovial membrane. Gouty arthritis - Gout, metabolic disease resulting in needle-shape crystals

24 When things go WRONG! Bursitis - inflammation of one or more bursae Dislocation - 2 articulating surfaces become separated. Sprain - tearing of ligaments that follows the sudden wrench of a joint.

25 Fetal Surgery

26 Power Point Club foot (1) Flat feet 296pg (1) Bunion (1) Corns (1) Fractures 299-300 pg (11) Curvatures of spine 303-304 pg (3)

27 TEST Chapter 7,8,9 Names of bones Types of bones - long, short, etc……(pg.230) Definitions of joints - match typed of joints (pg.312) Diseases and abnormalities - definitions. Bones with features; foramen,ridges ( Worksheets) Articulations Axial and appendicular skeleton. Types of fractures - comminuted, compound, greenstick, impacted. (pg. 299) Facts about bones!! STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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