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Biomechanics of Work Chapter 11. NIOSH Report & Others 500,000 workers suffer overexertion injuries each year 500,000 workers suffer overexertion injuries.

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1 Biomechanics of Work Chapter 11

2 NIOSH Report & Others 500,000 workers suffer overexertion injuries each year 500,000 workers suffer overexertion injuries each year 60 % involve lifting and lower back. Compensation & indirect costs total $27 – $56 Billion (1991). 60 % involve lifting and lower back. Compensation & indirect costs total $27 – $56 Billion (1991). 10 % involve upper extremities (fingers, hand, wrists, arms, & shoulders) due to cumulative trauma disorders (1987) 10 % involve upper extremities (fingers, hand, wrists, arms, & shoulders) due to cumulative trauma disorders (1987)

3 Musculoskeletal System Bones (206) & connective tissues Bones (206) & connective tissues –Tendons – fibrous connective tissues connecting muscles to bones –Ligaments – fibrous tissues that keep articulate joints in place –Cartilage – translucent elastic tissue –Fascia cover body structures separating one from another Muscles (400) – composed of bunches of muscle fibers, connective tissue, & nerves. Muscles (400) – composed of bunches of muscle fibers, connective tissue, & nerves. –Only body tissue that can expand or contract when fired by a nerve impulse. –Long cylindrical cells. –Force is dependent on cross section of bundle

4 Biomechanical Models Fundamental Basis (Newton’s laws) Fundamental Basis (Newton’s laws) 1.Mass remains in uniform motion or at rest until acted on by an unbalanced force. 2.Force is proportional to the acceleration of a mass 3.Any action is opposed by reaction of equal magnitude Static equilibrium Static equilibrium –Sum of all external forces on object equal zero –Sum of all external moments must equal zero

5 Single-Segment Planer, Static Model

6 Single-Segment Planer, Static Model (cont.) W = mg W is weight in newtons m is mass in kilograms g is gravitational constant (9.8 m/s 2 ) W = 20kg X 9.8 m/s 2 = 196 N W load on each hand = 98 N W forearm & hand = 16 N  (forces at elbow = 0) = - 16 N – 98 N + R elbow = 0 R elbow = 114 N   moments at elbow = 0) = (- 16N) (.18 m) + (- 98N) (.36m) + M elbow = 0 M elbow = 38.16

7 Two-Segment Planer, Static Model

8 Low Back Biomechanics of Lifting

9 Low Back Biomechanics of Lifting (cont.) M load & torso = W load x h + W torso x b Where: h – horizontal distance from load to L5/S1 disk b – horizontal distance from center of mass of the torso to the L5/S1 disk M back-muscle = F back-muscle x 5(N–cm)   moments at L5/S1 disk = 0) F back-muscle x 5 = W load x h + W torso x b F back-muscle = (W load x h + W torso x b)/5 Assume h = 40 cm & b = 20 cm then F back-muscle = 8W load + 4W torso Assume W load = 300 N or 30kg (75lb) & W torso = 350 N (80lb) then F back-muscle = 3800 N or 388kg (855lb)

10 NIOSH Lifting Guide RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x Cm

11 NIOSH Lifting Guide (cont.) RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x Cm

12 NIOSH Lifting Guide Example

13 LI = Lifting Index

14 Manual Materials Handling Material Handling Devices (MHDs) Material Handling Devices (MHDs) –Located as close as possible to body –Located about thigh or waist high –Don’t locate large packages close to the floor (30 inches optimum) –Minimize torso twist –Minimize frequent lifting per work period

15 Reducing Asymmetric Multiplier

16 Reducing Vertical & Horizontal Multipliers

17 Seated Work Chair Design

18 Disk Pressure Measurements in Standing & Unsupported Sitting

19 Common Forms of Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) Tendon-related – in repetitive work muscles steel blood from tendons & inflammation results Tendon-related – in repetitive work muscles steel blood from tendons & inflammation results Neuritis – repetitive work in awkward positions irritate & damage nerves Neuritis – repetitive work in awkward positions irritate & damage nerves Ischemia – tingling/numbness caused by lack of blood flow Ischemia – tingling/numbness caused by lack of blood flow Bursitis – inflammation of a bursa (sac containing synovial or viscous fluid) Bursitis – inflammation of a bursa (sac containing synovial or viscous fluid)

20 CTDs of Certain Joints of the Extremities & Remedies Finger – vibration-induced white fingers (Raynaud’s syndrome) Finger – vibration-induced white fingers (Raynaud’s syndrome) Hand & Wrist – Carpal tunnel syndrome Hand & Wrist – Carpal tunnel syndrome Elbow – tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) & telephone operator’s elbow Elbow – tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) & telephone operator’s elbow Shoulder – Tasks requiring hands & arms above the shoulder cause rotator-cuff irritation, swimmer’s shoulder, or pitchers arm and can result in injury Shoulder – Tasks requiring hands & arms above the shoulder cause rotator-cuff irritation, swimmer’s shoulder, or pitchers arm and can result in injury Evaluate & redesign tasks that cause CTDs. Understand that certain worker populations are more predisposed to these injuries Evaluate & redesign tasks that cause CTDs. Understand that certain worker populations are more predisposed to these injuries

21 Wrist Bending Implications

22 Hand Tool Design 1. Do not bend the wrist 2. Shape tool handles to assist grip 3. Provide adequate grip span –Accommodate sex differences 4. Provide finger & glove clearances –Accommodate sex differences

23 Hand Tool Design

24 Grip Strength Male/Female

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