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Got Technology? Karen Harrell, Librarian Book.

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Presentation on theme: "Got Technology? Karen Harrell, Librarian Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Got Technology? Karen Harrell, Librarian Book Trailers:  Read Book  Fill in Graphic Organizer on book  Review book trailers  Brainstorm words, thoughts, feelings about book  Create a storyboard  Find the photos, music  Create the movies, photos, music as needed  Put together in iMovie  Share – post to school tube, web page Video Memoirs  Mini lesson on memoirs  Share memoirs  Write a memoir  Create a storyboard/graphic organizer/outline to plan out video memoir  Video tape - where? Length?  Put in several memoirs to make a timeline  Share – post to school tube, webpage Apps for Creativity  Videolicious – quick and easy videos on an ipad with camera – e-mail to self  Stamp It!- Take a photo or find a photo on-line, “stamp” a word on it, save it on photo roll – then e-mail  Color Effects – take a photo and make everything black & white except for the one thing you want in color.  Pic Stitch – Take photos from album and crop, edit, change colors export back to album – can be e-mailed out to use. Got Technology? Karen Harrell, Librarian Book Trailers:  Read Book  Fill in Graphic Organizer on book  Review book trailers  Brainstorm words, thoughts, feelings about book  Create a storyboard  Find the photos, music  Create the movies, photos, music as needed  Put together in iMovie  Share – post to school tube, web page Video Memoirs  Mini lesson on memoirs  Share memoirs  Write a memoir  Create a storyboard/graphic organizer/outline to plan out video memoir  Video tape - where? Length?  Put in several memoirs to make a timeline  Share – post to school tube, webpage Apps for Creativity  Videolicious – quick and easy videos on an ipad with camera – e-mail to self  Stamp It!- Take a photo or find a photo on-line, “stamp” a word on it, save it on photo roll – then e-mail  Color Effects – take a photo and make everything black & white except for the one thing you want in color.  Pic Stitch – Take photos from album and crop, edit, change colors export back to album – can be e-mailed out to use.

2 Tips and Tricks with ipads/Apps  Get “Apps Gone Free” Free apps every day. Great way to try some of the apps that cost.  Check Kathy Schrock’s guide for Apps – updated often – has some good information  Search for PRODUCTIVITY Apps – these are ones that the students can use to create things  Know how to take screen shots  Set up an e-mail to export information/photos quickly.  Tinker with the ipad…visit with colleagues  Houston Chronicle Monday edition – Apps in STAR section Productivity Apps  MagicSketch – several ways to write, type, draw on a pad and share via e-mail as pdf file  Job’s napkin – take notes, draw – to export take a screen shot and save in album..e-mail out as necessary  Sticki – Make lists – great for brainstorming – can do different colors of sticki – export by e-mail or take a screen shot Apps for fun:  Kindle Reader/Kindle Cloud - Use with Pixel of Ink to build a library of e-books (make sure account is not to a credit card)  Drums – all kinds of drums. Students use for effects during presentations.  Piano - allows you to play music. Students use this in movies or as part of their enjoyment. Have yet to discover how to save and export with free version. Sites to check on: 29 Just start researching!!!!! Tips and Tricks with ipads/Apps  Get “Apps Gone Free” Free apps every day. Great way to try some of the apps that cost.  Check Kathy Schrock’s guide for Apps – updated often – has some good information  Search for PRODUCTIVITY Apps – these are ones that the students can use to create things  Know how to take screen shots  Set up an e-mail to export information/photos quickly.  Tinker with the ipad…visit with colleagues  Houston Chronicle Monday edition – Apps in STAR section Productivity Apps  MagicSketch – several ways to write, type, draw on a pad and share via e-mail as pdf file  Job’s napkin – take notes, draw – to export take a screen shot and save in album..e-mail out as necessary  Sticki – Make lists – great for brainstorming – can do different colors of sticki – export by e-mail or take a screen shot Apps for fun:  Kindle Reader/Kindle Cloud - Use with Pixel of Ink to build a library of e-books (make sure account is not to a credit card)  Drums – all kinds of drums. Students use for effects during presentations.  Piano - allows you to play music. Students use this in movies or as part of their enjoyment. Have yet to discover how to save and export with free version. Sites to check on: 29 Just start researching!!!!!

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