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Lesson 4 Preventing and Overcoming Abuse How can you protect yourself from an abusive relationship? Identify abusive behaviors and learn how to protect.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 Preventing and Overcoming Abuse How can you protect yourself from an abusive relationship? Identify abusive behaviors and learn how to protect."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lesson 4 Preventing and Overcoming Abuse How can you protect yourself from an abusive relationship? Identify abusive behaviors and learn how to protect yourself from abuse.

3 Lesson 4 Describe types of abuse and responses to abusive situations Develop healthy strategies that help prevent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse Determine the legal and ethical ramifications of harassment, date rape, and sexual abuse In this lesson, you will learn to: Lesson Objectives

4 Lesson 4 What Is Abuse? Abuse affects both males and females of all ages. Unlike many other forms of violence, abuse is most common between people involved in close relationships.abuse Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse are illegal. Types of Abuse

5 Lesson 4 Physical Abuse Physical abuse includes behaviors such as slapping, punching, kicking, biting, shaking, beating, or shoving another person.Physical abuse Often, the person inflicting abuse tries to make the victim feel deserving of the mistreatment. Such behavior is not only physically harmful to the victim, but also harmful to the mental/emotional health of everyone involved. Types of Abuse

6 Lesson 4 Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that attacks an individual’s emotional development and sense of worth. Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse may be used to gain a sense of power over another person or to make victims feel that they deserve to be punished. Emotional abuse may serve as a warning of future physical abuse. Types of Abuse

7 Lesson 4 Types of Emotional Abuse Name-calling, hurling insults, and yelling in a threatening way are all forms of verbal abuse.verbal abuse Such abuse harms the victim’s mental/emotional health by making the person feel stupid, worthless, or helpless. Following a person, making repeated phone calls, and destroying property are common stalking behaviors.stalking Victims are often made to feel anxious, nervous, and unsafe. Verbal Abuse Stalking Types of Abuse

8 Lesson 4 Abuse in Dating Relationships Sometimes teen victims may accept abuse as part of a relationship. Some teens mistake dominant treatment by a girlfriend or boyfriend as an expression of caring. True caring involves kindness, gentleness, and respect, not control and abuse. Dating Violence

9 Lesson 4 What would you do? A. Intervene B. Call 911 C. It’s none of my business

10 Lesson 4 Signs of an Unhealthy Dating Relationship Expressions of jealousy Attempts to control a partner’s behavior Use of insults or put-downs to manipulate a partner Use of guilt to manipulate a partner Dating Violence

11 Lesson 4 Date and Acquaintance Rape Often, a victim of rape knows the attacker, for example, in cases of date rape It is important to apply healthy strategies that prevent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse such as date rape. Another form of rape, called acquaintance rape, occurs when someone known casually or considered a friend forces a person to have sexual intercourse. Dating Violence

12 Lesson 4

13 Alcohol, Drugs, and Date Rape Research shows that alcohol use is involved in as many as two thirds of date-rape cases involving teens and college students. In recent years, the drugs GHB and Rohypnol have also become common in date-rape cases. These drugs are sometimes placed in a victim’s food or drink without that person’s knowledge. The victim who consumes the substance may black out, becoming an easy target for rape. Dating Violence

14 Lesson 4 Protecting Yourself from Date-Rape Drugs Avoid the use of alcohol or other drugs, as well as situations where these substances are present. Pair up with a trustworthy friend to keep tabs on each other. Get your own beverage at parties, keep the beverage container covered, and never leave it unattended. Dating Violence

15 Lesson 4

16 Reporting Abuse It is important for people who have suffered abuse or rape to remember that they are victims and have not done anything wrong. All forms of abuse, including rape, are illegal and should be reported to authorities, as this may help prevent future abuse. Overcoming Abuse

17 Lesson 4

18 Help for Victims If you or someone you know is raped, call law enforcement officials immediately. Next, seek medical attention and be sure to get tests for pregnancy, STDs, and HIV infection. These actions may help prevent further illness or injury and may provide physical evidence that will be useful in the conviction of the rapist. Overcoming Abuse

19 Lesson 4 Help for Child Abuse Victims In cases of child abuse, counseling is available and recommended for both the abused child and his or her parents or guardians. With help, most people can recover from the trauma of abuse, violence, or rape. However, the recovery requires patience and time. Overcoming Abuse

20 Lesson 4 Sources of Help for Victims of Abuse or Rape Overcoming Abuse

21 Lesson 4 The Cycle of Violence Help for Abusers Often, individuals who abuse others were themselves victims of abuse. This is one reason why the cycle of violence may continue from one generation to the next. Abusers need intense counseling to succeed at breaking this harmful cycle.

22 Lesson 4 Strategies for Long-Range Prevention of Abuse Provide parents and prospective parents with opportunities to learn about family life, child development, and parent- child relationships. Provide counseling for all victims of abuse and violence. People convicted of abuse are required to participate in treatment programs conducted by mental health professionals. Help for Abusers

23 Lesson 4 Quick Review True False Q. Verbal abuse involves the use of words to mistreat or injure another person. Such abuse can harm the victim’s mental or emotional health by making the person feel stupid, worthless, or helpless. Choose the appropriate option.

24 Lesson 4 Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question. A. True. Verbal abuse involves the use of words to mistreat or injure another person. Such abuse can harm the victim’s mental or emotional health by making the person feel stupid, worthless, or helpless.

25 Lesson 4 Quick Review Q. Which of the following are some signs that indicate an unhealthy dating relationship? 1.Expressions of jealousy 2.Attempts to control a partner’s behavior 3.Use of insults or put-downs to manipulate a partner 4.All of the above

26 Lesson 4 A. 4. All of the above Signs that indicate an unhealthy dating relationship include expressions of jealousy, attempts to control a partner’s behavior, the use of insults or put-downs to manipulate a partner. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

27 Lesson 4 Quick Review True False Q. Date rape occurs when one person in a dating relationship agreeably negotiates with the other person to participate in sexual intercourse. Choose the appropriate option.

28 Lesson 4 A. False. Date rape occurs when one person in a dating relationship has sex with the other without obtaining consent. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

29 Lesson 4 Quick Review True False Q. Healthy strategies such as clearly defining boundaries can help a person prevent the physical, sexual, and emotional violence of date rape. Choose the appropriate option.

30 Lesson 4 A. True. Healthy strategies such as clearly defining boundaries can help a person prevent the physical, sexual, and emotional violence of date rape. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

31 Lesson 4 End of Lesson 4 Click Home to view the Main menu.

32 Lesson 4 A. Correct! Verbal abuse involves the use of words to mistreat or injure another person. Such abuse can harm the victim’s mental or emotional health by making the person feel stupid, worthless, or helpless. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

33 Lesson 4 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

34 Lesson 4 A. Correct! Signs that indicate an unhealthy dating relationship include expressions of jealousy, attempts to control a partner’s behavior, the use of insults or put- downs to manipulate a partner. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

35 Lesson 4 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

36 Lesson 4 A. Correct! Date rape occurs when one person in a dating relationship has sex with the other without obtaining consent. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

37 Lesson 4 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

38 Lesson 4 A. Correct! Healthy strategies such as clearly defining boundaries can help a person prevent the physical, sexual, and emotional violence of date rape. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

39 Lesson 4 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

40 Lesson 4 Unlike many other forms of violence, abuse is most common between people involved in close relationships.abuse Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse are illegal. What Is Abuse? Abuse affects both males and females of all ages. Abuse is the physical, mental/emotional, or sexual mistreatment of one person by another. Types of Abuse

41 Lesson 4 Physical abuse includes behaviors such as slapping, punching, kicking, biting, shaking, beating, or shoving another person.Physical abuse Often, the person inflicting abuse tries to make the victim feel deserving of the mistreatment. Such behavior is not only physically harmful to the victim, but also harmful to the mental/emotional health of everyone involved. Physical Abuse Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of bodily harm or injury on another person. Types of Abuse

42 Lesson 4 Types of Emotional Abuse Name-calling, hurling insults, and yelling in a threatening way are all forms of verbal abuse.verbal abuse Such abuse harms the victim’s mental/emotional health by making the person feel stupid, worthless, or helpless. Following a person, making repeated phone calls, and destroying property are common stalking behaviors.stalking Victims are often made to feel anxious, nervous, and unsafe. Verbal Abuse Stalking Verbal abuse is the act of using words to mistreat or injure another person. Types of Abuse

43 Lesson 4 Types of Emotional Abuse Name-calling, hurling insults, and yelling in a threatening way are all forms of verbal abuse.verbal abuse Such abuse harms the victim’s mental/emotional health by making the person feel stupid, worthless, or helpless. Following a person, making repeated phone calls, and destroying property are common stalking behaviors.stalking Victims are often made to feel anxious, nervous, and unsafe. Verbal Abuse Stalking Stalking is the repeated following, harassment, or threatening of an individual to frighten or cause him or her harm. Stalking is the repeated following, harassment, or threatening of an individual to frighten or cause him or her harm. Types of Abuse

44 Lesson 4 Often, a victim of rape knows the attacker, for example, in cases of date rape It is important to apply healthy strategies that prevent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse such as date rape. Another form of rape, called acquaintance rape, occurs when someone known casually or considered a friend forces a person to have sexual intercourse. Date and Acquaintance Rape Date rape occurs when one person in a dating relationship forces the other person to participate in sexual intercourse. Dating Violence

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