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“Common Sense” By Thomas Paine. Common Sense Thomas Paine Born in England 1737 Settled in Pennsylvania with a letter from Benjamin Franklin and became.

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Presentation on theme: "“Common Sense” By Thomas Paine. Common Sense Thomas Paine Born in England 1737 Settled in Pennsylvania with a letter from Benjamin Franklin and became."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Common Sense” By Thomas Paine

2 Common Sense

3 Thomas Paine Born in England 1737 Settled in Pennsylvania with a letter from Benjamin Franklin and became an editor of a Pa. magazine. Private in the army under Gen. Washington Died in NYC 1809 and buried in New Rochelle

4 Publications 1. Common Sense 2. The Crisis 3. The Rights of Man 4. The Age of Reason

5 Thomas Paine “ Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil…”

6 Common Sense Pamphlet published on January 10, 1776* *Same day with the arrival of King George III’s speech on the open rebellion on the crown. Sold over 120,000 copies w/i first 3 months. First document to openly ask for independence* *Written in response to the battles at Lexington and Concord the previous year.

7 Argument 1. Advocates for outright independence 2. Created a common cause---liberty. Section 1: History of mankind with themes from John Locke’s theory on the social contract. Section 2. Paine attacks the principle of monarchy. Section 3. Focuses on the American colonies and justification for breaking from England.

8 Argument Section 4. Paine discusses the strength of the colonies and the need to declare independence.

9 “An Island can be ruled by a continent, but an island rule a continent?”

10 “Laws are enacted by people as they like, however Americans cannot do this. They must settle with the laws enacted by the King, to his liking”.

11 “A Republic is the best form of government because no State will strive for superiority”.

12 “ America is a supplier and ship builder for Britain. Why not build our own fleet?”

13 Now is the time! Fewer Americans = more available land. As time goes on the the King will give it to his “worthless dependents” for loyalty and support.

14 Arguments for Independence: “We must be in a state of rebellion in order to be recognized by foreign nations”.

15 “Three ways we will gain independence; by legal voice in Congress; by military power; or by a mob.”


17 C-Span on Paine

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