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Small Group Timer beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless.

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2 Small Group Timer

3 beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless  quietly  fairness  cheerful  painful  anxiously  thoughtfully  cautiously  tardiness  breathless

4  anxiously  bay  blizzards  channel  chipped  melody  supplies  surrounded  symphony More Words to Know  neighboring  waterproof  yelping  field biologist  poachers  salt marsh

5  Monday Monday  Tuesday Tuesday  Wednesday Wednesday  Thursday Thursday  Friday Friday

6 Question of the Day How can people help animals that are in danger?

7  Build Concepts  Generalize  Answer Questions  Build Background  Vocabulary  Fluency: Accuracy and Appropriate Pace/Rate  Present, Past, and Future Tenses  Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less  Helping Animals

8 Fluency: Accuracy and Appropriate Pace/Rate

9  Listen as I read “Fiddler Crabs to Rhinos.”  As I read, notice the speed I read.  Be ready to answer questions after I finish.

10  What generalization does the author make about summer in the Philadelphia area?  Who or what caused the deaths of so many black rhinos in Africa?

11 Careers Threats Environments Helping Animals

12 Generalize Answer Questions: Pages 354 - 355

13 Whales


15  anxiously – uneasily; with fear of what might happen  bay – a part of a sea or lake partly surrounded by landbay  blizzards – blinding snowstorms with very strong, cold windsblizzards  channel – a body of water joining two larger bodies of waterchannel

16  chipped – to cut or break off a small thin piece of somethingchipped  melody – a pleasing or easily remembered series of musical notes; tune  supplies – the food and equipment necessary for an army exercise, camping trip, and so onsupplies

17  surrounded – shut in on all sides; encircled; enclosedsurrounded  symphony – a long, complicated musical composition for an orchestrasymphony

18  neighboring – nearby  waterproof – shedding water; a material that does not let water penetrate itwaterproof  yelping – crying out; dog barking

19  field biologist – an expert in the study of life and living things who spends a lot of time outside where animals or organisms live or growfield biologist  poachers – people who hunt or fish illegally  salt marsh – low-lying watery ground near the ocean or other bodies of salt watersalt marsh  Next slide Next slide











30 Grammar: Present, Past, and Future Tenses

31  beautyful blew whales lives in the cold ocean waters  Beautiful blue whales live in the cold ocean waters.  theyre the bigest animals in the world  They’re the biggest animals in the world.

32  That is the voice of Narna, the whale.  The dog stopped short.  But you will know the way home.  The verb in the first sentence is in present tense.  The verb in the second sentence is in the past tense.  The verb in the third sentence is in future tense.

33  Verbs can show when an action happens. This is called tense.  Different verb tenses have different forms.  Many present-tense verbs end in –s.  Form the past tense of many verbs by adding –ed.  Add the helping verb will to a verb to make it a future-tense verb.

34  Present Tense: A fish jumps out of the pond.  Past Tense: The boy pulled the fish in on a line.  Future Tense: The boy will toss the fish back into the water.

35  When a verb ends with e, drop the e before adding –ed: close – closed  When a one-syllable verb ends with one vowel followed by one consonant, double the final consonant before adding –ed: hop – hopped  When a verb ends with a consonant followed by y, change the y to i before adding -ed: cry - cried

36  A whale calls to other whales.  present  The whale will use the sound’s echo.  future  A whale’s flukes move up and down.  present

37  The whale will glide through the water.  future  The whale breathed through the blowhole on its head.  past  Ice trapped the whale in the bay.  past

38  Tough skin (covers, will cover) the whale’s body. present  covers  The whale (slips, will slip) through water. Future  will slip

39 Spelling: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less

40 beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless  quietly  fairness  cheerful  painful  anxiously  thoughtfully  cautiously  tardiness  breathless

41 Question of the Day What did Glashka’s people need from the whales and other sea animals in order to survive?

42  Context Clues  Generalize  Answer Questions  Draw Conclusions  Vocabulary  Fluency: Choral Reading  Present, Past, and Future Tenses  Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less  Life Cycles of Animals  Helping Animals

43 Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Pages 356 - 357

44 A Symphony of Whales Pages 358 - 367

45 Fluency: Accuracy and Appropriate Pace/Rate

46  Turn to page 365.  As I read, notice the pace I’m reading—not too fast and not too slowly.  Together we will practice doing three choral readings of page 365.

47 Grammar: Present, Past, and Future Tenses

48  sled dogs was helfull in the cold climate  Sled dogs were helpful in the cold climate.  the dogs’s owner spoke to them quitely  The dogs’ owner spoke to them quietly.

49  Verbs can show when an action happens. This is called tense.  Different verb tenses have different forms.  Many present-tense verbs end in –s.  Form the past tense of many verbs by adding –ed.  Add the helping verb will to a verb to make it a future-tense verb.

50 Spelling: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less

51 beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless  quietly  fairness  cheerful  painful  anxiously  thoughtfully  cautiously  tardiness  breathless

52 Question of the Day What other kinds of music might the whales respond to that the people did not try?

53  Generalize  Answer Questions  Vocabulary  Fluency: Accuracy and Appropriate Pace/Rate  Present, Past, and Future Tenses  Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less  Helping Animals

54 A Symphony of Whales Pages 368 - 375

55 Fluency: Accuracy and Appropriate Pace/Rate

56  Turn to page 366.  As I read the first two paragraphs, notice my reading rate.  Together we will practice doing three choral readings of page 366.

57 Grammar: Present, Past, and Future Tenses

58  kelly hopped she would see whales on her trip to hawaii  Kelly hoped she would see whales on her trip to Hawaii.  last year they visit friends near the pacific ocean  Last year they visited friends near the Pacific Ocean.

59  Verbs can show when an action happens. This is called tense.  Different verb tenses have different forms.  Many present-tense verbs end in –s.  Form the past tense of many verbs by adding –ed.  Add the helping verb will to a verb to make it a future-tense verb.

60  Using present, past, and future tenses tell readers exactly when an action happened.  The whales will return to warm water in the winter.  By using the future tense in this sentence, the writer tells readers that the action will happen in the future.

61 Spelling: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less

62 beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless  quietly  fairness  cheerful  painful  anxiously  thoughtfully  cautiously  tardiness  breathless

63 Question of the Day What reasons would you have to learn another animal’s language?

64  Spellings of/j/, /k/, /s/  Expository Nonfiction/Text Features  Reading Across Texts  Content-Area Vocabulary  Fluency: Partner Reading  Present, Past, and Future Tenses  Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less  Sound

65 Science in Reading: He Listens to Whales Pages 376 - 379

66 Fluency: Accuracy and Appropriate Pace/Rate

67  Turn to page 366.  With a partner, practice reading aloud the first two paragraphs three times.  Read with accuracy and at an appropriate reading pace.

68 Grammar: Present, Past, and Future Tenses

69  yesterday the whales will appear on the beech  Yesterday the whales appeared on the beach.  some will returned to the water safly  Some will return to the water safely.

70  Verbs can show when an action happens. This is called tense.  Different verb tenses have different forms.  Many present-tense verbs end in –s.  Form the past tense of many verbs by adding –ed.  Add the helping verb will to a verb to make it a future-tense verb.

71  Test Tip:  You may be asked to identify the tense of a verb in a sentence.  Remember that a verb that has no ending or ends with –s and has no helping verb is a present tense verb.  A verb with –ed is a past tense verb.  A verb with the helping verb will is a future tense verb.

72 Spelling: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less

73 beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless  quietly  fairness  cheerful  painful  anxiously  thoughtfully  cautiously  tardiness  breathless

74 Question of the Day How can people help animals that are in danger?

75  Build Concept Vocabulary  Generalize  Context Clues  Present, Past, and Future Tenses  Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less  Outlining/Summarizing  Helping Animals

76  Sometimes when you read ideas about several things you can see how they are alike in some way.  You can make a general statement about all of them together.  Clue words such as most, many, all, or few signal generalizations.

77  The setting is the time and place in which a story takes place.  The setting can be very general or very specific.  Setting can affect many elements of a story, including the characters, the plot, and tone, or mood.

78  Looking at visual details like the illustrations can tell us a lot about where and when a story takes place.  Visualizing, or picturing, the setting in our heads as we read helps us understand the events in the story.

79  You can use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.  List any unknown words you find as you read “A Symphony of Whales.”  Create a chart showing the unknown word, helpful context clues, and the definition of the word based on its context.  Use a dictionary to check the meaning.

80 WordContext CluesMeaning

81  I climbed tiredly into bed and turned off the light.  What is the base word in tiredly?  Often suffixes like -ly change how the base word is used; for example, tiredly describes an action; it answers the question how.

82  finally  helpless  beautiful  kindness  hopeless  helpful  quickly  happiness  Her blindness did not stop her from being able to read and write.  The new boy from France was friendless, so Abigail kindly asked him to sit with her at lunch.  It was a plentiful harvest, and we were all thankful.

83  We studied the sounds /j/ (g, j, dge), /s/ (c, s), and /k/ (c, k, ck, ch).  Look at these words.  judge, cage, lock, sauce, badge, fork, Chris, jab, citation, juice, lake, germs  Which words have the /j/ sound?

84  We studied the sounds /j/ (g, j, dge), /s/ (c, s), and /k/ (c, k, ck, ch).  Look at these words.  judge, cage, lock, sauce, badge, fork, Chris, jab, citation, juice, lake, germs  Which words have the /j/ sound?

85  We studied the sounds /j/ (g, j, dge), /s/ (c, s), and /k/ (c, k, ck, ch).  Look at these words.  judge, cage, lock, sauce, badge, fork, Chris, jab, citation, juice, lake, germs  Which words have the /j/ sound?  Which words have the /k/ sound?

86  We studied the sounds /j/ (g, j, dge), /s/ (c, s), and /k/ (c, k, ck, ch).  Look at these words.  judge, cage, lock, sauce, badge, fork, Chris, jab, citation, juice, lake, germs  Which words have the /j/ sound?  Which words have the /k/ sound?

87  We studied the sounds /j/ (g, j, dge), /s/ (c, s), and /k/ (c, k, ck, ch).  Look at these words.  judge, cage, lock, sauce, badge, fork, Chris, jab, citation, juice, lake, germs  Which words have the /j/ sound?  Which words have the /k/ sound?  Which words have the /s/ sound?

88  We studied the sounds /j/ (g, j, dge), /s/ (c, s), and /k/ (c, k, ck, ch).  Look at these words.  judge, cage, lock, sauce, badge, fork, Chris, jab, citation, juice, lake, germs  Which words have the /j/ sound?  Which words have the /k/ sound?  Which words have the /s/ sound?

89  suggest  Geneva  icicle  trudge  synchronize  cellular  genius  chronological  century  tackle  jury  machine  Jake donated generously to the school food drive.  A chronic illness can often be treated but not cured.  Abby helped mom trim the hedge.  The principal only had to tell the class to be quiet once.  Kate found herself in a real pickle.

90  An outline is like a guide, or a plan, for written work.  A summary is a statement of the most important ideas about a topic or text. You can summarize what you read and learn.  An outline is a way to organize ideas in a summary. An outline shows main ideas and details.

91  An outline can be used to put information together from two or more sources.  Outlines go from general to specific information following a format that uses Roman numerals, capital letters, and Arabic numerals.

92 Grammar: Present, Past, and Future Tenses

93  cant whales here sounds underwater  Can’t whales hear sounds underwater?  a whale blow water from it’s spout  A whale blows water from its spout.

94  Verbs can show when an action happens. This is called tense.  Different verb tenses have different forms.  Many present-tense verbs end in –s.  Form the past tense of many verbs by adding –ed.  Add the helping verb will to a verb to make it a future-tense verb.

95 Spelling: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -ness, -less

96 beautiful  beautiful  safely  kindness  finally  spotless  worthless  illness  helpful  daily  suddenly wireless  wireless  quietly  fairness  cheerful  painful  anxiously  thoughtfully  cautiously  tardiness  breathless

97 Spelling City:  Spelling Words Spelling Words  Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words  Other Vocabulary Words Other Vocabulary Words

98  Story test › Classroom webpage, › Reading Test  AR › Other Reading Quizzes › Quiz #

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