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“A Dispensation of Rest Pt.2” There are is a rest that remains for the people of God. The scriptures tell us to labor to enter into this rest. This is.

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Presentation on theme: "“A Dispensation of Rest Pt.2” There are is a rest that remains for the people of God. The scriptures tell us to labor to enter into this rest. This is."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Dispensation of Rest Pt.2” There are is a rest that remains for the people of God. The scriptures tell us to labor to enter into this rest. This is called the Father’s rest and it can only be revealed through the Son of God. We must be willing to follow the lamb wherever he goes. It is a humility rest that is revealed in God’s teh-home deep…. Hebrews 4:1-3, Hebrews 4:9-11

2 Hebrews 4:1-3 (KJV) Hebrews 4:1-3 (KJV) 1 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. 2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. 3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

3 Hebrews 4:9-11 (KJV) 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

4 Raw-bats’ to crouch (on all four legs folded, like a recumbent animal); by implication to recline, repose, brood, lurk, imbed :- crouch (down), fall down, make a fold, lay, (cause to, make to) lie (down), make to rest, sit. This is the rest of the Lamb of God where we must labor to enter into…

5 Two type of rest Son- rest Given to us Father- rest Labor to enter

6 What is our dispensation? Dispensation means God’s divinely appointed time, age and order, it also means stewardship, a home distributer, a fiscal agent or treasurer… Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV) 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ephesians 1:10 (KJV) 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

7 Enter into his rest? My rest is contingent upon my journey… We go through dispensations of change… Genesis 1:2 Teh-home means an abyss (as a surging mass of water), especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water- supply) :- deep (place), depth. God’s earth was without form and void… – Without form meaning worthless, vain, void and confusion… – Void means an undistinguishable ruin…

8 God sends light Light (ore) means illumination or to illuminate, happiness and it means a clear day… Jesus is called the day star that arises within our hearts. – 2 Peter 1:19 – Malachi 4:2 I need this light to know the humility rest and to enter into that rest at the marriage supper of the lamb…

9 The marriage supper of the lamb Luke 14:8-11 (KJV) 8 When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; 9 And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. 10 But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. 11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

10 Conclusion God is preparing us for the marriage supper of the Lamb… The trials of life seem to be more that we can bear but this is how we obtain the rest that God has purposed… We must keep laboring, working and pressing towards the mark for the prize…

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