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Named GP for Safeguarding Adults and Children

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Presentation on theme: "Named GP for Safeguarding Adults and Children"— Presentation transcript:

1 Named GP for Safeguarding Adults and Children
A Health Perspective Dr Ali Robins Named GP for Safeguarding Adults and Children

2 Disabled child………….. When to be concerned… What to do with concerns…
Why do we sometimes get it wrong… 2

3 OR …………………..

4 A child or young person with a disability …………

5 Children and young people with….

6 Abuse…….. 3.8 times more likely to experience physical abuse
3.1 times more likely to experience sexual abuse 3.9 times more likely to experience emotional abuse 3.8 times more likely to suffer neglect. (DofE 2009; Sullivan and Knutson,2000)

7 Compared with non-disabled peers
Lower educational attainment Poorer access to health services Poorer health outcomes More difficult transition to adulthood Treasury/DfES Policy Review of Children and Young People (2007)

8 Home and school……. Poverty Bullying Excluded (70% SEN )

9 Legislation and guidance
Adoption and Children Act 2002 The Children Act 1989 The Children Act 2004 The Protection of Children Act 1999 The Human Rights Act 1998 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child The Data Protection Act 1998 (UK wide) Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need & their Families Sexual Offences Act 2003 NICE CG89 Child Maltreatment Guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013 CQC 4 LSCB Policies and Procedures



12 Failure to meet child’s basic needs, allowing to be exposed to danger
Types of Abuse PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL NEGLECT SEXUAL Hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, suffocating, poisoning, including factitious or induced illness Child made to feel worthless, afraid, unloved, inadequate, developmentally inappropriate expectations imposed Failure to meet child’s basic needs, allowing to be exposed to danger Forcing/enticing child to take part in sexual activities, may involve physical contact, or production of pornographic material 12

13 Risk Factors Not offered same protection – not believed
Poor education – body /sex Isolated – physically, and socially More likely to spend time in care – vulnerable to abuse Limited mobility and ability to communicate Require help with personal / intimate care Subject to inequality of power Browne K, Davis C, Stratton P, (Eds) “Safeguarding children” NSPCC 2000

14 Any Questions?

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