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Dysfunctional Families Objective: The SWBAT prove causes why families are dysfunctional and find ways to improve their relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Dysfunctional Families Objective: The SWBAT prove causes why families are dysfunctional and find ways to improve their relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dysfunctional Families Objective: The SWBAT prove causes why families are dysfunctional and find ways to improve their relationships.

2 The Dysfunctional Family (review) Ideal Family –  Has the skills needed for loving responsible relationships Dysfunctional Family –  Lacks skills to be successful and functional in healthy ways Family Continuum –  All families fall somewhere between ideal and dysfunctional on the family continuum

3 Causes of Dysfunctional Families Chemical Dependence –  Compelling need to take a drug even though it harms the body, mind or relationship (drug addiction) Other Addictions –  Eating disorders, perfectionism, workaholic  Addiction to: exercise, gambling, nicotine, relationships, shopping, TV, thrill seeking Perfectionism –  Need to be accurate, parents overly critical of themselves and their children (begin to feel inadequate & insecure)

4 Causes con’t Violence –  Physical force to injure, damage or destroy oneself, others, or property  DOMESTIC VIOLENCE = occurs within family (physical/sexual abuse) Physical Abuse –  Harmful treatment that results in physical injury to the victim Emotional Abuse –  Putting down another person and making that person feel worthless

5 Causes con’t Neglect –  Failure to provide proper care and guidance Sexual Abuse –  Sexual contact that is forced on a person Abandonment –  Removes oneself from these whose care is one’s responsibility (parents who abandon their children are not available for them) Mental Disorders –  Mental or emotional condition that makes it difficult for a person to live in a normal way

6 What caused this family to become dysfunctional??? Check off on your notes which causes fit the profile. Intervention – The Alcoholic:

7 Codependent Relationships Person denies their feelings and begins to cope in harmful ways

8 Self-check questions (see your worksheet) Can you recognize codependence? What would you do if you knew someone who was codependent on another?

9 Behaviors & feelings of codependent people: 1.Try to fix others problems 2.Are people pleasers 3.Hide anger 4.fear abandonment 5.Resists authority figures 6.Are very controlling 7.Withdraw from protection 8.Deny feelings 9.Are overly responsible 10.Have low self-esteem

10 Codependent people may have trouble with intimacy. Intimacy = private, personal, closely acquainted

11 Sides of codependent people who have trouble with intimacy - OBSESSION  Constantly want to please a person ENMESHMENT  Person’s needs become so important that you overlook your own needs & eventually lose your own identity AVOIDING  Avoid intimacy by choosing relationships that offer little or no chance for closeness

12 How to improve dysfunctional family relationships: 1. Individual Therapy:  Skilled therapist works one-on-one with codependent  He/She assist the person in discovering how much of what he feels and believes was shaped by dysfunctional families

13 How to improve dysfunctional family relationships: 2. Group Therapy:  Skilled therapist works with a group of people to help them learn healthful ways to express feeling and relation to others  Practice new ways of relating within the safety of the group

14 How to improve dysfunctional family relationships: 3. Recovery Programs:  Group supports members to change behavior  Make individuals behave in a responsible manner AA= recovery program for people who have alcoholism - Al-Anon = program for individuals who have friends or family members who are alcoholics – Al-Ateen = teens that have a family member or friend with alcoholism -

15 Relationship Quiz Next Class… 15 point quiz Matching & short answer questions Quiz is on:  intro. to relationships power point notes  healthy relationships/family traits handouts  dysfunctional relationships power point notes

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