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Presented by Karen Porter UM School of Business Administration & Website Development Basics

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Karen Porter UM School of Business Administration & Website Development Basics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Karen Porter UM School of Business Administration & Website Development Basics

2 Website Development Process The 3 legged stool Technical Design Marketing Why so many websites are “failures” 12 important “steps” to website success

3 Step 1: Site Objectives Know where you are headed and why? Making sales of products Developing leads Capturing email addresses for a mailing list Earnings from Adsense / affiliate programs Etc… Develop your goals

4 Step 2: Determine Demand Important if you are building a revenue site Is there sufficient interest in your topic? Is there potential for enough traffic to return a positive ROI on your time and monetary investment? Likely won’t apply to most of you here

5 Step 3: Keyword Research What is a keyword? Identifying best keyword vital to getting found “Best” keywords: Sufficient search volume to bring site traffic Not too much competition (need to find words that have a good chance of ranking well) More on keywords later…

6 Step 4: Competitive Review What are your main competitive sites? Which keywords are they trying to optimize? What are they not doing well? You can capitalize on things they are missing After doing keyword research: Visit sites that are ranking well for best keywords Visit those sites’ ‘source code’ to “sleuth”

7 Step 5: Build a Site Map Identify number of pages your site needs To cover content you need To leverage “hot” keywords Select primary navigation tabs What visitors are most likely to want to find Align your best keywords to main nav pages Organize secondary pages under primary tabs

8 Building Out Your Site Map Planning your navigation Identify all pages you KNOW you need on your site Home page, About page, Contact page, Products page(s), Location info a map (if applicable), etc. Identifying pages to leverage keywords Build pages to get found by popular keywords Create a Site Map (navigation plan) Align a primary keyword to each applicable page

9 Site Map Example

10 Step 6: Develop Page Blueprints This is your outline for each website page Goals Primary keyword Proposed URL extension Proposed page title Proposed page description Proposed content (bullet points / outline only) Proposed photos, graphics, other “additions”

11 Why Page Blueprints? Helps organize your thoughts Helps identify where your keyword is used Helps you know where you have sufficient content and where you still need more Written content Graphics, photographs, charts, maps, etc. See sample blueprint page on website Dermatology EMR page (sample)

12 Step 7: Copywriting Use page blueprints to develop copy Ideally 250+ words per page Keyword used 1-2% density (1 - 2 times per 100 words) Use keywords in subtitles Use keywords in photo titles and alt tags One anchor text keyword is ideal

13 Step 8: Graphic Design NOW we’re ready to make the site “pretty” Select a theme that works well with your website goals Use colors and style consistent with your overall branding Do not use excessive flash Make sure site is consistent with offline look/feel The “F Factor” – where visitor eyes go

14 Step 9: Build Out the Site Develop the site by incorporating all the above Set up all pages and organize Add necessary and desired optional plugins Install desired theme Add in copy, graphic elements, etc. Develop parallel mobile site (22% access) Ideal option is to use a “responsive” theme that automatically resizes theme to fit mobile devices

15 Steps 10-12: Marketing / Tweeking A word about SEO: 3 main types On-site (what we’ve been talking about) In-bound links Social validation SEO is NOT “set it and forget it” SEO is ongoing effort, especially with linking and social interactivity

16 Step 10: Off-site SEO Inbound linking Focus on links from “important” sites (PR 2+) Page rank of sites is like a Richter scale Link “exchanges” are worthless Takes time and patience Hiring “SEO” professionals can be dicey – many use tactics to rank you that can get your site in trouble with Google

17 Step 11: Site Promotion Site promotion goes beyond SEO Pay-per-click advertising (Google Adwords or Facebook) Online press releases Social media Email marketing Promote your online presence everywhere offline Other promotional tactics as applicable for your business and its unique goals

18 Step 12: Website Analysis Set up and use Google Analytics Monthly monitoring at a minimum Identify most visited pages Identify pages NOT being visited Know how long visitors are staying on your site Know what your ‘bounce rate’ is Know where you are getting your site visitors (organically, from PPC, referrals from other sites, etc) Explore other metrics that are important to your site

19 Selecting a Domain Name Generally best: business name or keyword is best extension (.net next),.us,.me,.name, etc. Avoid using dashes in domain name Shorter is better Easy to spell Avoid commonly confused words (two, to, 2, too) Avoid words people misspell Avoid “cutesy” variations (

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