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Instruments of Righteousness. What does WISDOM have to do with VOLITION?

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Presentation on theme: "Instruments of Righteousness. What does WISDOM have to do with VOLITION?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instruments of Righteousness

2 What does WISDOM have to do with VOLITION?

3 Volition volition: volition \vō- ˈ li-shən, və-\ n [F, fr. ML volition-, volitio, fr. L vol- (stem of velle to will, wish) + -ition-, -itio (as in L position-, positio position) — more at WILL ] 1615 1 : an act of making a choice or decision also : a choice or decision made 2 : the power of choosing or determining : WILL — volitional \- ˈ lish-nəl, - ˈ li-shə-n ə l\ adj

4 My Volition: My Responsibility

5 The Sermon on the Mount Character of the King: 5:3-12—Rulership and resolution The Subordinate Rulers: 5:13-16: Purpose and Ability The King and the Law: 5:17-20: Righteousness is the key.

6 v 13: Salt You are the salt of the earth But then if the salt should become foolish = insipid, by what means will it be made salty? Unto the goal of nothing is it capable anymore except being thrown out for the purpose of being trampled underfoot by men.

7 Salt Becomes Worthless 1.If the salt is no longer capable of fulfilling its purpose it is considered useless. 2.Therefore salt is defined for value in terms of its usefulness to the one who uses it. 3.Jesus Christ expects you to use your ability so that you will be effective in representing Him. 4.The profound union of ability and purpose in the words of Jesus require self-examination: Are you fulfilling your purpose of representing Him in righteousness?

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