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To 160 th Ave Church of Christ 160thavechurch. com.

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1 To 160 th Ave Church of Christ 160thavechurch. com


3 THE LANGUAGE OF ASHDOD: PROFANE/CORRUPT SPEECH Definitions: Corrupt: “of poor quality, bad, unfit for use, worthless” (Thayer, 640) “denotes that which is depraved, evil, contaminating, and may denote here anything that is obscene, offensive, or that tends to corrupt others.” (Barnes) A specific sense: The actual words/phrases we use Profanity /cursing (Eph. 4:29) Blasphemy/using the Lord’s name in vain (Rom. 2:24; Exod. 20:7) A general sense: The Subjects we talk about Does our language Identify us as Christians? (Eph. 4:29)

4 THE LANGUAGE OF ASHDOD: RELIGIOUS TERMINOLOGY Pastor Language of Ashdod: “a minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation.” Language of the Bible: those that meet the qualifications of 1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1 Elder/pastor/bishop/ shepherd used synonymously in Acts 20:17-18, 28- 30 “Church of Christ Christian/Denomination” Language of Ashdod: “What kind of Christian are you?” “I’m a church of Christ Christian.” Language of the Bible: “We are simply Christians” (Acts 11:16; 28:26) We Need to be Using Bible Words in Bible Ways

5 REMEDIES (NEH. 13:25-27) Persuasion and Discipline (vs. 25) them “Pull out hair Cut off influence(vs. 25) “made them swear by oath that they would not intermarry” Observation of Bad Examples (vs. 26-27) Solomon

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