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The Durham Eagles Athletic Association “Excellence through commitment. A commitment to education.”

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1 The Durham Eagles Athletic Association “Excellence through commitment. A commitment to education.”

2 . Four Durham Eagles proudly display their Academic Hall of Fame Certificates at their team banquet. Coach Dave Potter attends the 2006 Pop Warner Academic All-American banquet In Orlando, Florida with Eagles’ recipient, Johnnie Tabron. Eight Durham Eagles proudly display their Academic Honors Certificates at their team banquet. Academic All-American Wes Maloney thanks those who helped sponsor his trip to the 2007 Academic All-American banquet in Anaheim, California. Since 2001, Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. has recognized the Durham Eagles Athletic Association 50 times for their Pop Warner Regional Scholars and Academic All-Americans. Players must maintain an academic grade point average of 96 or above for the entire school year to be considered for these awards. A player’s involvement and contribution to his school, church and community is also taken into consideration for these honors. Only 2 percent of all Pop Warner players nationwide are named as recipients of these outstanding honors. Champions in the Classroom

3 In keeping with the Durham Eagles ultimate goal of having a lasting, positive impact on the lives of young people in our community, we proudly announce the formation of the DURHAM EAGLES ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP FUND The $1000 scholarship will be made available to all that qualify upon enrollment to any post-secondary institution. To qualify, a player must be a participating member of the Eagles program for 5 complete years. It is not a requirement that the 5 years be consecutive. A child may also earn the scholarship by participating for 3 years at the PeeWee, Junior Midget and Midget Division, with at least one year at the Midget Division. All players that meet the participation requirement will receive this award. There are no predetermined limits to the number of children that will receive the award in a given year. Once eligible, the players award will be reserved in their name until the DEAA is notified that the player has been accepted and enrolled at a post-secondary institution. The fund manager, Triangle Community Foundation (, will then forward the award to the financial aid office at that institution.

4 The Durham Eagles Pop Warner youth football organization was founded by Don and Bobetta Jones in 1994. The organization has grown under the Jones family guidance and has served over 3000 of Durham’s youth over the last decade. In 2008, the Durham Eagles Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization recognized the potential to link participation with, and commitment to, the Durham Eagles Athletic Association with a tangible reward and incentive to achieve higher education. The overwhelming majority of Durham Eagles athletes are minority and come from lower to middle-class environments. In keeping with the overall mission of DEAA, the Foundation recognized the possibility of providing a positive change in the lives of children by encouraging Durham Eagles athletes to excel academically and to begin to focus on the goal of graduating high school and pursuing a college degree. The Foundation feels strongly that this award not be based on athletic performance or outstanding physical qualifications, but rather on the perseverance and commitment of young athletes to pursue the disciplines and rugged, demanding physical and mental challenges that the game of football requires of its participants. The Eagles organization is long known for the quality and success of its teams with respect to wins and losses, but the foundation seeks to add a legacy that emphasizes and rewards outstanding performance of Durham Eagles players in the classroom.

5 The Goals of the Durham Eagles College Scholarship Fund Provide young athletes and their families with a long-term focus on successful academic performance, which would be required to ultimately redeem the college tuition scholarship they have earned. Provide incentive for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade boys (the highest “at risk” population) to continue to participate as a Durham Eagles athlete while in middle school which provides a safe and productive alternative to gangs, crime and otherwise unproductive after-school activity. In addition, Durham Eagles football teams require a 4-month, 4-day a week commitment of time while under the tutelage of strong male role models and while having grades and report cards monitored on a weekly basis by coaches. Affirm the athlete’s self-image and self-worth through their earning of a “scholarship” which is used for academic purposes, but was earned through athletic participation. Prioritize high school and eventually higher education as a future goal. Reward persistent and dedicated participation over a 5-year period.

6 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What kind of scholarship is this? An academic scholarship for college or any post-secondary educational institution. Who is eligible to claim the academic scholarship? All children who have participated in football with the Durham Eagles Athletic Association (DEAA) for five complete seasons, or three complete seasons at the PeeWee, Junior Midget, or Midget Division, with at least one of those seasons at the Midget Division. Who donated the seed money to establish the academic scholarship? Philanthropic efforts by the Durham Eagles Board of Directors made the original investment. Can anyone donate money to the academic scholarship fund? Yes. The Durham Eagles Foundation will accept donations from individuals and corporations that would like to help support this worthy cause. Is there a limit on the number of children who are eligible for the academic scholarship? There is no annual limit. Every child who meets the guidelines will receive the award. Does my child’s registration fee help to fund the academic scholarships? No. The academic scholarships are maintained separately by the Triangle Community Foundation. Only contributions that are made to specifically to the fund through the Triangle Community Foundation go to funding the academic scholarships.

7 If five years of participation is required to receive the academic scholarship, why can some children be eligible after having participated for only three years? Some children come to the Durham Eagles at a later age. While many children may begin their experience with the Eagles at the age of 5 or 6, some children first participate with the Eagles at the age of 12 or 13. How does my child become eligible for the academic scholarship? Once children complete their participation requirement and have met the guidelines, the scholarship will be issued to the post-secondary institution of their choosing upon enrollment. Does my child have to take the complete lump some all at once? No. If your child would like to spread the money over more than one year at the academic institution, it can be arranged. If my child leaves the DEAA before completing five years of participation, are they still eligible for the academic scholarship? Yes, if they return to the Eagles and meet the guidelines. Keep in mind that children must complete an entire season for the year to count. Quitting before the season has ended will negate that year of participation. Who is administering this academic scholarship? The Triangle Community Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization that connects philanthropic resources with community needs, creates opportunities for enlightened change, and encourages philanthropy as a way of life. They manage over $150,000,000 in charitable funds for the triangle community.

8 How much money will the child receive? Once accepted and enrolled at a post-secondary institution, $1000 will be forwarded to the financial aid office at that institution in the recipient’s name. How does the child claim the academic scholarship? Once the child has enrolled in the school, he or she notifies the DEAA of enrollment. When the enrollment has been verified, the Triangle Community Foundation will issue a check for the amount of $1,000 directly to that school. The money can be applied to the cost of classes, books, registration, etc. Is the academic scholarship interest-bearing? No, each recipient will receive $1000 at the time of distribution. If my child plays for two years and then no longer participates, can he return to the DEAA at a later date, fulfill the requirement and still be eligible for the academic scholarship? Yes. If my child takes a year or two off from the DEAA, does he lose the years he has already accumulated? No. Leaving the program will not cause your child to lose equity in the organization. If your child plays for three years and then takes two years off from football, they can return to the DEAA at a later date and resume accumulating the seasons required for the academic scholarship. The child does not have to “start all over again.” Why is the Durham Eagles Foundation making this academic scholarship available? The Foundation believes that a strong academic base is paramount to a child’s success in life. As such, this academic scholarship is consistent with the belief of the Mission Statement of the DEAA.

9 M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T “ E x c e l l e n c e t h r o u g h C o m m i t m e n t” The Durham Eagles Athletic Association is dedicated to creating an environment of discipline, self-respect and success to aid in the academic, athletic and social success of our student-athletes.

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