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T HE DURHAM SHARED MATHS PROJECT. Peer Tutoring and EEF CEM involvement in Peer Tutoring Fife and Vic’s research Educational Endowment Foundation.

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2 Peer Tutoring and EEF CEM involvement in Peer Tutoring Fife and Vic’s research Educational Endowment Foundation

3 Education Endowment Foundation Addressing educational inequalities DfE grant of £125m + other…… Fund projects that ‘should’ make a difference Must be properly evaluated The wider need for good evidence The Toolkit RCTs Phase 1 and Phase 2…….

4 W HAT IS SHARED MATHS ? A structured form of cross-age peer tutoring Older children tutor for younger tutees 2 year age gap Used with normal curriculum to support maths learning

5 T UTORING I N M ATHS Can increases maths knowledge Can raise confidence Can improve maths talk

6 M ATHS K NOWLEDGE Can improves both tutor & tutee maths knowledge Teach for 8 months, get between 11-15 months of gains compared to ‘normal’ maths teaching Particularly good for underachieving tutors

7 B UILDS CONFIDENCE Confidence in maths increases Significant increases in ‘self-concept’ Self-concept is related to higher maths attainment

8 P ROMOTES M ATHS T ALK Dialogic changes Significantly increases maths talk related to better maths outcomes (planning and questioning)

9 T HE S HARED M ATHS P EDAGOGY Structured mediation Does not rely on tutor knowledge Tutor gains confidence Interactions are tightly structured

10 T HREE S TAGES Understanding the question Finding an answer Finishing the question

11 P RAISE AND E NCOURAGEMENT A focus on praise and encouragement through the process, even for small steps in solving questions. Keep confidence high

12 O RGANISING S HARED M ATHS Year 3 & Year 5 (Y4 & Y6 by 2 nd year) 30 minute Shared Maths lessons 16 week block each year Year 3 teacher sets the questions from normal curriculum work Questions are at the appropriate level for each tutee

13 T HE R ESEARCH P ROJECT 4 LAs ~ 90 schools Randomised controlled trial Equal chance of being in Phase 1 or Phase 2 Schools will be randomly assigned to: Phase 1 - starting Shared Maths from Autumn 12 OR Phase 2 - starting Shared Maths from April 14 Baseline assessment InCAS – All schools September 2012 March 2014

14 S UPPORT F OR S CHOOLS CPD Manual Website Local Shared Maths Coordinator Training Mentoring Observation and feedback

15 C OORDINATOR R OLE CPD training sessions for teachers On-going support in person, by phone and email Observation of pupils and feedback to teachers Feedback to the Durham University team Liaison with Local Authority


17 T RAINING A RRANGEMENTS Session 1: Shared Maths Training November Year 3 and Year 5 teachers to attend Schools get £250 towards costs Continuing support in online forum, local groups Session 2: Advanced Tutoring Skills Twilight session (March 2013) Focus on social and communication skills

18 Any Questions?

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