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An Introduction to CEM Assessments in the Early Years Dr Chris Jellis Research Associate Durham University.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to CEM Assessments in the Early Years Dr Chris Jellis Research Associate Durham University."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to CEM Assessments in the Early Years Dr Chris Jellis Research Associate Durham University

2 What Assessments Does CEM Offer for the Early Years? ASPECTS –Nursery ages 3 – 4 PIPS Baseline and Follow-Up –Reception ages 4 -5 KS1 Baseline –Year 1 age 5 PIPS Baseline KS1 Baseline ASPECTS

3 PIPS Baseline and Follow-Up

4 PIPS Baseline, What is Covered? Maths –IAM, counting, numbers, simple sums Reading –IAR, letters, words, simple sentences Phonological awareness –Repeating words, rhyming words Attitudes


6 ASPECTS, What is Covered? Maths –Ideas about maths, counting, numbers Reading –Ideas about reading, letters, words Phonological awareness –Repeating words Motor Development (optional)

7 KS1 Baseline

8 A cut-down version of PIPS Baseline for schools who do not wish to assess in the Reception year Maths –Numbers, simple sums, more complex sums Reading –Vocabulary, letters, sentences Phonological awareness –Repeating words, rhyming words Attitudes

9 ASPECTS - Start Scores

10 ASPECTS - Start Scatter Graph

11 ASPECTS - Start and End Scores

12 ASPECTS - End Scatter Graph

13 PIPS - Scores Table

14 PIPS - Box and Whisker Plot 5040306070 Reading Maths

15 PIPS - Scatter Plot 11-Oct-02 Start of Year Standardised Total Score End of Year Standardised Reading Score Zen Yolanda Xavier Wendy Veronique Usworth Terry Stephen Richard Quentin Patricia Oliver Ned Mike Lucy Kalvinder Jeremy Ishmael Gilbert David Charlie Bethany Adam 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 2530354045505560657075

16 PIPS - Key Stage 1 Chances

17 KS1 - Scores Table

18 KS1 - Box and Whisker Plot

19 KS1 - Key Stage 1 Chances

20 Thank You For Your Time!

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