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PILLARS VLE The use of web 2.0 technologies and e-learning to deliver a region wide Information Literacy toolkit. Gayle Guthrie Information Skills Trainer.

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Presentation on theme: "PILLARS VLE The use of web 2.0 technologies and e-learning to deliver a region wide Information Literacy toolkit. Gayle Guthrie Information Skills Trainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 PILLARS VLE The use of web 2.0 technologies and e-learning to deliver a region wide Information Literacy toolkit. Gayle Guthrie Information Skills Trainer and Information Literacy Project Officer NHS County Durham Robin Warrilow IM&T Training Manager NHS County Durham

2 EBCAS Medical Terminology Map of Medicine Information Literacy Genetics Bespoke e-learning Gayle Guthrie – NHS County Durham & Darlington

3 23 77,000 2,600,000 Setting the scene – North East SHA

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8 900 degrees £62,000,000

9 Hear and see your contacts with Office Communicator Overview Information Literacy (IL) Skills are essential to underpin independent learning and training, and develop high quality evidence based healthcare delivery, in the modern knowledge economy. This project aims to promote a coordinated cross- organisational approach to IL training, by ensuring all NHS staff in North East NHS has access to appropriate blended resources, that are delivered locally and flexibly, and with the long term support needed to deliver these skills. Gayle Guthrie, Information Literacy Project Officer

10 Hear and see your contacts with Office Communicator Project Aims The development of a VLE (Moodle) to host the IL toolkit of online and blended training material. Mapping of learning resources to KSF dimensions (IK dimensions) to assist staff in constructing their personal development plans. Improvement in web and technical development skills of library and information staff to assist in the development of the toolkit resources. The development of a blended patch-wide approach to fully support users as they develop their IL skills. To develop partnerships with all relevant trainers and educationalists to promote and market the use of the VLE and to investigate the desirability of including other learning resources to support learners in developing other generic skill sets (including IT skills, study skills, numeracy, literacy, communication and management). Gayle Guthrie, Information Literacy Project Officer

11 Hear and see your contacts with Office Communicator Moodle Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It has become very popular among educators around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for their students. It has a significant user base with 49,256 registered sites with 28,177,443 users in 2,571,855 courses (as of February, 2009). Moodle has many features expected from an e-learning platform, plus some original innovations (for example its filtering system), it is modular in construction and can readily be extended by creating plugins for specific new functionality. Gayle Guthrie, Information Literacy Project Officer

12 Hear and see your contacts with Office Communicator Moodle Store: Files Webpage Folders Links Database LMS Package Portfolio Gayle Guthrie, Information Literacy Project Officer Communicate: Chatroom Forums Messaging Dialogue RSS Calendar Collaborate: Blog Wiki Glossary Social network Forum Database Lesson Workshop Evaluate: Grade Quiz Choice Assignment Scales Survey Ratings Gradebook


14 Logged in as… Multi language selection Homepage features…

15 PILLARS banner NHS North East, theme continued throughout site… Homepage features…

16 Open access (Guest) resources Homepage features…

17 Events (blended learning) Homepage features…

18 Welcome / General info box. Easily changeable, basic Word editor, insert swf, flv, jpeg, gif, png, etc. Homepage features…

19 Course categories and search box (Guest access to some sections)

20 Registration… Additional fields – reporting alongside Athens

21 Registration…

22 Resource types… PDF files

23 Resource types… WebPages

24 Resource types… SWF, FLV etc.

25 DEMOs…




29 Resources in Moodle…

30 Hear and see your contacts with Office Communicator Next Steps… Continued development of resources (reshoot demos, update pages, etc.) Open access (remove registration) (Aug-Sept 2010) NLMS trial (Sept-Dec 2010) NHS County Durham to host (late 2010) Training of participants (teachers/admin) in advanced use of Moodle and Adobe Captivate Collaboration and hosting of external resources Continued mapping of KSF dimensions (tagging resources) Development of support protocol for blended learning Gayle Guthrie, Information Literacy Project Officer

31 Hear and see your contacts with Office Communicator Thank You… Gayle Guthrie, Information Literacy Project Officer PILLARS – NHS North East

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