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Welcome to the Durham Media Center Mrs. Baker Mrs. Webb.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Durham Media Center Mrs. Baker Mrs. Webb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Durham Media Center Mrs. Baker Mrs. Webb

2 The Wildcat Way “Not for Ourselves, but for Others.” –James Oglethorpe Media Center Behavior Expectations LocationBe PreparedBe ResponsibleBe RespectfulBe ReceptiveBe Polite Media Center * Place your agenda (pass) on the circulation desk. * Have the necessary materials to complete your task. * Return items to the appropriate place. *Use materials/technology properly. *Check out materials before leaving. *Return items on or before their due date. *Always know where your library book is located. * Keep all candy, food and drinks out of the media center. * Speak quietly. * Push in your chair. * Throw away trash. * Walk slowly through the media center. * Remain quiet and attentive while the teacher/media specialist is speaking. * Read instructions first. * Listen politely and without interruption. * Only perform web searches allowed by the teacher/media specialist. * Be open to new and different ways of thinking and learning. * Greet the media specialist and/or media para- professional. * Say “thank you” when you are handed your book or other item.

3 When is the Media Center Open? Each morning from 8:30 – 8:50 with a pass from the teacher on café duty 8:50 – 9:25 with a pass from your homeroom teacher All day for use by classes

4 Where Do I Find Stuff? Media Center Arrangement – Books: Fiction & Nonfiction – Magazines – Reference Materials – Computers

5 What Does the Media Center Offer? More than 23,000 books: fiction, nonfiction, biographies, reference books & more Ebooks and audiobooks 34 Networked Computers Magazines Production Lab 2 staff members to assist you Cozy student-friendly seating areas

6 How Do I Check Out Items? Bring items to the circulation desk & provide your name Up to 2 books for as long as 3 weeks each + 1 magazine for up to 3 days Reference books (including World Records Books) may be checked out for 1 day

7 What if My Items are Late? You will receive a late notice in homeroom. Return the book(s) to the media center a.s.a.p. Book return available outside of the media center doors.

8 How Do I Find Items? Use Destiny, Cobb County’s Online Catalog – Accessing the catalog – Destiny Quest – Creating an account – Looking up materials

9 What Other Resources are Available? Cobb Digital Library – Encyclopedia – Magazines – Reference materials – Multimedia sources (i.e. images & audioclips) – Current issues – Science – Social studies

10 Now What?

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