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1838-1855. Outline LLord Durham- Durham Report NNew Governor General TThe Act of Union RRebellion Losses Bill RResponsible Government TThe.

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Presentation on theme: "1838-1855. Outline LLord Durham- Durham Report NNew Governor General TThe Act of Union RRebellion Losses Bill RResponsible Government TThe."— Presentation transcript:

1 1838-1855

2 Outline LLord Durham- Durham Report NNew Governor General TThe Act of Union RRebellion Losses Bill RResponsible Government TThe Atlantic Provinces

3 Lord Durham  Radical Jack  Sent by Great Britain to investigate the grievances that sparked the Rebellions  Stayed for 5 months  Composed the Durham Report

4 The Durham Report  Two recommendations The two colonies of Upper and Lower Canada should become one colony called the United Province of Canada The new united colony should have responsible government

5 1 st Recommendation  Uniting the two colonies would make an English majority A majority would be held in the Legislative Assembly  Ultimately to overwhelm and assimilate the French Canadians

6 2 nd Recommendation  That colonies have authority over their own internal affairs  The Executive Council members would be chosen by the leader of the largest group in the Legislative Assembly rather than by the Governor  The Governor would not take sides, but would sign into law any bills recommended by the Executive Council

7 Although it sounded radical, Durham was simply suggesting that the colonies be given the same parliamentary rights available to the citizens of Great Britain

8 Investigative Conclusions  Upper Canada Sourced the problem to an outdated colonial system and a haughty ruling elite  Lower Canada Conflict was divided along linguistic and cultural lines

9 Solution? Unite the two colonies into a single unit, and give the English-speaking people control of the newly named colony.

10 Act of Union-1841  Upper and Lower Canada are joined to become the United Province of Canada  It was hoped that the English-speaking members from both areas would unite and control the Legislative Assembly by having the majority of votes

11 ACT OF UNION, 1841

12 Rebellion Losses Bill-1849  This was the first test of responsible government  The bill was to pay for property damaged in Canada East resulting from the Rebellion of 1837  Canada West had already been compensated similarly

13 Opposition to the Bill  Tories (Family Compact + supporters) Felt the Rebels were traitors  Governor Elgin lacked support Nonetheless he was committed to the principle of responsible government and followed through with the wishes of the Legislative Assembly. The Bill passed.

14 R esponsible Government Canada WestCanada East Executive Council Legislative Assembly

15 The Atlantic Provinces  Nova Scotia First colony to receive responsible government 1847  New Brunswick 1854  Newfoundland Asked in 1846 Granted 1855  Prince Edward Island 1851

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