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Faculty Update October 12 th 2010 Faculty Update October 12 th 2010.

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1 Faculty Update October 12 th 2010 Faculty Update October 12 th 2010

2 High quality teacher education “Certain common elements can be identified from high quality teacher education programmes in the advanced knowledge- based economies (such as Sweden, Finland and the other Nordic States, the Netherlands, Canada and most of the established EU countries, and Japan).” Regulatory partnerships Recruitment and Programs Faculty Student Academic and Extended Services Learning and Information Management Continuous Professional Development Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

3 Conceptual and contextual Philosophical outlook Arab world citizenship through global education Strategic Drivers Student-centric Techno-centric High Quality Innovative Education System focused Core competencies Empowerment Grounded Engagement in Arabic Information values & Self responsibility tradition Ethical “ Teacher education of high quality has three distinct tasks. These are to uphold the values and principles of being a scientific education, to be a professionally relevant education with a highly developed regional mode of professional knowledge in its knowledge base and a means for the State to regulate and develop the national education (school) system according to a scientific language and practices (concepts and grammar).” Bagley, C., Beach, D. & Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

4 BTC Model Ministry of Education Schools Bahrain Teachers College University of Bahrain In advanced knowledge based societies.... “Teacher education is State regulated in respect of the aims of teacher education in order to guarantee the preconditions for a nationally equivalent high quality State education..... This implies a strong but not over-powering State bureaucracy of professionally educated administrators, researchers, policy analysts and policy developers.” Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

5 Recruitment and Programs “Access at all levels is competitive in the best institutions and is based not only on the successful completion of prior-level studies. Students will have to go through a rigorous selection process in order to obtain access. The clarity of the student’s expressed understanding of learning and research are attributed most importance in selection procedures not just their previous knowledge performances on tests and evaluations.” Programs 2011-2008 10-1109-1008-09 Bachelor of Education BEd Cycle 1 1672713 BEd Cycle 2 Arabic 5016 BEd Cycle 2 English 3925 BEd Cycle 2 Science & Math 5038 BEd (Vocational) 1850 Total18517192 Post Graduate Diploma in Ed. PGDE Arabic 705 PGDE ICT 22170 PGDE Biology 008 PGDE Chemistry 0016 PGDE Business 46370 PGDE Math 11020 PGDE English 192546 Total1057895 Continuous Professional Development ELP 565460 Cadre Modules5002820 Total55633660 Student Totals 1011585247 Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

6 Faculty Faculty Groups Total Number of Faculty % Full- Time Facult y % PhD Facult y Full- Time Part- Time Arabic & Islamic 40100% English Language111100%73% Education Foundation90100%89% Math and Science ICT131100% Education Psychology40100%75% Business & Vocational10100% Teaching Practice9190%30% Total5132%80% “All high quality teacher education institutions have well established procedures for the development of (local) staff skills, knowledge and competence within the professional knowledge base of general education or (subject) didactics and their pedagogical communication. These are highly regulated and monitored according to explicitly formulated and registered local policies. They will include the development of qualifications for teaching staff at Masters, Research Degree and post-Doc levels. “ Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

7 Faculty Scholarship “Teacher education institutions of high quality invariably have an extremely strong research culture that is highly relevant for the development of professional teaching competence and the professional knowledge base. The majority of staff are research active, attend research conferences and publish research papers in high quality peer reviewed journals ” Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

8 Student Satisfaction Surveys “Teacher education institutions of high quality have an emphatic level of student involvement in the planning and evaluation of courses and programmes, which is also monitored and evaluated. Students are highly organised in this respect.” Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

9 Student academic and Extended Services “High quality teacher education institutions.... must cooperate emphatically with the surrounding community (mainly its schools and education authorities but also other learning organisations in civic society and trade and industry).” Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7)

10 Learning and information Management Library Services Curriculum Resource Centre Distance Learning Faculty and staff professional development “Teacher education institutions of high quality will have a policy in place, established and tested over many years, for the use of and inclusion of advanced informational technology. This policy will normally be modified several times in line with developments in the field of informational technology and paradigms for its use value in educational processes. At most sites there will be active research in ascertaining the existing (and developing and testing) new use values for educational informational technology in relation to improving student learning.” Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p8=12)

11 Continuous Professional Development Context Roughly 12500 teachers, 200 headmasters and 400 deputy headmasters all with 90hrs of CPD per year 41 NIE developed CPD available modules A new performance management system Proposal MOE/BTC identify 100 fully bilingual teachers and administrators across all subjects and all levels of the career cadre BTC to create a 45hr module on CPD Leadership (first course of a 36ch MAT in CPD at BTC). Taught in English. Include two supervised CPD modules for 20 teachers and administrators in each class in the year. Taught in Arabic. “Teacher education institutions of high quality must have prepared students at basic level for advanced studies and at advanced level for research studies such that a continuous progression towards and access to researcher training/education in professional knowledge base knowledge areas is guaranteed. Nested programs of career long study are built into the plan.” Bagley, C., Beach, D. &Harris, T. (2008) Review of ECAE-Abu Dhabi. Durham University Report (p7-12)

12 Certified teacher (4) Certified teacher (5) Professional teacher (6) Senior teacher (7) Consultant teacher (8) BTC x CPD Teacher Track Standards Proposal 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EdD (60ch) CPD 270 hrs BTC 6ch MAT (36ch) CPD 270-1350 hrs CPD 270 hrs BTC 6ch Years Start Masters MED Specialist MAT Teaching and Learning MEd Leadership Start Doctorate EdD complete 12 PMS x CPD The Profession The Curriculum The Classroom The Community Professional Attributes Professional skills Subject matter knowledge  Doctoral Degree in Teaching and Learning from a recognized University.  Recognized Teaching Qualification  Minimum of 8 years continual teaching experience.  920 hrs PMS guided MOE CPD (5yrs x 90 hrs)  Minimum IELTS 7.0  Minimum APT Band 9  Bachelors Degree from a recognized University;  Recognized Teaching Qualification  Minimum IELTS (Academic) Band 6.5 for English curriculum instruction, (Academic) Band 5.5 for all other subjects required to be taught in English  Minimum Band 7 on the Arabic Proficiency test (APT) for Arabic Language curriculum instruction,  Band 6 for Islamic Studies, Band 6 for Majal 1 (Arabic and Islamic studies) and Band 5 for all other subjects to be taught in Arabic  Masters Degree in Teaching & Learning from a recognized University.  Recognized Teaching Qualification  Minimum of 5 years continual teaching experience.  450 hrs PMS guided MOE CPD (5yrs x 90 hrs)  Minimum IELTS 6.5  Minimum APT Band 8

13 Certified teacher (4) Certified teacher (5) Professional teacher (6) Senior teacher (7) Consultant teacher (8) Teacher track career path 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EdD CPD 270hr MAT CPD 270hr PGDE BEd Years EdD complete Start Doctorate MAT Teaching and Learning Start Masters Bachelors BTC MAT (CPD) Core Modules BTC’s CPD Teaching Fellows BTC Professors Mentor Teaching Fellows Master Training Course

14 Curriculum Modules Pedagogy Training Hours Professional Skills BTC MAT (CPD) Core Module BTC’s CPD Teaching Fellows MOE T and D 100 teachers with 20 teachers in a class with English at an IELTS 6.5 or equivalent BTC Professors Mentor Teaching Fellows Specialist Track Coordination BTC CPD Coordinator BTC Teaching Fellows Scheme Master Training Course Training Domains Primary Teacher Track Secondary Teacher Track School Leader Track EvaluationEthics 45 hrs 30 hrs 45 hrs21 hrs9 hrs

15 Dean Section Head Marketing and Public Relations Associate Dean Pre Service Programs Section Head Technology Coordinator Administrative Services Section Head Human Resources Section Head Assets Section Head Finance Student Extended Services Learning & Information Management Section Head Purchasing English Language Group Education Foundation Group Math and Science & ICT Coordinator PGDE Student Information Services Arabic & Islamic Group Head CPD Leadership Program Coordinator BEd Cycle 1- 2. Head B.Ed. Head Teaching Practice BTC Council Coordinator. CPD Leadership Program UoB Council MOE Education Psychology Group Coordinator. CPD Cadre Program Coordinator BEd Tech Ed BTC organizational structure Sept 2010 MOE/BTC Strategy MOE/BTC Coordination

16 Faculty Matters Workload is 40 hrs a week – 40% teaching x 16hrs (15) – 40% research x 16hrs (15) – 20% service x 8hrs (15) Conference leave – 4 x per year absence from campus with cover – BD1000 budget – Clearance through Research Committee and Deans office Faculty feedback on teaching – Student evaluations – Peer evaluations – Academic group head evaluations Schedules – x program x year Teaching Practicum – BTC methods and CS subjects Course development 2008-2010 Promises Workload and over load Conference leave Faculty feedback on teaching Schedules Teaching Practicum Course development

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