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Facilitating access to high end MNT Micro and NanoManufacture Networking Workshop Industrial Technologies 19 June 2012 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating access to high end MNT Micro and NanoManufacture Networking Workshop Industrial Technologies 19 June 2012 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating access to high end MNT Micro and NanoManufacture Networking Workshop Industrial Technologies 19 June 2012 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Susan Anso n

2 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 Discussion questions Are MNT‘s still relevant? How can emerging technologies be brought out of the Lab and into application? How can these technologies be encouraged to „emerge“ and develop so that they are relevant to the needs of Europe‘s end users? 2

3 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 3 Fact sheet of EUMINAfab 12 partners from 8 different countries EC funded; Grant Agreement no.: FP7-226460 March 2009 – February 2013 Total budget: 7.8 M€ Multimaterial micro and nano fabrication and characterisation Integrates a Capital investment > 200 M€ > 70 technological experts By June 2012 80 users,  1200 units of acess- value over 1,200,000€ Access is free of cost for public research Call 6 closes 30th June-  limited funds are still available

4 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 At the start  a MNT toolbox µ and nanostructuring Electron beam E-beam & SCIL Ion beam (Focus- sed cross beam) DPN Direct X-ray litho Laser technologies (e.g. ps, fs, surface texturation) Mechanical µma- chining (freeform) Photopolymeristn. Mastermaking process chain DRIE (Si, glass, SiO2) Thin film deposition PVD technologies (e.g. noble metals, DLC, nanocomposi- tes, metals, nitrides) Sole Gel: spin and dip coating Org. PVD (e.g. organic liquids & powders,oxides) CVD (metals, polymers, ceramics) Self Assembly (e.g. semiconductors, organic) Screen printing (e.g. metals, dielectrics) Optical Coating Replication µ injection moulding (e.g. polymers, metals, ceramics; small series) µ hot embossing (small series) Thermal imprinting & UV-NIL NIL process chain (UV photolitho, dry & wet etching) Characterisation HRTEM XPEEM X-ray tomography Auger Nanoprobe In situ synchrotron X-ray diffracto- metry (> 2010) AFM, conductive AFM Spectrophotometry /-radiometry Profilometry (e.g. low force contact mode & white light mode) µCMM Low force balance, ellipsometry Come with your request and use the technology available- expected time of User project 2-3 days

5 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 Technology solution provider 5 Mini-collaborative projects MNT fast developing new since 2012 – Laser Lithography, improved photonics and clean room facilities have been added to the portfolio by the partners

6 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 EUMINAfab- Benefitting Users Uni. Bulgaria, Host partner Cardiff National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania. Host partner TEKNIKER CENIMAT Host partner CRF Soleil Host partner KIT Polaric Host partner Philips The Morgan project Host partner Cardiff Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) Host partner KIT Bath University Host partner KIT University of Durham, Host partner TEKNIKER Trinean nv Host partner KIT Start up at TCD Host partner Philips SAUERESSIG GmbH + Co. KG Host partner TEKNIKER Molecular Sense Ltd Host partner Philips Solution provision for SME’s Experience for young researchers New ideas for mature researchers Technology platform for EU and national projects and infrastructures 6

7 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 Micro-nano technology platform – to application User projects are application focussed 7

8 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 Summary of achievements from EUMINAfab Created a common identity  „One for all and all for one approach“ among partners Opened transnational access so as to enable a „real world“ test bed for emerging technolgies Established niche of functional solution provider specializing in the design and creation of nano and micro structured components  Cross fertilisation of ideas  avoids divergent evolution of technologies at local sites Common platform for marketing and the exchange of knowledge  Enables in-roads into new user communities  Broader base of contacts for reaching users Increased mobility of researchers across Europe Developed an application approach for functional solutions using MNT  a step further than the technology tool box planned in the GA 8

9 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 EUMINAfab – Proposed continued development 9 Hub for knowledge based MNT functional solution provision Provide essential links in the innovation value chain

10 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology| Susan Anson: Industrial Technologies: Aarhus 19-21 June 2012 Thank you for your attention Discussion is welcome  Document avaialble for download +49 721 608 28103 10

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