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Pharmacy flu service Presented by Kate Birkenhead Public Health Commissioning Manager NHS England September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Pharmacy flu service Presented by Kate Birkenhead Public Health Commissioning Manager NHS England September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharmacy flu service Presented by Kate Birkenhead Public Health Commissioning Manager NHS England September 2014

2 Evaluation of 13/14 Programme NHS |2

3 Pharmacy flu service 13/14 105 (38%) pharmacies across DDT Most larger settlements covered High concentration of participating pharmacies in some towns (e.g. Stockton) But not all (e.g. Darlington) Service available throughout opening hours whenever trained pharmacist present NHS |3

4 Participating Pharmacies by Area Durham 55 (44%) Darlington 3 (13%) Hartlepool 10 (53%) Stockton 20 (49%) Middlesbrough 11 (37%) Redcar and Cleveland 6 (19%) Total: 105 (38%) NHS |4

5 Pharmacy flu service 13/14 Total vaccinations by pharmacies: 4,528 Total vaccinations by GP practices: 236,700 Pharmacy activity was 2% of total people vaccinated 10% of pharmacy patients not vaccinated in previous year ]5

6 Breakdown activity by risk group Over 6559% 18-64 at risk36% Pregnant Women2% Carers3% Higher percentage of ‘at risk’ groups vaccinated in Pharmacies. NHS |6

7 Pharmacy activity week by week: NHS |7

8 Pharmacy activity by weekday: NHS |8

9 Feedback Reasons for choosing pharmacy: Convenience: 72% Prefer pharmacy: 19% Unable to attend GP: 5% Pharmacists views Good use of their capacity Professional satisfaction and motivation Raised the profile of pharmacists NHS |9

10 14/15 Pharmacy Flu Programme NHS |10

11 Service aim To increase uptake of seasonal flu evaluation in key risk groups: 65 year olds and above, 18-64 year olds ‘at risk’, carers and pregnant women aged 18 years and above who are registered with a GP Practice within the DDT area. To increase patient choice and access To provide a service in addition the arrangements in GP practices NHS |11

12 Timescales This programme is to be delivered between 1 st October 2014 to 31 st January 2015, inclusive. Pharmacy contractors will be required to confirm their participation by 30 th September 2014. All training, contractual agreements and PGDs must be completed/signed before commencement of the service on the 30 th September 2014. NHS |12

13 Patient Eligibility Pharmacy staff will identify people who fall within the target groups and will encourage them to be vaccinated. Patients over 65 will require proof of age. Patients under 65 will require proof of eligibility. Carers will require evidence they are in receipt of carers allowance. Pregnant Women- self identification acceptable A fully informed consult must be obtained prior to vaccine administration. NHS |13

14 Administration: Post Vaccination Pharmacists must ensure that the medical records held by the patients GP are kept up to date with regard to the Flu Immunisation. The details of patient vaccination should be added to PharmOutcomes on a daily basis and ensure it reaches the GP practice within 2 working days. Patient Feedback- Every client should be given the opportunity to provide feedback. NHS |14

15 Payments Total £12.00 per vaccination given. Payment will be authorised and processed on submission of the Claim Form via PharmOutcomes. A claim form should be forwarded by 5 th December 2014 for the first claim period (1/10/14-30/11/14) via PharmOutcomes. A claim form should be forwarded by the 20 th February 2015 for the second claim period (1/12/14-31/01/15) via PharmOutcomes. Payment will not be made for submissions or amendments received after 20 th February 2015. NHS |15

16 Summary Evaluation from last year informed the commissioning decision of the Area Team Low uptake of the scheme compared to the GP programme but choice was offered - where the scheme was available How can we make this programme more visible and attractive to those groups not accessing and engaging with more traditional delivery mechanisms i.e. booked appointments in order to positively increase uptake overall Commission for next two years – certainty of planning for practices and pharmacies The pharmacy programme will continue to be evaluated NHS |16

17 NHS | Flu Launch June 1417 Thank you Please contact me on for further

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