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Children in Need History Department Quiz Wed 20 November 7-9 p.m. Teams of 4 for a history/general knowledge quiz £6 entry fee Contact Mrs Helen Rapport,

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Presentation on theme: "Children in Need History Department Quiz Wed 20 November 7-9 p.m. Teams of 4 for a history/general knowledge quiz £6 entry fee Contact Mrs Helen Rapport,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Children in Need History Department Quiz Wed 20 November 7-9 p.m. Teams of 4 for a history/general knowledge quiz £6 entry fee Contact Mrs Helen Rapport, B.14


3 Short, swift mounted raids (chevauchees) on small hobelar horses; lasting as little as a few days but increasing over period to weeks. Targeting - crop production and storage, livestock, Plundering all valuable goods, driving off tenants


5 C. McNamee, The Wars of the Bruces - increasingly deeper raids of longer duration - timed to coincide with English crises. - increasing in confidence with Scots targeting Berwick and Carlisle; and perhaps a singular hostage...designed to force Edward II to recognise Robert I and Scottish independence = military hegemony over Isles?

6 Carlisle charter, 1316 - depicting siege of 1315 by Scots. Carlisle - besieged by Scots summer 1315

7 - Sept 1319 - Edward II and Lancaster siege of Berwick; Scots attack Yorkshire and siege army breaks up; English army from bishopric of Durham routed at Myton Berwick upon Tweed - taken by Scots Apr 1318.

8 English response to Scottish raids - No royal army campaign in Scotland 1315-21. £15,000 on castle defences - Appointment of northern lords as Chevetaignes, captains of small mounted and infantry forces - Andrew Harcla, keeper of Carlisle, hiring Irish hobelars - But regions usually prepared to negotiate individual truces… first general truce Dec 1319 for 2 years...

9 Durham castle and cathedral - surrounding lands burnt by Scots Jan 1322...

10 Total Scottish income from tribute from northern counties = £20,000 + ? Northumberland e.g. Sept 1311 - Feb 1312 - £2,000 15 Aug 1312 - 24 June 1313 - £2,000 24 June 1313 - 29 Sept 1314 - ‘a very large sum’ Total - c. £7,000 West Marches e.g. Cumberland 24 June 1313 - 29 Sept 1314 - £1,466 Cumberland 25 Jan 1319 - ?- £400 Total - c. £5,000 Durham Diocese e.g.October 1314 - 800 merks June 1315 - 800 merks Sept 1317 - 1,000 merks Total - c. £5,000 Yorkshire e.g.Ripon 1319 - £666 Total - c. £2,000

11 - Truce between Harcla and Scots allows him to defeat Rebel earls of Lancaster and Hereford March 1322. - Edward II army campaigns in Scotland summer 1322; Scots scorch earth and decline battle; Edward forced to withdraw - nearly captured at Bylands. - 1323 Andrew Harcla makes separate peace with ‘Robert I’ but Edward II has him executed, only to agree to a 13 year truce with Scots from May 1323.


13 - Truce between Harcla and Scots allows him to defeat Rebel earls of Lancaster and Hereford March 1322. - Edward II army campaigns in Scotland summer 1322; Scots scorch earth and decline battle; Edward forced to withdraw - nearly captured at Bylands. - 1323 Andrew Harcla makes separate peace with ‘Robert I’ but Edward II has him executed, only to agree to a 13 year truce with Scots from May 1323.


15 Sept 1326 - Isabella and Mortimers’ army lands in England Nov 1326 Edward II captured - deposed January 1327 - Edward III crowned king 2 Feb 1327… 2 Feb 1327 - Scots attack Norham castle - war resumed!

16 June-August 1327 Scots raid northern counties; English army surprised at Stanhope Park (Aug 1-5). Aug-Sept ‘27 Bruce raids Northumberland - Oct-Nov ‘27 peace talks with Edward III regime.

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