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Greetings and Commands. salvē, salvēte Hi! Hello! Greetings!

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Presentation on theme: "Greetings and Commands. salvē, salvēte Hi! Hello! Greetings!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greetings and Commands

2 salvē, salvēte

3 Hi! Hello! Greetings!

4 valē, valēte !

5 goodbye!

6 collige, colligite charta pagina

7 collect

8 tacē, tacēte

9 Be quiet!

10 ignosce mihi

11 excuse me, pardon me

12 quaesō

13 please

14 audī, audīte

15 listen

16 venī, venīte hūc

17 Come here

18 nōn intellegō

19 I do not understand

20 intellegō

21 I understand

22 quaestiōnem habeō

23 I have a question

24 (manum) tolle, tollite

25 raise hand

26 trāde, trādite pagīnās ad frontem charta pagīna

27 distribute, PASS papers to the front charta pagīna

28 nōlī / nōlīt ē loquī anglicē

29 do not speak English

30 dēmōnstrā, dēmōnstrāte

31 show, demonstrate

32 redde, reddite pagīnās

33 hand in the papers

34 plaude, plaudite!

35 clap, applaud!

36 nōlī, nōlīte interpellāre quaesō

37 do not interrupt, please

38 aperīte librōs

39 open your book

40 attende, attendite dicta mea

41 pay attention to what I am saying

42 reconde, recondite librum/librōs

43 Put your book(s) away

44 claude, claudite librum / librōs

45 Shut, close the book(s)

46 recitā,recitāte sententiam proximam

47 Read out the next sentence

48 id scrībe, scrībite in tabulā albā

49 write that on the white board

50 tange, tangite

51 touch!

52 pulsā, pulsāte ianuam ianua

53 knock on door ianua

54 temptā, temptāte meminisse

55 try to remember!

56 Īte ad pagīnam quīntam 5 4

57 Turn (`go’) to page 5

58 Oculōs ad mē verte!

59 Eyes on me! Turn your eyes on me! Look at me !

60 cōnsīde, cōnsīdite

61 sit down!

62 surge, surgite

63 stand up!

64 ambulā, ambulāte

65 walk!

66 sali, salite!

67 jump!

68 curre, currite

69 run!

70 retractā, retractāte, retractēmus

71 review! let’s review

72 dēsine, dēsinite

73 stop, cut it out!

74 tē verte, vōs vertite

75 you turn around! you turn!

76 perge, pergite legere – to read scrībere – to write dīcere– to speak vertere– to translate continue flash player

77 continue!

78 converte hanc sententiam ex anglicō in latīnum anglice latine

79 Translate this sentence (from Latin to English)

80 quaesō, repete quod modo dīxistī

81 Please, repeat what you just said

82 hoc explicā, explicāte!

83 explain this

84 eho, nōn tam cito!

85 Whoa! Not so fast!

86 bibe, bibite!

87 drink!

88 clāmā, clāmāte!

89 shout!

90 dēlē, dēlēte

91 erase, delete

92 dormī, dormīte !

93 sleep!

94 rīdē, rīdēte!

95 laugh!

96 portā, portāte

97 carry

98 laborā, laborāte!

99 work!

100 pinge, pingite!

101 draw, paint!

102 sume, sumite!

103 pick up

104 epimedion tenē, tenēte

105 hold the handrail!

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