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Creativity Creative Thinking & Creative Problem-solving

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1 Creativity Creative Thinking & Creative Problem-solving
2 Models of Creative Problem Solving plus The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Additional Creative “Qualities”

2 Creativity is not: The domain of a few individuals
Not known to be linked to specific factors or traits Exclusive of many individuals Shared by all, varies by many factors Exclusively “world-altering” Personal vs Cultural creativity Importance of distinguishing between these 2 Need to develop Personal to achieve Cultural

3 Creativity is: Universal Continuous
All people have this capacity, as with intelligence Continuous Varies by degree, type, as with intelligence In Potential (subject to “training”) Identifiable via types of “performances” Performance competencies can be developed

4 2-Factor Model Novelty: Unique, distinct, “original” responses to environment, experience, circumstances Usefulness: Serves a purpose; responds to perceived need; solves identified problem/s

5 4 Factor Model Fluency: Frequency of response; actual total number of responses to a stimulus Flexibility: Frequency of categories of responses; actual total number of types of responses Originality: Statistical infrequency of response for a given individual in a given group at a given time Elaboration: Development of responses Completion of ideas Integration across ideas “Marketing” ideas/alternatives

6 Application of Models Working in your group, do the following:
Identify a situation in a curriculum (content to be taught/learned) in which you could apply these models Briefly describe the instructional situation: Who, what, when, why, how long, what’s expected… Plan/state an activity that would develop each step of the 4 factor model

7 The Incubation Model of Teaching: Getting Beyond the Aha. E. P
The Incubation Model of Teaching: Getting Beyond the Aha! E. P. Torrance & H. T. Safter (1990) What is the “aha”? Moments of “insight” “intuition” “revelation” Moments of “wholeness” or “oneness” uniting with everything Rational vs Supra-rational view of Creativity Non-linear sequence/-ing of creative events

8 The Incubation Model of Teaching
Creative “indicators” beyond the “big 4” factors: 13 additional “qualities” Highlighting the essence (abstract titles) Keeping open (resist premature closure) Emotional awareness Putting ideas into context Combining & synthesizing Visualize richly, colorfully Using fantasy Using movement & sound Unusual visual perspective/s Internal visualizations Extending/breaking through boundaries Using humor Getting glimpses of infinity

9 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 3 Additional Issues
Problem-finding Pervasive impediment: Assuming the problem is known, therefore, focus on finding the solution Producing Alternatives At all levels of problem-solving, increased fluency supports the processes; the more alternatives, the greater the probability of creative solution/s Originality: Acceptance of being “different” Adequate time Play with ambiguity/uncertainty Heightened awareness of importance Make legitimate

10 The Incubation Model: Information Processing Strategies for Creative Teaching & Learning
Stage 1: Heightening Anticipation Stage 2: Deepening Expectations Stage 3: Keeping it Going

11 The Incubation Model: Creative Teaching & Learning
Stage 1: Heightening Anticipation (see p.9) Create desire to know Heighten anticipation/expectation Get attention Arouse curiosity Tickle imagination Give purpose/meaning

12 The Incubation Model: Creative Teaching & Learning
Stage 2: Deepening Expectations (see p.10) Digging deeper Looking twice Listening for smells Crossing out mistakes Cutting holes so see through Cutting corners Getting in deep water Getting out of locked doors

13 The Incubation Model: Creative Teaching & Learning
Stage 3: Keeping it Going (see pp.11-12) Having a ball Singing in one’s own key Building sand castles Plugging in the sun Shaking hands with tomorrow

14 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Highlighting the essence Retaining sense of importance Staying focused Discriminate relevant from irrelevant information

15 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Elaboration Add details Develop a plan Implement/sell a solution

16 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Keep Open Resistance to premature closure Need for & use of time Practice with ideas in variety of circumstances w/o time constraints

17 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Emotional Awareness Acknowledge role/significance of affective experience/s Adds to, not replaces, rational-cognitive experience/s Personal insight/s

18 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Putting Ideas into Context Meaningful synthesis of ideas & experiences Personal, individual Abstract analysis/synthesis: Part-part relationships Part-whole relationships Generalizations across concepts

19 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Combine & Synthesize Combine types & modes of information acquisition, processing & retrieval “Brain laterality”: Right- vs Left-brained Visualize Richly & Colorfully Alternative perceptions

20 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Using Fantasy Future possibilities Varying point-of-view Feeling comfortable with the “unknown” Unconstrained by “reality”

21 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Using Movement & Sound Experience via multiple modalities deepens concept learning Kinesthetic & auditory experiences: Natural modalities for children (& experienced adults)

22 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Unusual Visual Perspectives Ability to “see in different ways” heightens experiences of innovation & inventiveness Internal Visualizations “Seeing the insides” of objects, events, people, experiences can lead to new, deeper insights; seeing “multiple perspectives”

23 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Extending/breaking through Boundaries Confronting the “what’s given” limitation/bias Recognizing that new possibilities always exist Acknowledging the potential for & ambiguity of the “incomplete” idea, object, etc, & continuing problem-solving work

24 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Using & Enjoying Humor Integrates or synthesizes physiological, psychological & social processes Accepting/understanding perceptual, conceptual incongruities Recognizing unusual, unexpected combinations, surprises

25 The Incubation Model of Teaching: 13 Qualities
Glimpses of Infinity Open-ended environment Positive focus on the future Actively engaging one’s self as part of perceived future for ideas to transcend the present Developing anticipation for an open-ended, multi-possibility future

26 The Incubation Model of Teaching
Creative “indicators” beyond the “big 4” factors: 13 additional “qualities” Highlighting the essence (abstract titles) Keeping open (resist premature closure) Emotional awareness Putting ideas into context Combining & synthesizing Visualize richly, colorfully Using fantasy Using movement & sound Unusual visual perspective/s Internal visualizations Extending/breaking through boundaries Using humor Getting glimpses of infinity

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