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Quotes about Peer Coaching from your Reflect and Review documents With my associate learner we have had chats along the way… Our roles are rather different.

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2 Quotes about Peer Coaching from your Reflect and Review documents With my associate learner we have had chats along the way… Our roles are rather different but this is good! The Peer Coaching has been a two way experience as I have more teaching experience than my Peer Coach who has more experience in EYs As teachers we bonded well and respected each others strengths and weaknesses. With my Peer Coach we have decided to concentrate on… I have found it useful to Peer Coach with the nursery teacher and nursery nurse We have not had the opportunity to do this in our school yet I talked it through with my partner… I have appreciated the value of an opportunity to work intensively with a colleague whom I have not partnered in class before Support for planning, evaluating and reflecting on lessons Timing, as expected, has been a big issue I am asking more open questions in all areas of the curriculum

3 Our Aims this afternoon: To reflect on the Peer Coaching process: To explore how different partners have approached the process To discuss how successful the different parts of the process were To evaluate how Peer Coaching has benefitted your teaching and professional development To discuss the role of Associate Learners We are not experts in Peer Coaching – we are not here to tell you what to do or how to do it! We are just two teachers who are here to share our experiences, and, hopefully, our enthusiasm!

4 How Peer Coaching works in practice: 1.Come to a pre-observation agreement which covers agreed aims, foci, timings and length 2.Give open and honest feedback (based on previously-agreed observation foci) 3.Agree ways forward Just to recap..!

5  Effective, reciprocal communication – speaking and listening  Speaking – careful choice of language, encouraging, aimed at supporting the other person to achieve a goal  Listening – focused and active  Problem solving – being creative to find solutions  Time management – making good use of limited time

6  The observations themselves  Giving feedback  On the blue slip, write down one positive thing, and one challenge related to observing one another  On the green slip, write down one positive thing, and one challenge related to giving feedback  Come and stick them on the relevant board  Choose someone else’s comments, and discuss with your partner the similarities and differences to your own experiences

7  One of the ways Peer Coaching has benefitted us is to heighten our awareness of things that happen in our classrooms that we may not have previously been aware of, and to make us more comfortable with challenging both children and other adults.  Choose one of the observation scenario cards  What would you say in your feedback to the teacher you have observed?  Using Peer Coaching to support your professional development can highlight areas where your practice can be improved, even if you didn’t realise it needed improvement!

8  We have had a fantastic experience with using Peer Coaching to support Internationalising Learning in our school  However...we have not just used it for Internationalising Learning, but for introducing or working with subjects or formats that we need support with  Peer Coaching is a structure that works well in any subject, in many different ways. We are hoping to persuade our SLT to include it in our Performance Management structure  We have kept on using it...we hope that you will too!

9 Quotes about Peer Coaching from your Reflect and Review documents With my associate learner we have had chats along the way… Our roles are rather different but this is good! The Peer Coaching has been a two way experience as I have more teaching experience than my Peer Coach who has more experience in EYs As teachers we bonded well and respected each others strengths and weaknesses. With my Peer Coach we have decided to concentrate on… I have found it useful to Peer Coach with the nursery teacher and nursery nurse We have not had the opportunity to do this in our school yet I talked it through with my partner… I have appreciated the value of an opportunity to work intensively with a colleague whom I have not partnered in class before Support for planning, evaluating and reflecting on lessons Timing, as expected, has been a big issue I am asking more open questions in all areas of the curriculum

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