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Disability Research to Practice Program NIDRR RERC Project Directors Meeting April 3 & 4, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Disability Research to Practice Program NIDRR RERC Project Directors Meeting April 3 & 4, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability Research to Practice Program NIDRR RERC Project Directors Meeting April 3 & 4, 2006

2 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) KT projects encompass the exchange, synthesis, and ethically sound application of knowledge within a complex system of relationships among researchers and users. (

3 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) NIDRR is particularly interested in ensuring that information to be disseminated is of high quality and is based on scientifically rigorous research and development. Potential users need to be able to assess the quality of research and development findings and products, and the relevance of these findings and products to their particular needs.

4 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) (continued) We encourage potential applicants, when identifying standards and procedures for systematic review of evidence, to examine the work of such organizations as: the Campbell Collaboration (, the Cochrane Collaboration (, and the Department of Education What Works Clearinghouse (

5 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) (continued) The center will help NIDRR projects prepare, maintain, and communicate evidence-based reports and syntheses in topic areas identified in conjunction with NIDRR. The center must-- (1)Identify standards, guidelines, and methods appropriate for developing evidence-based systematic reviews of disability and rehabilitation research;

6 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) (continued) (2) Serve as a technical assistance resource to NIDRR grantees to ensure that research studies will meet standards for inclusion in evidence-based systematic reviews;

7 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) (continued) (3) Develop partnerships with existing collaborations and registries to identify gaps and opportunities and to facilitate the systematic review of disability and rehabilitation research; and

8 Disability Research to Practice Program Federal Register May 5, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 86) (continued) (4) Identify and promote the use of evidence-based reviews in topic areas developed in collaboration with NIDRR and its grantees.

9 Disability Research to Practice Program National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR)

10 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Three Service Aims Building of capacity of NIDRR researchers to negotiate the knowledge translation (KT) process  KT is defined as the exchange, synthesis, and ethically-sound application of knowledge — within a complex set of interactions among researchers and users — to accelerate the capture of the benefits of research through improved health, more effective services and products, and a strengthened health care system.

11 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Three Service Aims (continued) Increasing inclusion of NIDRR-sponsored research in systematic reviews Improving consumers' access to and use of disability and rehabilitation research evidence in making informed choices

12 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Research Quality Development Dissemination Technical Assistance Utilization Effectiveness NCDDR Service Areas

13 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Quality and Alignment of Research Design  Research question(s) and research design (assessment)  Type of new knowledge to be developed  Types of knowledge (1) discoveries (and descriptions), (2) measures, methods, and theories, and (3) interventions, products or devices, and environmental adaptations Research Quality Services

14 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Evidence Production  Implications for existing research efforts and to-be-proposed work  Systematic Reviews Research Registration  Inclusion in Registries Low Cost/No Cost Modifications to Reporting  Abstracts  Full-text reports Research Quality Services (continued)

15 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Reporting Standards  Research reports vs. journal articles  e.g., CONSORT, STARD, QUORUM Checklists Disability Research Reporting Facilitator  Web-based supports/guides Development Services

16 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Information Resources  Increase awareness/understanding about KT Library of KT Resources and Strategies  Web-based resources Accessing Systematic Reviews  Search assistance  Cochrane Library access  Campbell Library access Dissemination Services

17 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Registry of NIDRR-Sponsored Research  Heighten profile of NIDRR-supported research results Online Instructional Modules  Useful in planning or reviewing new research designs Registry of Syntheses and Evidence-based Systematic Reviews  Produced by NIDRR grantees Dissemination Services (continued)

18 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Research Quality Community of Practice Community of Practice on Outreach to Diverse Audiences FOCUS Publications Web Site Webcasts Dissemination Services (continued)

19 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work On-site technical assistance Off-site technical assistance Toll-free telephone Workshops Technical Assistance Services

20 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Proposal reviewer resources  Characteristics of research quality  Module Systematic review training  Campbell Collaboration – electronic and teleconference  Cochrane Collaboration Technical Assistance Services (continued)

21 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Support for Conducting Systematic Reviews  Direct assistance to those conducting systematic reviews  Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coordinating Group - Campbell Collaboration Evidence/Product Grading System  Disclosure for public dissemination and utilization  Research base  Readiness for use by consumers/families Utilization Effectiveness Services

22 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Consumer Resources  Most effective communication and resource systems about research evidence  Plain Language Summaries  Electronic systems Utilization Effectiveness Services (continued)

23 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of NCDDR Scope of Work Evidence-Based Technology  Merging evidence-based information in technology engineering and transfer  FOCUS on relevant topics  Community of Practice  Webcasts  Contributions to Library and Registries  Participation in Task forces (Standards, Systematic Review, KT) Utilization Effectiveness Services (continued)

24 Disability Research to Practice Program Research Utilization Support and Help (RUSH)

25 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of RUSH Scope of Work Developing Matrix to Facilitate  Successful utilization activities with specific target systems  Measurement of utilization strategies  Logic modeling based on strategic utilization efforts  Comprehensive dissemination planning

26 Disability Research to Practice Program Highlights of RUSH Scope of Work Readiness for Use Issues in Light of  Evidence orientation and knowledge translation Research Utilization Awards  Extend outcomes by reaching new members of the target system or new and appropriate target systems

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