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The Continuum of Change: Stages of Prejudice & Bias Realization

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Presentation on theme: "The Continuum of Change: Stages of Prejudice & Bias Realization"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Continuum of Change: Stages of Prejudice & Bias Realization
Understanding Prejudice Rhymes Consulting Services Copyright © 2005

2 The Four Stages Involved in the Continuum of Change:
Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Behavior

3 Awareness At the awareness stage on the continuum, initiatives attempt to stimulate or heighten awareness: An issue exists concerning either: I. Untapped potential(as in a lack of appreciation for the richness of perspective that diversity can bring, or lack of understanding of other cultures); or II. A threat to stated values (such as justice, fairness, peace, democracy and/or equality) b) A change is necessary to address the issue and make the situation correspond to the stated values

4 Knowledge At the Knowledge stage on the continuum, initiatives provide information on: the various aspects of the issue and how it permeates our lives and relationships the perceived barriers to, and benefits of change; further opportunities to increase knowledge or make contacts.


6 Attitudes At the Attitudes stage on the continuum, initiatives attempt to influence perceptions on the issue by: stimulating dialogue and debate about the issue; presenting possible alternatives and solutions; emphasizing the benefits of change; providing social support for new perceptions

7 Behaviors At the Behaviors stage of the continuum, are:
presenting and/or legislating alternative ways to behave; providing information on how and when to behave differently; building skills through training and behavioral trials; providing social supports for new behaviors

8 Rhymes Consulting Services e-mail: RCS@rhymesworld. com URL: www
Rhymes Consulting Services URL: Ph: Rhymes Consulting Services Copyright © 2005

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