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By Rakhshanda Asad GDT SGO II Use of ICT in Beaconhouse School System.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rakhshanda Asad GDT SGO II Use of ICT in Beaconhouse School System."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rakhshanda Asad GDT SGO II Use of ICT in Beaconhouse School System

2 Strengths Learning and teaching has been facilitated by the use of various ICT tools Efforts are made to match teaching to the requirements of the learners who are digital natives Teachers are kept breast with emerging theories about teaching and learning through different courses Student differentiation are catered to, more effectively because the use of technology caters to various learners’ needs Distant learning and an insight into various cultures has been facilitated through the use of social networks

3 ICT resources available in BSS branches Various Computer software Digital camera Digital microscope Scanners Printers Data loggers Television DVD player Multimedia projector ( some branches) Headphones OHP Speakers Cassette player/recorder Net connectivity in computer labs, resource rooms, staff room and admin offices

4 Weaknesses Despite availability of all the above mentioned resources only 20% of these are used on regular basis in most schools especially for teaching and learning. These are some of the reasons: Inadequate teacher training and skills inhibit use of ICT in teaching Some essential resources( e.g. electricity) are often not available and teachers are left with no choice but to resort to conventional methods of teaching Resistance from people in admin discourages users Fear of unknown – due to inadequate exposure and experience

5 Recent Initiatives Preparation of students results using online data Uploading of attendance through the use of biometric device More rampant teacher training programmes to expedite the process Availability of more ICT resources at schools to facilitate teaching and learning Beaconhouse on line magazine (TBT) Introduction of technology in Early year classes i.e. Early Year ETAC Initiative

6 Suggestions Provision of extensive ICT training to School Heads and SMs ICT proficiency a prerequisite for all new hires Instead of providing IT training in isolation all major courses for teachers to include ICT as an essential part e.g. Induction The Foundation Course and BCT Inset workshops to be arranged on regular basis within each branch by ETACA or DTWICT qualified teachers ICT competitions/ exhibitions to be arranged more frequently Internet connections as well PCs to made available in all classes at all levels to facilitate their usage at all times

7 Important Teachers to be made aware of net etiquettes, e-safety and all intricacies pertaining to digital citizenship in order to inculcate the same in the learners Learners to be trained not to indulge in cyber bullying, tagging, plagiarism and all related issues – strict measures to be taken and consequences of all such acts to be made explicit! Steps to be taken to ensure safe use of ICT resources!!!

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