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▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 7 7 History as if, committed, than.

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Presentation on theme: "▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 7 7 History as if, committed, than."— Presentation transcript:

1 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 7 7 History as if, committed, than most, themselves in, orgies of 21. The city of Hamburg, harder hit, lost two-thirds of its population. 대부분의 지역 보다 더 크게 피해를 본 함부르크는 인구의 3 분의 2 를 잃었다. 22. People went mad with fear and suicide. 사람들은 공포로 미쳤고 자살하였다. 23. Rich people from all over Europe locked country houses. 유럽 전역의 부자들은 시골 집에 스스로를 가두었다. 24. Those in the town who were not praying in churches indulged in drink and sensuality. 교회에서 기도하지 않는 마을 사람들은 술과 육욕의 파티에 빠졌다. 25. Those in the town who were not praying in churches indulged in orgies of drink and sensuality they had seen the end of the world. 교회에서 기도하지 않는 마을 사람들은 세상의 끝은 본 것처럼 술과 육욕의 파티에 빠졌다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. disaster2. devastate 3. symptom4. prostration 5. gland6. agonize 7. mortality8. coerce 9. corpse10. release 11. gallows12. erect 13. indulge14. orgy 15. sensuality16. astrological 17. emergence18. infection 19. transmission20. exterminate

2 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Black Death The Black Death, the worst disaster to strike mankind, devastated most of Europe, from Italy to Scandinavia, from 1348 to 1350. During that period, no one could tell what caused the deadly disease, but everyone was familiar with its horrifying symptoms: the complete prostration, burning fever, swollen glands, agonizing pain, black marks under the skin and finally death. At least 25 million people, or a quarter of the population of Europe, were wiped out in the three years to the end of 1350. The mortality rose to a third in the next 50 years. The city of Hamburg, harder hit than most, lost two-thirds of its population. People went mad with fear and committed suicide. Criminals, the only men who could be coerced into burying the swollen, blackened corpses, were released from their prisons. Rich people from all over Europe locked themselves in country houses, and townspeople closed their streets with chains. Gallows were erected in many marketplaces to hang those who wandered around from town to town. Those in the town who were not praying in churches indulged in orgies of drink and sensuality as if they had seen the end of the world. Since no one could ever explain the cause, Europeans turned to astrological forces, earthquakes, and the poisoning of wells by the Jews as possible reasons for the plague’s emergence. As the mechanism of infection and transmission of diseases was little understood in the 14th century, many believed only God's anger could produce such horrific displays. Many Jewish communities were exterminated in Mainz and Cologne. Some 2,000 Jews were murdered by angry citizens of Strasbourg. 2 7 7 History 26. Why did Europeans attack Jews? ① They believed that Jews talked to God and told him to release Black death throughout Europe. ② They believed that Jews were poisoning wells which lead to the disease. ③ They believed that Jews were the biggest carriers of the disease and murdering them would eliminate the disease. ④ The reason for attacking the Jews was not explained in the article.

3 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentence using the expressions you’ve learned in this lesson. 33. 그녀는 마치 복권에 당첨된 것 같은 기분이었다. ( win the lottery, feel ) She. 2 7 7 History 27. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of the Black Death? ① Swollen Glands and agonizing pain ② Black Marks underneath the skin ③ Complete prostration and burning fevers ④ Suicide 28. The Black Death led to many problems. Which of the following was NOT one of the results? ① One-Third of Europe's population got wiped out. ② People went crazy and committed suicide. ③ Wanderers were hung as people feared they could be carrying the disease. ④ The disease lead to natural disasters such as earthquakes. 29. Which of the following most closely means 'coerced' from the 2nd paragraph? ① Convinced ② Forced ③ Unconvinced ④ Paid 30. Jews were guilty of poisoning wells, which led to the outbreak of the Black Death. _____ 31. Many believed that God's anger was one of the reasons the Black Death plague existed. _____ 32. The City of Hamburg was affected the most from the Black Death, as they lost almost 66% of their population. _____

4 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 7 7 History as if, committed, than most, themselves in, orgies of 21. The city of Hamburg, harder hit than most, lost two-thirds of its population. 대부분의 지역 보다 더 크게 피해를 본 함부르크는 인구의 3 분의 2 를 잃었다. 22. People went mad with fear and committed suicide. 사람들은 공포로 미쳤고 자살하였다. 23. Rich people from all over Europe locked themselves in country houses. 유럽 전역의 부자들은 시골 집에 스스로를 가두었다. 24. Those in the town who were not praying in churches indulged in orgies of drink and sensuality. 교회에서 기도하지 않는 마을 사람들은 술과 육욕의 파티에 빠졌다. 25. Those in the town who were not praying in churches indulged in orgies of drink and sensuality as if they had seen the end of the world. 교회에서 기도하지 않는 마을 사람들은 세상의 끝은 본 것처럼 술과 육욕의 파티에 빠졌다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. disaster [ 질병 ]2. devastate [ 황폐화하다 ] 3. symptom [ 증상 ]4. prostration [ 탈진 ] 5. gland [ 분비선 ]6. agonize [ 고뇌하다 ] 7. mortality [ 치사율 ]8. coerce [ 강제하다 ] 9. corpse [ 시체 ]10. release [ 해방하다 ] 11. gallows [ 교수대 ]12. erect [ 세우다 ] 13. indulge [ 빠지다 ]14. orgy [ 난잡한 파티 ] 15. sensuality [ 색욕 ]16. astrological [ 점성술의 ] 17. emergence [ 출현 ]18. infection [ 감염 ] 19. transmission [ 전염 ]20. exterminate [ 전멸시키다 ]

5 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. 2 7 7 History 26. Why did Europeans attack Jews? [2] ① They believed that Jews talked to God and told him to release Black death throughout Europe. ② They believed that Jews were poisoning wells which lead to the disease. ③ They believed that Jews were the biggest carriers of the disease and murdering them would eliminate the disease. ④ The reason for attacking the Jews was not explained in the article. Black Death The Black Death, the worst disaster to strike mankind, devastated most of Europe, from Italy to Scandinavia, from 1348 to 1350. During that period, no one could tell what caused the deadly disease, but everyone was familiar with its horrifying symptoms: the complete prostration, burning fever, swollen glands, agonizing pain, black marks under the skin and finally death. At least 25 million people, or a quarter of the population of Europe, were wiped out in the three years to the end of 1350. The mortality rose to a third in the next 50 years. The city of Hamburg, harder hit than most, lost two-thirds of its population. People went mad with fear and committed suicide. Criminals, the only men who could be coerced into burying the swollen, blackened corpses, were released from their prisons. Rich people from all over Europe locked themselves in country houses, and townspeople closed their streets with chains. Gallows were erected in many marketplaces to hang those who wandered around from town to town. Those in the town who were not praying in churches indulged in orgies of drink and sensuality as if they had seen the end of the world. Since no one could ever explain the cause, Europeans turned to astrological forces, earthquakes, and the poisoning of wells by the Jews as possible reasons for the plague’s emergence. As the mechanism of infection and transmission of diseases was little understood in the 14th century, many believed only God's anger could produce such horrific displays. Many Jewish communities were exterminated in Mainz and Cologne. Some 2,000 Jews were murdered by angry citizens of Strasbourg.

6 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentence using the expressions you’ve learned in this lesson. 33. 그녀는 마치 복권에 당첨된 것 같은 기분이었다. ( win the lottery, feel ) She felt as if she had won the lottery. 2 7 7 History 27. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of the Black Death? [4] ① Swollen Glands and agonizing pain ② Black Marks underneath the skin ③ Complete prostration and burning fevers ④ Suicide 28. The Black Death led to many problems. Which of the following was NOT one of the results? [4] ① One-Third of Europe's population got wiped out. ② People went crazy and committed suicide. ③ Wanderers were hung as people feared they could be carrying the disease. ④ The disease lead to natural disasters such as earthquakes. 29. Which of the following most closely means 'coerced' from the 2nd paragraph? [2] ① Convinced ② Forced ③ Unconvinced ④ Paid 30. Jews were guilty of poisoning wells, which led to the outbreak of the Black Death. [F] 31. Many believed that God's anger was one of the reasons the Black Death plague existed. [T] 32. The City of Hamburg was affected the most from the Black Death, as they lost almost 66% of their population. [T]

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