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Click to edit Master title style Applying the Insight - From The Youth Review Content 1.Why it was done 2.How the research was done 3.The Key findings.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style Applying the Insight - From The Youth Review Content 1.Why it was done 2.How the research was done 3.The Key findings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style Applying the Insight - From The Youth Review Content 1.Why it was done 2.How the research was done 3.The Key findings 4.Applying the key findings to the youth market 5.Club 1 – The reasons why the programme was designed

2 Click to edit Master title style Lets look at the stats

3 Click to edit Master title style Gender Differences Sports table

4 Click to edit Master title style Most Popular Sports

5 Click to edit Master title style How The Research Was Done 1.Review Existing research and analyse data 2. Review the current young person sport offer 3. Focus Groups and surveys with young people 4. Testing findings re behaviour change theory 5. Workshops to test findings

6 Click to edit Master title style What it’s like to be a young person today A challenging economic environment has added pressure to this generation. They feel more stressed and believe that experiences need to help them develop and progress in life. Young people are increasingly aware of their own wellbeing. They give equal weight to the quality of their mental health, alongside academic prowess, career and physical fitness, in benchmarking their personal success With time squeezed, sport needs to emphasise its benefits for the individual young person and its potential for providing social experiences for the group. Otherwise it will too easily be traded out of lives

7 Click to edit Master title style What it is like to be a young person in a disadvantaged area Finances amongst disadvantaged young people are typically limited. Sources of money vary and are often irregular. An ‘earn and burn’ mentality is common - spending is prioritised on three key areas: maintaining their identity (e.g. clothes, accessories), socialising (e.g. food, drink, mobile phones) and paying off debts For young people living in areas of high deprivation, their world is often limited by numerous aspects of everyday life. For many, this can then mean that their horizons are limited on a geographical level, with limited travel outside their immediate locale. Some young people feel that there are few opportunities in disadvantaged areas - where youth organisations exist they often can provide a catalyst for involvement in positive activities. T The research highlighted that for many young people - living life to the full and having fun are key values. Brands are an ultimate expression of identity

8 Click to edit Master title style The importance of emergent identity and peers Young people’s lifestyles are structured around experiences with friends and family which are then magnified through social media From 14 onwards (and arguably earlier), young people are conscious of how they are perceived by their peers and other important people in their lives. These points of reference create the parameters for their personal development Young people are committed to their social group and will rarely do something that risks jarring with them. Engagement with sport is therefore led by what their social group is into and how sport/activity are seen as fitting in with this – Commitment to sport has to avoid feeling like an isolating experience, with the levels of dedication suggested by elite stars reinforcing a growing impression throughout teen years that a life in sport requires compromise

9 Click to edit Master title style Young Peoples Attitude Towards Sport Young people are looking for their experiences to be fun: – But for many, sport was last seen as fun in primary school. Valuing sport for its own sake gets lost in secondary school as it starts to be perceived as a more serious pursuit for those who are “good” at it. – Selling sport as fun will not resonate with all young people. However, young people are also looking for experiences to have a purpose: – As young people grow up their motivations for being active shift from having fun to looking and feeling good. What they are seeking is often not a sporting outcome. Competing against others gives way to personal goals (particularly for older teens and girls). Being fit is more appealing than being sporty. – There are some negative perceptions of the more adult gym environment. However, the shift towards fitness-related activity begins in the mid-teen years, earlier than previously thought. Eight years ago traditional sports remained more popular than health and fitness ones until the age of 22. Fitness activities now come top for 18s and over.

10 Click to edit Master title style The power of perception – the baggage of sport : Sport is an emotive word and topic. How young people perceive what is being offering can depend on their response to that word. – Whilst there are positive associations with sport, many young people have a strong negative response to the language of sport. This is a key driver of non-participation – Front-of-mind associations with the word “sport” often focus on traditional, competitive sports. Narrow perceptions create barriers, linked to past experience, levels of interest and perceived competence. The concern with not being embarrassed in front of your peers is universal. Whilst the activity may be sport, the message does not need to be – Introducing new sports can provide more of the level playing field that the majority of young people are looking for. Broadening what young people are judged to be “good” at within sport beyond the obvious competitive benchmarks can also help. – There also seems to be appeal in activities with age barriers, such as mass participation races, particularly marathons and “adventure races” like Tough Mudder.

11 Click to edit Master title style Experiences or Habits Young people are seeking meaningful experiences – Festivals, holidays, events where they can socialise, make memories together, indulge in their own interests and have fun, are all popular for young people. Whilst they love experiences they can share, habits can be less shareable (particularly if you’re the only one doing it). – Young people are acutely aware of wasting time on activities that either don’t benefit them as an individual, don’t reinforce their place within their social group or don’t help develop themselves – The rise of fitness sports is in part driven by their relevance to the wider aspirations of looking and feeling good. But they can lead to shorter bursts of activity to achieve particular goals – Alternative activities that have an adventurous element, such as parkour, are offering something different to many traditional sports.

12 Click to edit Master title style How we can apply the learnings Young People are seeking experiences that are ; Interactive (use technology /gaming ) Social (maintain social lives/connect like minded people) Rewarding (giving them something back) Personalised(tailored/adaptable/fit in with lifestyle) Inspiring ( unique /different/something to be proud of) Creative ( allowing space to create own versions) Influential Messengers are; Trustworthy, Expert, Like me

13 Click to edit Master title style Summarising Attitudes and Behaviours AttitudeDescriptionSporting behaviour PositiveRange from fanatics- to saying they enjoy sport when asked 20 % are consistently active 15% are irregular in terms of activity levels FunctionalView sport and physical activity primarily to the more functional benefits it offers 30% are consistently active or irregular and 15% are consistently inactive UninterestedSport not on their radar and have other interests – can have negative attitudes too 20% are consistently inactive

14 Click to edit Master title style Designing and Delivering the Right Experiences Positive About Sport but mostly not participating Make it easy – remove barriers Want to participate with their peer group –age restrictions, avoid younger ages Unlikely to want to change too much- tasters to see if like It Not looking to improve or progress-find something new or find the right level for them Need prompting/reminding and rewarding What makes the experience unmissable – create a sense of urgency and fear of missing out

15 Click to edit Master title style Designing and delivering the right experiences An increasingly functional relationship with sport Need to see results – goals/feedback Messages linked to the goal- and including why it is a better way to achieve a goal ie diet Make convenient on a daily /weekly basis- looking good at a set time ie fit for prom ! Don’t make them feel uncomfortable-safe settings and avoid embarrassment Help them to maintain the habit-understand individual motivations and respond to them Don’t tell me to do it and don’t say its fun –focus on casual /low key and social Give me something I can share with my friends-feedback info and reward cards

16 Click to edit Master title style Designing and Delivering the Right Experiences Uninterested but not necessarily inactive A mental block to the idea of taking part in sport- be bold in creating a clear distinction Be cautious using language associated with sport- use play/explore/game/active Talk to me about my life-might be interested in health, looking for experiences to share and create buzz/ communicate particularly round life transitions Give Reassurance- be aware of feelings of inferiority,create new activities or adaptations that create a level playing field What is in it for me-incentives and broad opportunities so there is possibility of something for everyone

17 Click to edit Master title style Club 1 Lets look at the programme features and see why we designed it as we did Name/imagery Type of activities Rewards and incentives Goals Club 1 Promoter

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