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A PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM. Research have shown that a person’s success is strongly related to his attitude and thinking (80%) as compared to his.

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Presentation on theme: "A PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM. Research have shown that a person’s success is strongly related to his attitude and thinking (80%) as compared to his."— Presentation transcript:


2 Research have shown that a person’s success is strongly related to his attitude and thinking (80%) as compared to his skills and knowledge (20%). Those who are capable of utilizing their potentials will be able to create excellence in whatever activity they indulge in. In order to create effective and lasting changes, a new and better way of thinking has to be produced, which in turn will create new behaviors, and ultimately create the desired results. This program explains practical methods and techniques that can be used to control our mind and the mind of others. Power-UP! is a direct application of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in understanding how we see, hear or feel when we communicate with people. This improves our understanding on how we think and react in certain situation..

3 At the end of this program participants will be able to: Develop a new way of thinking to produce optimism and energy Create goals that will ensure success Develop wonderful relationships that will lead to synergy Build self confidence that will enhance your potential Handle self better in difficult situations Make yourself more effective to improve performance

4 The final outcome of the program is increased self control and mental discipline which will elevate your success in your career and personal goals. Personal relationships becomes more rewarding, with better control of your own thoughts, your state of mind and the way you communicate.

5 Here’re just a few of the priceless lessons that you’ll benefit from our highly successful curriculum, from the acronym POWER: Module 1: P - Positive Attitude Discover the laws of the mind and how you can utilize those principles to unleash the potential that lies within you. Learn the secrets and thinking of successful people and be aware that you are the architect of your own life. Module 2: O – Outstanding Goals/Performance Understand the importance and effects of goals in your life. Identify the factors that impede goal attainment and learn effective goal setting that will stimulate massive action. Discover the strategies to achieve your goals in the most effective way, which leads to a win- win situation for all.

6 Module 3: W – Wonderful Relationships Every successful person needs the help and support of those around them, and this will only happen from positive relationships. Understand people’s communication style learn how to create rapport effectively with others so they may assist you in achieving your dreams. Discover how people think (metaprogram) to create the synergy that you need Module 4: E – Empowering Belief Understand that every change that is desired has to begin from within, which is your belief. Understand what is stopping you from pursuing what you desire and execute 4 simple steps to change your inner program. Learn and master the belief of successful people.

7 Module 5: R - Resourceful State Discover how an emotional state is formed and learn simple techniques to overcome negative thinking. Create the character and attitude that will maximize your potential for success. Learn the practices to inculcate energy and enthusiasm in every activity that you are

8 Day 1 TIMEDETAILS 08:30 - 09:30Registration & Icebreaking 09:30 - 10:30Session 1 10:30 - 11:00Tea Break 11:00 - 01:00Session 2 01:00 - 02:15Lunch 02:15 - 03:45Session 3 03:45 - 04:00Tea Break 04:00 - 05:00Session 3

9 Day 2 TIMEDETAILS 09:30 - 10:30Session 5 10:30 - 11:00Tea Break 11:00 - 01:00Session 6 01:00 - 02:15Lunch 02:15 - 03:45Session 7 03:45 - 04:00Tea Break 04:00 - 04:30In a Nutshell 04:30 – 05:00Course Evaluation, Certificate Presentation & Close

10 This program 2 day course involves a mixture of short lectures, interactive discussions, games and a number of exercises which the participants will work through individually/in groups to understand concepts and principles discussed in the program. This program is designed for anyone who has a desire to develop a winning mindset and wishes to create a climate of positive communication in their organisation.

11 Certified NLP Trainer (NFNLP), NLP Master Practitioner (NFNLP)MSc. HRD (UPM), B.App.Sc. (Curtin), B.Arch. Hons (UiTM), Dip. Dakwah & Usuluddin (KDH). After practicing architecture for 1 year, and being part of the team lead by the nation’s motivational expert, Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Fadzilah Kamsah for several years, Azlan decided to start his own firm. With his wealth of experience as an NLP Practitioner as well as a professional trainer, he commits himself towards creating results in businesses and inspire people to be their best at whatever they do.. UNGKU AZLAN SHAH BIN UNGKU CHULAN Azlan is a highly trained professional who has developed and conducted more than 500 courses particularly in the areas of personal excellence, learning skills, teambuilding, human relations, sales and leadership. All these programs incorporate Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), practical tools and fun experiential learning.

12 Azlan holds two basic degrees; one from Curtin University of Technology, Australia, in Applied Science’ and the second in Architecture from Universiti Teknologi MARA. He also holds a Master’s degree in Human Resource Development from the Universiti Putra Malaysia where he graduated with a 3.97 average. All three degrees have served him well in bringing to his clients a sharply honed ability to evaluate business processes, both technical and people base. Along with his three degrees, Azlan is also a Master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) from the National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Psychology, USA and a Certified NLP Trainer. Azlan’s intention is to help clients grow their business in a way that is sustainable and that supports their values. He believes in using the medium of business to improve the lives of his clients and to make a difference for others in our community and the world. Azlan is now making himself very much at home in Bangi with his wife and two children. He also has a passion for travel and an innate skill in bringing out the best in the people he works with.

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