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Presented to: 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium By: John Duncan, Manager Flight Standards Air Transportation Division Date: July 14, 2011 Federal Aviation.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium By: John Duncan, Manager Flight Standards Air Transportation Division Date: July 14, 2011 Federal Aviation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium By: John Duncan, Manager Flight Standards Air Transportation Division Date: July 14, 2011 Federal Aviation Administration Training For the Future

2 2 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 2 Air Carrier Training Programs A robust training program will identify, select and prepare confident, skilled and well rounded pilots, who are: –Fully prepared to assume command of their aircraft in all situations; and –Manage their aircraft both within the normal flight envelope of the aircraft and excursions from the envelope in order to provide safe air transportation.

3 3 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 3 Air Carrier Training Programs Pilot Selection & Retention –Competencies for operating in an air carrier environment –Performance tracking system Pilot Characteristics –Professional behavior –Aeronautical decision making

4 4 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 4 Air Carrier Training Programs Robust Training System Characteristics –A seamless training process with continuous analysis –Structured pilot development –Competency-based training –Improved, expanded and required use of simulation –Proficiency-based training for knowledge of aircraft systems –Quality evaluations and proficiency checks

5 5 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 5 Traditional Training Program Provides prescriptive training requirements which allows air carrier crewmembers to meet regulatory standards. –New proposed rule has several initiatives to support competency-based training based on demonstration of skill and proficiency. –Evolving to increase the use of sophisticated operating data collection programs to customize and thereby reduce the training footprint.

6 6 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 6 Advanced Qualification Program Competency-based training program for pilots, flight attendants and dispatchers. –By 2013 over 75% of U.S. air carrier pilots and flight attendants will be training under AQP. –AQP is systems engineering applied to training, just as SMS is systems engineering applied to safety.

7 7 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 7 Voluntary Safety Programs  ASRS- Aviation Safety Reporting System  VDRP- Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program  IEP- Internal Evaluation Program  ASAP- Aviation Safety Action Program  FOQA- Flight Operations Quality Assurance

8 8 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 8 The SMS Paradigm Shift Organizations cannot directly control safety, only manage risk. Product measures of safety (accidents & incidents) are infrequent, reactive and highly influenced by error variance. Process measures (safety reports, precursors) are frequent and proactive. Organizations need to know when they are close to the edge…before they fall over it.

9 9 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 9 In Conclusion Today your students are responsible for the safety of their own operations. Tomorrow they will be responsible for the safety of the entire aviation system. Are we preparing them for their new role?

10 10 Federal Aviation Administration July 14, 2011 AABI / FAA Academia Symposium 10

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