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Integrating Industry & Academia Arun Nigavekar, Chairperson University Grants Commission, India.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Industry & Academia Arun Nigavekar, Chairperson University Grants Commission, India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Industry & Academia Arun Nigavekar, Chairperson University Grants Commission, India


3 Knowledge Based Enterprises NSTEDB : Opportunity driven innovative approach by the DST. UGCINFONET : Information network of UGC connecting all Universities & Colleges. Roadmap for blending both scenarios for creating Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship for Graduates.

4 Why think on these lines? Today students, particularly those doing General Degrees, are facing big problems as regards : 1.Relevance and 2.Quality of Degree. 83% (7.4 million) of all students in higher education (9.4 million) are doing B.A., B.Com., and B.Sc. Degrees.

5 21st Century There is Link between Knowledge and Education and hence Premium for Relevant and Quality Education.

6 UGCs’ New Initiatives Making Degree more Relevant and that of Quality

7 The New Learning Paradigm Create Seamless Education Environment. What does This means? 1.Blend Conventional & Distance Learning system. 2.Blend Face-to-Face, Video Conferencing, Multi-media and e-Learning.

8 The Purpose Redefine and Reemphasize the meaning of 1.Learning and 2.Understanding. This would bring new strength to Education-Knowledge-Economy link.

9 Enhancing Relevance Clubbed Education. Degree + Utility Oriented Education in Parallel Mode. 3+1 Structure, Last Year in Allied Professional Subject. Two Degrees at the end of Four Years.

10 Enhancing Quality ICT is integrated in Teaching and R & D. Intensive Teacher Training through Academic Staff Colleges & University Departments. Created UGCINFONET; Connectivity to Universities & Colleges.

11 Economy & Jobs Knowledge to Wealth

12 Economy : Shift The composition of GDP is under going a change. Shift towards Service Sector. Almost 60 to 70 % of GDP, in developed nations, is linked to Service Sector.

13 Ageing Countries Developed Countries face ; 1.Reduced Fertility Rate : 1.3 or less. 2.Improved Life Style : Live Longer. Effect : 1.More Senior Citizens. 2.Reduced Work Force.

14 Indian Economy GDP composition is changing. Service Sector is on rise. Job/Entrepreneurship spectrum is widening & variety is expanding.

15 Few Projections 1.Indian IT/ITeS market (Y 2012)* IT Exports 55 Billion $. ITeS Exports 64 Billion $. Domestic IT Services 29 Billion $. 2.AIMA projection : Y 2020. 40 Million jobs, 200 Billion $ Annual Revenue with 5.5% GDP Growth. * Dept. IT, GoI, 2003.

16 What is in Demand? A new economic environment require “Knowledge Empowered” Men & Women. Graduates with sound fundamentals, Good analytical abilities, Clear logic and Allied & Appropriate Utility Skills.

17 NSTEDB,UGC & NASSCOM Approach for Working Together

18 NSTEDB : Institutional Mechanism Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC). Science & Technology Development (STED) Project. Science & Technology Development Parks (STEP). Technology Business Incubators (TBI).

19 EDC : Objectives 1.Create entrepreneurial culture. 2.Foster better linkages : Academic Institutions, Industries & R and D Institutions. 3.Promote Small & Medium Enterprise. Functions are defined to fulfill the Objectives.

20 UGCINFONET Infrastructure Communication Backbone : 8 Mbps to be upgraded to 1 Gbps. Varied band width given to Universities : 528 Kbps to 2Mbps. Campus LAN. Free access to Students & Teachers.

21 NASSCOM Members involved in core and BPO business. Global Presence. Expanding Indian Market. India specific outsourcing. Looking for Skilled human power at various levels.

22 Win Win Situation Create EDC on campuses. Focus on Knowledge Based entrepreneurship Promotion (KBeP). Use Graduate Students as “knowledge Workers”.

23 Benefits Degrees, especially General Degrees, become Relevant. Capacity Building in Youths : Conversion of Knowledge to Wealth. Earn while Learn. Industries get access to continuous source of fresh & fertile minds.

24 Target Twenty five Campuses. Few Autonomous Colleges/ Colleges with Potential for Excellence. Thrust at Remote Areas. Apart from boosting Entrepreneurship, there would be geographic economic advantage spread.

25 Let us work to achieve the Target Thanks for Listening.

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