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1 Dongho Kim How to finish and get a job, then live happily ever after… Dongho Kim October 10, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dongho Kim How to finish and get a job, then live happily ever after… Dongho Kim October 10, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dongho Kim How to finish and get a job, then live happily ever after… Dongho Kim October 10, 2001

2 2 Dongho Kim Outline Before defense After defense Finding a job  Academia  Industry Making decision

3 3 Dongho Kim Before Defense When to take the defense?  Ask your advisor What to prepare?  Defense packet –Pick up from graduate school (GFS 300)  Thesis committee –Three or more faculty members Scheduling  Takes some time

4 4 Dongho Kim Before Defense Draft of the thesis  To the committee members  At least three weeks in advance Meet with committee before the defense  Bring slides –Go through at least first seven slides  Answer questions  Find out their concerns in advance

5 5 Dongho Kim Before Defense Practice talks (dry-runs)  As many as you can  Alone first  With group members  With advisor  With different audiences Seven slides rule Backup slides Defense announcement through the department  Lorraine

6 6 Dongho Kim Finishing vs. Job hunting It is hard to do both So, you might want to consider finishing first, and  then concentrate on finding a job However, job hunting takes time.  Sometimes, quite long time,  Especially when the economy is not good. Trade-offs

7 7 Dongho Kim During the defense Be confident!  You are the one who knows about your thesis most.

8 8 Dongho Kim After defense Getting signatures Submit thesis to graduate school  Thesis editor  another signature  Degree Progress dept.  check the requirements Graduating consists of two parts  Oral, and  Written

9 9 Dongho Kim Job searching Get connections  Introduce yourself to other people at conferences  Introduce yourself to the speaker at seminars  Get to know your colleagues

10 10 Dongho Kim Job searching - Academia Start early  For fall semester/quarter,  September – January Research area Publications GPA Research schools vs. Teaching schools Consider research labs also

11 11 Dongho Kim Job - Academia Interview  Among 5 or 6  Talk  Meeting with faculty Have research agenda for the next five years or so  During the talk and meetings  Potential future collaboration Know your research needs  Equipment  Support for students  Make sure the school is willing to provide those

12 12 Dongho Kim Job searching - Industry Prepare several versions of resumes Customized cover letters  Do not waste time on the positions that do not match Learn about the companies in advance Knowing someone inside is a BIG plus

13 13 Dongho Kim Job searching - Industry Interviews are different than that of academia No formal talks, but Very short, but carefully prepared talks  Several versions with different lengths Technical questions  Refresh your memory Strange questions Phone interviews Prepare questions  Technical  HR

14 14 Dongho Kim Making decision Two-body problems Timing  Scheduling is important

15 15 Dongho Kim Good Luck!

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