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FP7 /1 FP7 The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie In FP7 Prague, 24-25 October 2006 Marcela GROHOLOVA The Human Factor,

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Presentation on theme: "FP7 /1 FP7 The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie In FP7 Prague, 24-25 October 2006 Marcela GROHOLOVA The Human Factor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FP7 /1 FP7 The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie In FP7 Prague, 24-25 October 2006 Marcela GROHOLOVA The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions EC, DG Research, Brussels

2 FP7 /2 A European labour market for researchers Typical young people’s view of a research career….  Not a proper career  Difficult, long and hard studies  Poor rewards, low social status  High personal risks, e.g. post-doc hopping, research budgets not stable, mobility problematic

3 FP7 /3 A European labour market for researchers … And more issues of concern to policy makers:  Brain drain vs. Brain gain  Not only a European issue, but global  Brain drain is only serious when there are no attractive return possibilities and career prospects  Without researchers no research

4 FP7 /4 A European labour market for researchers Sustainable career in research requires:  A good research environment  An offer of attractive career prospects  Systematic and considerable financial investments in researcher’s training, mobility and career development

5 FP7 /5 A European labour market for researchers The actions-based answer at European level: Development of an open and competitive European labour market for researchers:  Improve overall environment for researchers in Europe by enhancing mobility and removing obstacles  Develop genuine European career perspectives for researchers, enhancing the EU’s attractiveness for research talent  Substantial increase of funding for training, mobility and career development of researchers (PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions)  European Researchers’ Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

6 FP7 /6 A European labour market for researchers Breaking down obstacles to mobility:  Joint effort of Commission and Member States to remove obstacles to mobile researchers and making the environment more appealing for researchers in Europe (since 2001)  Structured information services and customised local assistance to mobile researchers throughout Europe: European and Czech Mobility Portals and ERA-MORE (since 2003 and 2004 respectively)  …

7 FP7 /7 A European labour market for researchers Reinforce investments in « People »:  Revised Commission proposal (28 June 2006) to reinforce the « People » budget from €1,8 billion for 4 years (FP6) to € 4,7 billion for 7 years (FP7)  Constitutes a 50% increase on average yearly base compared with FP6

8 FP7 /8 FP7 2007 –2013 | Specific Programmes + Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity People – Marie Curie Actions Cooperation – Collaborative research JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom

9 FP7 /9 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 Actions: 1.Initial training of researchers 2.Life-long training and Career development 3.Industry-academia pathways and partnerships 4.International dimension 5.Specific actions

10 FP7 /10 1.Initial training of researchers (1) RTN + EST Objective  To improve Early Stage Researchers’ career perspective at European level through trans-national research networks Participants  Host organizations (public + privat)  Early Stage Researchers, Senior visiting scientists  MS+AC (+ max of 30% for Third countries)  Mobility 3 months – 3 years Marie Curie Actions in FP7

11 FP7 /11 1.Initial training of researchers (2) Financing  Allowances for ‘Early-stage’ researchers; ‘Visiting scientists’ positions; Contribution to training and networking costs; Short training events open to researchers from outside the network Date of publication  December 2006 Indicative budget  € 270 million Marie Curie Actions in FP7

12 FP7 /12 2.Life-long training and career development (1) Individual fellowships EIF + Reintegration grants ERG Objective  To support career development of experienced researchers  Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes with the same objective Participants  Experienced Researchers (> 4 years of experience or PhD)  Host organization (for Co-funding - ministries, agencies…)  MS+AC  Mobility 12-24 months Marie Curie Actions in FP7

13 FP7 /13 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 2.Life-long training and career development (2) Financing  Allowances for researchers; Contribution to host organization based on number of R/M; Management, Overheads Date of publication  December 2006 (January 2007 for Co-funding) Indicative budget  € 75 EIF + € 10 ERG + € 90 co-funding million

14 FP7 /14 3.Industry-Academia pathways and partnerships (1) TOK – IAP scheme Objective  To increase longer-term co-operation between both sectors and involvement of the industry in all Marie Curie actions  Two-way staff secondment/recruitment of experienced researchers from outside the partnership  Organization of the workshops, seminars, conferences, networking activities Participants  min 1 Academia – min 1 Industry (in particular SMEs)  Early-stage or experienced researchers  MS+AC  Mobility 2-24 months Marie Curie Actions in FP7

15 FP7 /15 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 3.Industry-Academia pathways and partnerships (2) Financing  Allowances for researchers; Contribution to host organization based on number of R/M; costs related to the organization of workshops, conferences, small equipment costs (only for SMEs), Management, Overheads Date of publication  January 2007 Indicative budget  € 40 million

16 FP7 /16 4.International dimension (1) Objective Career development / life-long training for EU researchers:  Outgoing fellowships - with mandatory return  Return and reintegration for European researchers outside Europe International co-operation through researchers from third countries:  Incoming fellowships for ‘top class’ researcher from Third countries Participants  Experienced researchers from MS/AC (for outgoing + return)  Experienced researchers from third countries (for incoming)  Mobility 12-24 months Marie Curie Actions in FP7

17 FP7 /17 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 4.International dimension (2) Financing  Allowances for researchers; Contribution to host organization based on number of R/M; Management, Overheads  For international reintegration scheme – contribution to research costs (salary for other staff, travel, consumables, patent costs, publications costs…) Date of publication  January 2007 Indicative budget  € 20 (outgoing) + € 20 (incoming) + € 10 (reintegr) million

18 FP7 /18 5.Specific Actions for policy development (1) Marie Curie Awards + Researchers’ Night Objective  To implement the Mobility Strategy  To bring researchers closer to public  To increase public awareness Participants  Organizations from MS/AC (Nights)  Individuals from MS/AC (Awards) Marie Curie Actions in FP7

19 FP7 /19 5.Specific Actions for policy development (2) Financing  Night - Grant will cover a period up to 7 months (covering the campaign)  Awards – 50 000 € for each prize Date of publication  February + December 2007 - Nights  March 2007 - Awards Indicative budget  € 6.3 (nights) + € 0.5 (awards) million Marie Curie Actions in FP7

20 FP7 /20 Indicative evolution of Marie Curie Actions across FP’s FP7 - People SP – Marie Curie Actions Life-long training & Career development Individual Fellowships Co-funding (NEW) International dimension Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships Return and Reintegration Initial training of researchers Industry-academia pathways & partnerships _______________________________________ Capacities SP Research Potential Specific actions Ideas SP FP6 - Marie Curie Actions Individual Driven Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) Outgoing International Fellowships (OIF) Incoming International Fellowships (IIF) Return & Reintegration European Reintegration Grants (ERG) International Reintegration Grants (IRG) Host Driven Fellowships for Early Stage Training (EST) Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge TOK-IAP TOK-DEV Research Training Networks (RTN) Conferences and Training Courses (SCF) Excellence promotion: - Chairs (EXC) - Awards (EXA) - Grants (EXT)

21 FP7 /21 Information  Seventh Framework Programme:  Newsletter Europe4Researchers:  European Researchers Mobility Portal  EU research:  Information requests:

22 FP7 /22 Thank you for your attention! Marcela GROHOLOVA DG RTD The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions

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