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1 ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N 137 2006-03-17 Document Type: Presentation Title: IT Accessibility Standardization.

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1 1 ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N 137 2006-03-17 Document Type: Presentation Title: IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan - Status Report to March 2006 JTC 1 SWG-A Meeting Source: Dr. Akira IZUMI, Director for International Standardization Corporation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Director of Japan Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) Secretariat RequestedFor consideration at the March 2006 SWG-A meeting. Action: JTC 1 SWG on Accessibility Secretariat ITI/INCITS 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005

2 IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan Status Report March 17 th, 2006 Akira IZUMI, Dr.Eng. Director for International Standardization Corporation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Director of Japan Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) Secretariat

3 3 Content 1. History of IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan 2. JISC Strategy for IT Accessibility Standardization 3. Future Direction

4 4 History of IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan

5 5 History(1) 1990 Enactment of “Accessibility Guideline for Information Processing Equipment” by MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) - the guideline was revised in 1995 and 2000 1997 Enactment of “Accessibility Guideline for Communication Equipment” by MPT (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) Since 1990: Enactment and Revision of Guidelines for Individual IT Equipment

6 6 1998 JISC Proposed the Resolution for Development of International Guidelines Addressing Needs of Elderly and Persons with Disabilities at 20 th ISO/COPOLCO Plenary Meeting (Tunis) - the Guideline was issued in 2001 as “ISO/IEC Guide 71” 1998 JISC Issued the Standardization Policy Addressing Needs of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities 2001 JISC issued the Standardization Strategy for Welfare Equipment 2003 JISC Issued the Standardization Policy Addressing Needs of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities 2004 IT Accessibility JIS for Common Guidelines, Information Processing Equipment, and Web Content were established 2005 IT Accessibility JIS for Telecommunication Equipment was established 2006 IT Accessibility JIS for Office Equipment was established Since 1998: Strategic Promotion of Globally- Harmonized IT Accessibility Standardization utilizing de jure Standard History(2)

7 7 JISC Strategy for IT Accessibility Standardization

8 8 JISC Strategy for IT Accessibility Standardization ■ Establishment of a globally-harmonized and systematic accessibility JIS standardization scheme ■ Participation of consumers and academia as well as manufacturers in the JIS standardization process ■ Promotion of utilization of IT accessibility JIS in cooperation with relevant governmental and private organizations

9 9 JISC Strategy for IT Accessibility Standardization ■ Establishment of a globally-harmonized and systematic accessibility JIS standardization scheme ■ Participation of consumers and academia as well as manufacturers in the JIS standardization process ■ Promotion of utilization of IT accessibility JIS in cooperation with relevant governmental and private organizations

10 10 1998JISC proposed the Resolution for Development of International Guidelines Addressing Needs of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities at 20th ISO/COPOLCO Plenary Meeting (Tunis) 2001 ISO/IEC Guide 71 was issued 2003 JIS Z8071 was established based on ISO/IEC Guide 71 Globally-Harmonized Accessibility JIS Standardization: Contribution to ISO/IEC Guide 71

11 11 June 2003 JISC issued the Standardization Policy Addressing Needs of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities vision.pdf vision.pdf (Japanese only) (Summary of the policy) ■Establishment of a systematic standardization scheme based on ISO/IEC Guide 71 ■Prioritizing of standardization fields and annual updating ■Positive international cooperation ■Promotion of utilization of enacted JIS Systematic Accessibility JIS Standardization: Issuing the Standardization Strategy

12 12 Current Situation of Accessibility JIS Standardization in Japan ② Group Standards (Sectorial Guides) ③ Product-specific Standards JIS S 0011 Marking Tactile Dots on Consumer Products JIS S 0012 Usability of Consumer Products JIS S 0013 Auditory Signals on Consumer Products JIS S 0014 Auditory Signals on Consumer Products – Sound Pressure Levels of Signals for the Elderly and in Noisy Conditions JIS S 0021 Packaging and Receptacles JIS S 0022 Packaging and Receptacles Test Methods for Opening JIS S 0023 Guidelines for Designing of Clothes in Consideration of the Elderly People JIS S 0024 Housing Equipment ① Basic Standards (ISO Guide 71) JIS Z 8071 Guidelines for Standard JIS S 0025 Packaging and Receptacles - Tactile Warning of Danger – Requirements JIS S 0031 Visual Signs and Displays – Specification of Age - related Relative Luminance and Its Use in Assessment of Light JIS S 0032 Visual Signs and Displays – Estimation of Minimum Legible Size for a Japanese Single Character JIS X 6310 Prepaid Cards – General Specifications JIS X8341-1 Information Communications Equipment, Software and Services Part1: Common Guidelines JIS X8341-2 Part2: Information Processing Equipment JIS X8341-3 Part3: Web Content JIS X8341-4 Part4: Telecommunication Equipment JIS X8341-5 Part5: Office Equipment

13 13 → JIS X 8341-1: Guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities – information and communications equipment, software and services - Part1:Common Guidelines → JIS X 8341-2: Information Processing Equipment → JIS X 8341-3: Web Content → JIS X 8341-4: Telecommunications Equipment → JIS X 8341-5: Office Equipment (1)Basic standard (Guide 71) (2)Group standard (IT Sector Guide) (3) Specific standards ISO/IEC Guide71 → JIS Z 8071: Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities X 8341-2X 8341-3 X 8341-4 X 8341-5 IT Accessibility JIS

14 14 Why is the IT Accessibility JIS number “8341” ? : Every Japanese person can remember “8341” easily JIS X8341 yasashii =「優しい」( Japanese) “friendly” や さ し い

15 15 JISC Strategy for IT Accessibility Standardization ■ Establishment of a globally-harmonized and systematic accessibility JIS standardization scheme ■ Participation of consumers and academia as well as manufacturers in the JIS standardization process ■ Promotion of utilization of IT Accessibility JIS in cooperation with relevant governmental and private organizations

16 16 ■Participation of users, academia, manufacturers and government in JISC committee and JIS drafting committee Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) Relevant Ministers Japan Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) JIS Drafting Committee Manufacturers Users Academia, Government JIS Standardization Process:

17 17 Why do Users, Academia, Participate in the Standardization Process? Article 13-2 of the Industrial Standardization Law of Japan “Relevant ministers must enact any drafts proposed by JISC as industrial standards, in case of responding to opinions of all substantial interest parties, applying to anyone under the same conditions without discrimination, and being recognized by relevant ministers as appropriate.”

18 18 JISC Strategy for IT Accessibility Standardization ■ Establishment of a globally-harmonized and systematic accessibility JIS standardization scheme ■ Participation of consumers and academia as well as manufacturers in the JIS standardization process ■ Promotion of utilization of IT Accessibility JIS in cooperation with relevant governmental and private organizations

19 19 Accessible Design Forum ■More than 20 organizations from such as users, manufacturers, and academia concerned with accessibility design joins the forum ■The purpose of the forum includes information Sharing between relevant organizations, gathering and accumulating of information and know-how, and utilizing this effectively ■Publicity through symposiums and participation in exhibitions

20 20 Annual Report on Government Measures for Persons with Disabilities ( 2005 edition ) ■Introduction of all government policies including JISC related to IT accessibility (Japanese) (Summary in English) ■Content of the report - Current situation of standardization in detail - Current situation of enacting and revising of guidelines - Policies such as research and development

21 21 ■ ”Committee Related to Ensuring Accessibility in Public Sector” released a report on December 2005 (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japanese only) ■Establishment of “Public Web Site Operation Model” based on JIS X8341-3 (Web Accessibility) ■Holding a series of seminars for local government officials Accessibility Improvement of Local Governmental Web Sites

22 22 Illustrated guide for button operation Simple menu Large, high- contrast characters One-touch dial buttons Large buttons that are easy to recognize and push Reading out Cellular Phone Japanese IT Manufacturers adopt Universal / Accessible Design in Some Products

23 23 Future Direction

24 24 ■Further publicity and promotion of utilizing IT accessibility JIS ■ Promotion of globally-harmonized standardization based on established JIS ■Expansion of IT accessibility JIS standardization Items Future Direction for IT Accessibility Standardization

25 25 Summary ■Since late 1990s, JISC has been promoting globally-harmonized and systematic JIS standardization in the field of IT accessibility ■Based on ISO/IEC Guide71, five IT accessibility JIS have already been established. JISC is promoting use of these IT Accessibility JIS ■JISC is promoting global standardization of IT accessibility JIS that are already established

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