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International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 1 ITU (International Telecommunication Union) ITU-T (Telecommunication.

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Presentation on theme: "International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 1 ITU (International Telecommunication Union) ITU-T (Telecommunication."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Telecommunication Union Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 1 ITU (International Telecommunication Union) ITU-T (Telecommunication standardization sector) Study Group 12 (Performance, QoS and QoE) Overview QoMEX’10, Trondheim, Norway Judit Katona Kiss Counsellor, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU

2 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 2 Introduction to ITU  Founded in 1865, oldest specialized agency of the UN  Standards making one of the ITU’s first activities  191 Member States, over 700 private sector entities  Headquarters in Geneva, 11 regional offices, 760 staff / 80 nationalities  Five elected officials:  Secretary-General  Deputy Secretary-General  Director of the Radio Bureau (BR)  Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB)  Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

3 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 3 3 Member States Sector Members Associates UN bodies e.g. WHO, WMO Regional/National SDO’s e.g. ETSI, IEC Industry fora International Telecommunication Union 191 Member States 565 Sector Members 153 Associates

4 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 4 ITU Structure Plenipotentiary Conference ITU Council ITU-T World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference Radiocommunication Assembly ITU-D World Telecommunication Development Conference General Secretariat

5 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 5 5 ITU: Committed to connecting the world ITU-T Telecommunication standardization on worldwide basis ITU-R International Spectrum Management and Radiocommunication Standardization ITU-R International Spectrum Management and Radiocommunication Standardization ITU-D Assisting implementation and operation of telecommunications in developing countries

6 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 6 6 ITU-T mission “To fulfil the purposes of the Union relating to telecommunication standardization by studying technical, operating and tariff questions and adopting recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis."

7 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 7 ITU-T Structure Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group WTSA World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Study Group SG Workshops, Seminars, Symposia… IPR ad hoc Working Party Questions: Develop Recommendations SG WP Q Q Q Q Focus Group Focus Group s

8 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 8 ITU-T Objectives  Develop and publish standards for global ICT interoperability  Identify areas for future standardization by involving academia  Provide an attractive and effective forum for the development of international standards  Promote the value of ITU standards  Disseminate information and know-how  Cooperate and collaborate  Provide support and assistance

9 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 99 Without ITU-T standards you couldn’t make a telephone call from one side of the world to another. E.164 “International public telecommunication numbering plan” Without ITU-T standards the Internet wouldn’t function. G.991.x – G.999.x “Recommendations on Access Networks” ITU-T Recommendations connect the world…

10 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 10 ITU-T Revolutionary video standard  Emmy award received on behalf of ISO, IEC & ITU on 25 August 2008  Advanced Video Codec ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10  H.264 | MPEG-4 AVC recognized by US Academy of Television Arts & Sciences

11 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 11 ITU-T Key Features  Truly global public/private partnership  95% of work is done by private sector  Continuously adapting to market needs  Pre-eminent global ICT standards body

12 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 12 ITU-T is fast (“pre-published” standard = non-edited version  Edited version: typically a few months after approval)

13 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 13 ITU-T collaboration  World Standards Cooperation ISO – IEC - ITU  Patent policy & Joint events  ITU-T and IEEE  MoU & Joint events  Global Standards Collaboration  Supports ITU as preeminent global ICT standards organization.  Management meetings with:  ETSI  IETF  ICANN  ISO/IEC JTC 1  MoU on E-Business: IEC, ISO, ITU and UN/ECE 44 formal partnerships

14 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 14 New Topics for SGs 14 ITU-T Relevanc e Increa sed Participatio n Indust ry Other SDOs Regulat ors NewsNews WorkshopsWorkshops Tech-watchTech-watch PromotionPromotion New Membership R&D Acade mic Academia New Ideas ITU-T and Academia Why Involving Academia?

15 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 15 How academia has participated so far  Discrete participation in SG activities  Some individuals from academia have leadership roles in ITU-T (Editors, Rapporteurs, chairs of technical committees)  Some participation in Focus Groups and Technology Watch  Some participation in ITU-T workshops  Some important regional activities (e.g. ITU Centres of Excellence)  No specific ITU membership policy for universities  proposal under discussion by ITU Council reduced fee for academia ~2’000 USD

16 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 16 Why Involving Academia?  Increase academic participation in ITU  Students of today are the people who will shape the technology world of tomorrow  Capture new work (innovations in ICT) for the standardization marketplace.  Universities and R&D institutions are an important pool of innovation.

17 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 17 Study GroupTitle 2Operational aspects of service provision and telecomm. mgmt. 3Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues 5Protection against electromagnetic environment effects 9TV & sound transm., and integrated broadband cable networks 11Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications 12Performance, QoS and QoE 13Future networks including mobile and NGN 15Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures 16Multimedia coding, systems and applications 17Security ITU-T SG Structure – from WTSA

18 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 18 Study Group 12 Mandate ‘Performance, QoS and QoE’ Responsible for Recommendations on performance, quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for the full spectrum of terminals, networks and services ranging from speech over fixed circuit- based networks to multimedia applications over networks that are mobile and packet based. Included in this scope are the operational aspects of performance, QoS and QoE. A special focus is given to interoperability to ensure end-to-end users' satisfaction. SG 12 is the Lead SG on QoS and Performance

19 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 19 Organization of the Work of Study Group 12

20 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 Structure 20 SG12 Plenary Question 1/12 Working Party 1/12 Working Party 2/12 Working Party 3/12 Questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Questions 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 Questions 2, 11, 12, 13, 17

21 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 21 SG 12 Management SG12 Chairman: Charles A. Dvorak (USA) SG12 Vice-chairmen: Paul Barrett (United Kingdom) Vladimir Efimushkin (Russian Federation) Gamal Amin Elsayed (Sudan) Hyung-Soo Kim (Republic of Korea) Qi Feng (China) Catherine Quinquis (France) Akira Takahashi (Japan) Hassan Talib (Morocco)

22 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 22 WP Chairmen and Vice Chairmen WP 1 Terminal and multimedia subjective assessment CHAIR: Catherine Quinquis (France) VICE CHAIR: Qi Feng (China) WP 2 Objective models & tools for multimedia quality CHAIR: Klemens Adler (Germany) VICE CHAIR: Paul Barrett (UK) WP 3 Multimedia QoS and QoE CHAIR: Paul Coverdale (China) VICE CHAIR: Akira Takahashi (Japan)

23 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 23 Working Party 1/12 Mandate Terminals & multimedia subjective assessment WP1/12 works on transmission characteristics of terminals for fixed circuit-switched, mobile and packet-switched (IP) networks and the related telephonometric methodologies, as well as analysis methods using complex measurement signals. Hands-free communication in vehicles is an important study item. Also addressed are methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactions.

24 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 24 Working Party 2/12 Mandate Objective models & tools for multimedia quality The purpose of WP 2/12 is to cover the end-to-end transmission performance of networks, terminals and their interactions, in relation to the perceived quality and its objective assessment as well as guidance and modelling in the field of transmission planning. This includes beside perceptual-based objective methods also parametric models and a framework for diagnostic functions.

25 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 25 Working Party 3/12 Mandate Multimedia QoS and QoE WP3/12 is responsible for conducting studies leading to new Recommendations related to multimedia Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) in emerging networks. This includes operational aspects of QoS/QoE, end to end interworking and traffic management, identification of KPIs and QoS metrics for different services, multimedia performance assessment methods and models, and fundamental performance criteria for packet-based networks.

26 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 26 Questions Allocated to SG 12 (1/2) Question numberQuestion title 1/12Work programme, QoS/QoE coordination and bridging the standardization gap 2/12Multimedia performance considerations for IP gateways 3/12Speech transmission characteristics of speech terminals for fixed circuit-switched, mobile and packet-switched (IP) networks 4/12Hands-free communication in vehicles 5/12Telephonometric methodologies for handset and headset terminals 6/12Analysis methods using complex measurement signals incl. application for speech enhancement techniques and hands- free telephony 7/12Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactions 8/12E-Model extension towards WB transmission and future telecom. and application scenarios

27 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 27 Question number Question title 9/12Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality measurements in telecommunication services 10/12Transmission planning and performance considerations for voiceband, data and multimedia services 11/12Performance interworking and traffic management for Next Generation Networks 12/12Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality 13/12QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia including IPTV 14/12Development of parametric models and tools for audiovisual and multimedia quality measurement purposes 15/12Objective assessment of speech and sound transmission performance quality in networks 16/12Framework for diagnostic functions and their interaction with external objective models predicting media quality 17/12Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologies Questions Allocated to SG 12 (2/2)

28 Committed to connecting the world Trondheim, 21 June 2010 28 Free Recommendations  Since beginning of 2007, ITU-T Recommendations are available without charge.  With only a small number of exceptions all in-force ITU-T Recommendations are available in PDF form via a simple mouse click:

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