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EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM IN TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Panel Session Goals:  To discuss how CTSA training programs currently prepare clinical and translational.

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1 EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM IN TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Panel Session Goals:  To discuss how CTSA training programs currently prepare clinical and translational scientists to collaborate with industry and the FDA.  To discuss how CTSA training programs currently prepare clinical and translational scientists for research careers with industry and the FDA.  To discuss ways in which CTSA training programs can collaborate with industry and the FDA to enhance the effectiveness and success of training clinician-scientists, (e.g. development of core competencies, explore teaching techniques, development of curricula, share curriculum etc.).

2 EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM IN TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH How do we integrate the best practices in training from industry, government, academia and the community to support career development for the broad biomedical research enterprise?  Include all stakeholders in process  Industry, Academia, Government and Community  Look at inclusion of broad membership of research teams  Define Core Competencies in Translational Research  Formal examination of competencies needed from prospective of stakeholders

3 EDUCATION AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES  C ourse Dissemination Foster increased knowledge of the different domains in clinical and translational research by expanding the availability, accessibility and openness of courses  Develop a repository of courses that have been created by academia, government agencies (NIH, FDA) and industry (Merck, Pfizer) so that they can be more widely disseminated  Increases exposure to perspectives of the primary source  Open-up courses so that people from the “outside” can attend i.e., invite academic biomedical researchers to the basic “new employee” pharmaceutical training courses  Expand the distribution list of available FDA and NIH courses to encourage attendance by people from academia and industry

4 EDUCATION AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES  C ourse Development Develop courses that specifically address gaps in the clinical and translational research continuum  Train entire clinical and translational research enterprise  Critical need for focusing on mechanisms and pharmacology  Skill sets include insightful protocol design and proof of concept studies  Training to develop skills to lead team science research  Strong project management and communication skills  Business case perspectives  Develop Academic – Industry Roundtables  Understand each other’s strengths, capabilities, assets, needs, risks, liabilities and assess areas for collaboration.

5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES  Practical Experience Develop hands-on practical experiences with different stakeholders  In academia-to understand basic science discovery and clinical research activities  In industry- to understand priorities and decision-making  In government (NIH, FDA, CDC etc)- to understand policy, regulatory and drug development process  Benefits include:  Better understanding of similarities and differences in perspectives of various members of the team involved in the biomedical research enterprise  Enhances communication as a common lexicon is developed  Helps trainees and scholars envision multiple career paths

6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES  Ultimate beneficial outcomes of a robust training and career development initiative  well trained biomedical translational research workforce  Help trainees and scholars envision a career trajectory that may span across jobs in academia, government and industry  improved communication and teamwork  change in collaborative culture  Educate the public and congress of the range of career paths and the integrated and complimentary roles of highly trained biomedical researchers that may span across academia, government and industry

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