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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Networks of Excellence: Programmes and Initiatives for Egypt Dr. Oliver Lange, Head of Division 2.1, Life Sciences Dr. Simone Heil, Programme Director, Middle East and Africa Department 2 February 2015, Humboldt Kolleg in Ismailia Thank you very much for inviting me to present the programmes of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to you today. My name is Simone Heil and I am the programme director of the Middle East and Africa Department of the Humboldt Foundation. Melanie Schmitz: 4c
Historical and intellectual roots
Alexander von Humboldt ( ): discoverer, universal scholar, cosmopolitan and patron of excellent scientific talent 1953: establishment of today’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation based in Bonn Bad-Godesberg international network of academic cooperation and trust inspired by Humboldt’s example Perhaps first a few words regarding Alexander von Humboldt: He was a discoverer and cosmopolitan, a universal scholar and fighter for the freedom of research. He was also a patron of excellent research talents. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as it is known today was established in 1953 by the Federal Republic of Germany. In the spirit of Humboldt it fosters an international network of scientific cooperation and trust. 2 2
The Humboldt Foundation's areas of work
sponsorship of international academics as a part of foreign cultural and educational policy strengthening cutting-edge research through internationalisation impetus for the research location Germany by promoting individuals advancing development through academic cooperation mobility counselling in the European context The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is active in various fields: - it supports international academics as part of foreign cultural and educational policy, - it strengthens cutting-edge research through internationalisation, - it enables individuals, who provide an impetus for the research location Germany, to spend time researching there, - and it promotes development by sponsoring cooperation with researchers from emerging and developing countries. 3 3
Principles of the Foundation
sole selection criterion: academic excellence sponsorships for people, not projects no quotas for countries or disciplines free choice of academic host / collaboration partner in Germany independent scientific research, not stipulated by the Foundation worldwide excellence network of Humboldtians The Humboldt Foundation promotes outstanding researchers from Germany and abroad with its programmes. Sponsorship decisions are based on the applicant’s achievements and qualifications. There are no quotas, neither for countries nor disciplines. The Foundation believes that the ability of the individual is the crucial factor for academic success. This is why it sponsors people not projects. Researchers are given as much freedom as possible to carry out their research projects. This includes allowing Humboldtians to choose their host institutions themselves and to conduct independent research. Furthermore, we have the motto: „Once a Humboldtian, Always a Humboldtian!“ Thus, we sponsor our Humboldtians through alumni programmes for their entire academic life.
Equal opportunities for female academics
equal opportunities is an important issue for the Foundation sponsoring of women correlates with age, career stage and geographical origin measures supplementing standard sponsorship opportunities: fellowship extension or interruption, allowances, targeted counselling Equal opportunities for female academics is an important issue for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. As the Foundation's sponsorship programmes target both men and women, it consequently seeks to make its sponsorship programmes equally attractive to both male and female academics. Nevertheless, it is evident that the proportion of female academics sponsored is significantly lower by comparison with their male colleagues and drops with a higher career stage and with increasing age. The geographical origin is also relevant. For this reason the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supplements its sponsorship options with the following equal opportunities measures: Research fellows have the opportunity to extend the sponsorship period by up to 3 months if they give birth during the approved sponsorship period (in analogy to the periods laid down in the Maternity Protection Act); the opportunity to extend the sponsorship period is available even if the fellowship finishes within the statutory maternity leave period. The research fellow can apply to interrupt the fellowship period for up to 18 months if the birth of a child occurs within the sponsorship period or if the research fellow (male or female) is responsible for the care of a child under 12 years of age. Married research fellows receive a marital allowance if the accompanying spouse does not have any income of his/her own. If the fellows‘ underage children (under 18) accompany them to Germany for at least 3 months (without interruption) an application can be made during the sponsorship period to receive child allowance or child benefit according to German law. A childcare allowance can be paid for children of fellows from Germany who accompany them abroad and who are not older than 12. In addition, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation already offers tailored information for female academics in the context of its role as German partner in the EU-wide Euraxess Network. The internet portal offers information on: sponsorship programmes for female academics advice, training, platforms, networks dual career couples 5 5
Research location Germany
Universities Leibniz Institutes Max Planck Institutes Helmholtz Centres Fraunhofer Institutes Greifswald Rostock Hamburg Bremen Hannover Berlin Magdeburg Halle Leipzig Dresden Jena Nürnberg München Freiburg Saarbrücken Frankfurt a. M. Dortmund Münster Bonn Göttingen Heidelberg Stuttgart Kiel Aachen Marburg Mainz Karlsruhe Köln The diversity of the research landscape and the fact that different tasks are carried out by the science organisations and the research institutions are some of the strengths of the German science system. Its continuing, dynamic development is one of the central tasks of German research policy. Cosmopolitanism, the ability to cooperate as well as excellence are the models for a research landscape which meets the demands of the 21st century. In Germany, as the map illustrates, research is conducted at numerous locations and in different types of institution. Apart from universities there are non-university research institutions like the Max Planck Society, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Scientific Community, known as the Leibniz Association. 6
Research institutions
approximately 100 universities: research in all disciplines 82 Max Planck Institutes: basic research, especially in the natural and biosciences but also in the humanities and social sciences 67 Fraunhofer Institutes: applied research 18 Helmholtz Centres: technical-scientific and biomedical research 89 Leibniz Institutes: research ranging from knowledge-oriented basic research to applied research The spectrum of work at universities includes basic research, applied research as well as development. Currently, more than 100 universities in Germany are particularly strong in research. (Universities in Germany: about 370 including more than 100 universities with the right to award doctorates which are particularly strong in research.) Basic research is conducted at 81 institutes in the Max Planck Society, especially in science and bioscience, but also in the humanities and social sciences. The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft undertakes applied research. Its contract partners and clients are companies in the manufacturing and service industries, as well as public bodies. It has more than 80 research centres, including 60 Fraunhofer Institutes all over Germany. The 18 large-scale technical-scientific and biomedical research centres that have joined together in the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres are a significant part of the research landscape of Germany. 86 research institutes and service facilities for research in Germany have amalgamated under the umbrella of the Leibniz Association. The concrete spectrum of tasks ranges from natural science, engineering and environmental science via economics, social and spatial sciences to the humanities. 7 7
Finding a Co-operation Partner in Germany
Search “interesting” publications Ask colleagues with contacts in Germany (e.g. Humboldtians at your institute) Search the Humboldt Foundation’s Network Online get a list of host institutions of Humboldtians filter your search by subject area, location, and key words Search via the DAAD and DFG “Research Explorer” information on over 19,000 institutions at universities and non-university research institutions in Germany search by geographic, academic, and structural criteria The public Network Online shows a great part of the 26,000 fellows worldwide and can give those interested an overview of possible hosts. You can search by name, host institution, research area, location and key words. Hosts can be found via the names of Humboldtians. The Research Explorer is a unique online directory of the German science landscape, made available through cooperation between the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Sponsorship Opportunities offered by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors top-flight academics from abroad by granting research fellowships and research awards for research stays in Germany. It also offers exceptionally qualified academics from Germany the opportunity to carry out a research project anywhere in the world with one of well over 26,000 Humboldtians, the Foundation‘s Alumni. 9
Programmes „coming to Germany“
years after PhD 4 12 18 B M PhD PD PD Ass AP FP Humboldt-Fellow Georg-Forster-Fellow Kovaleskaja-Award Bessel-Award Humboldt-Award Georg-F-Award Humboldt-Prof. Quelle/Bildrechte: DAAD Humboldt-Foundation
for exceptionally qualified academics from abroad and from Germany
Research Fellowships for exceptionally qualified academics from abroad and from Germany 11 11
Research fellowships for research stays in Germany
Humboldt Research Fellowship / Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) Postdoctoral researchers Experienced researchers Duration of sponsorship Application period Fellowship amount 6 to 24 months applications at any time, doctorates completed less than 4 years ago 2,650 EUR per month (plus additional benefits) 6 to 18 months, may be divided up into 3 stays applications at any time, doctorates completed less than 12 years ago 3,150 EUR per month (plus additional benefits) Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers are the programmes with which the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad, who are just embarking on their academic careers and who completed their doctorates less than four years ago, to spend extended periods working on research (6-24 months) in Germany. Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellowships for experienced researchers target highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad, who completed their doctorates less than twelve years ago, enabling them to spend extended periods working on research (6-18 months; may be divided up into a maximum of three blocks) in Germany. 12 12
Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) – additional benefits
child allowance (400 EUR per month for the first child and 100 EUR per month for each additional child) subsidy towards childcare costs, if at least one child of no more than twelve years of age accompanies the research fellow in Germany subsidy towards a pension plan of up to 200 EUR per month, providing the research fellow contributes the same amount from her or his own finances bridging grant to cover transitional periods of unemployment in Germany
Research Fellowships: Application Requirements
Application requirements
Postdoctoral researchers Experienced researchers above average doctorate academic publications agreement by academic host independent research project knowledge of German and/or English independent academic activity, e.g. as an assistant professor comprehensive list of academic publications with own, clearly defined academic profile The requirements for an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship are an above average doctorate or comparable academic qualification, independent research experience, documented by recognised academic publications, preferably in international journals, adequate language skills, a research project agreed upon with the academic host as well as a confirmation of the host institute that research facilities are available. As a rule, candidates’ chances are increased if they belong to the top group amongst their international peers. The number of publications considered appropriate varies according to discipline and career stage. What determines whether an application is successful is academic quality, not German language skills. In science, in particular, working groups function and publish in English. In this case, it is not necessary to have a proven knowledge of German at the time of application. Candidates from the humanities and social sciences, on the other hand, should have a basic knowledge of German, which may be necessary to conduct the project successfully, at the time of application. Experienced researchers should have their own, clearly defined academic profile. This means they should usually be working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or be able to document independent research work over a number of years and a comprehensive list of academic publications with a recognisable, independent profile. 15 15
Application procedure
application forms available at AvH website applications at any time to the Foundation directly assessment by independent expert reviewers decision by independent selection committees duration of procedure: approximately 4 to 7 months Applications may be submitted to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at any time. Application forms can be downloaded from the Internet. Usually, two independent expert opinions will be requested for each application. The decision is made by an independent selection committee made up of academics from all disciplines. They evaluate the applications submitted without any quotas for countries or disciplines. The selection committee meets three times a year. The procedure takes a total of 4-7 months from submission to notification of the committee’s decision immediately after the committee meeting. 16 16
International Climate Protection Fellowships
for prospective leaders from emerging and developing countries, who are engaged in climate protection and resource conservation; are working in academia, business, governmental or non-governmental organisations; would like to conduct an independent project agreed with a host in Germany The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards twenty fellowships every year to prospective leaders from emerging and developing countries who are active in the field of climate protection and resource conservation in academia, industry, governmental or non-governmental organisations. They come to Germany for one year in order to carry out a project dedicated to the sharing of knowledge, methods and techniques with a host of their choice. The fellowships are funded under the Climate Protection Initiative by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU). 17
International Climate Protection Fellowships
Application requirements Bachelor's or equivalent academic degree further academic or professional qualification or extensive, theme-related professional experience leadership potential Benefits provided 12-month fellowship in Germany, extension of up to 3 months possible introductory seminar, training courses, final meeting language course (optional), travel lump sum, family allowances Requirements for an application are leadership potential as well as a first university degree (Bachelor‘s or equivalent degree), completed less than twelve years prior to the start date of the fellowship. Applicants must also hold a further (academic or professional) qualification or have extensive, relevant work experience. Furthermore, a supervision agreement must be in place with a host in Germany. Fellowship benefits The fellowship is granted for twelve months, extensions of up to three months are possible. The fellowship amount is between 2,150 EUR and 2,750 EUR per month. The fellowship benefits include joint events (introductory seminar lasting several weeks, training courses, a final meeting of fellows in Berlin) that are intended to familiarise the fellows with the current social, political, cultural, economic and historical dimensions of climate protection and resource conservation in Germany as well as to promote networking within the group and with multipliers in Germany. On top of this, travel expenses are covered at the beginning and end of the visit to Germany as well as the costs of the language course. Marital and child allowances may be paid on application. 18 18
The Humboldt Network My name is Simone Heil and I am the programme director of the Middle East and Africa Division within the Sponsorship and Network Department of the Humboldt Foundation. In the following I will talk a bit about the Humboldt Network. As stated before, we have the motto: „Once a Humboldtian, Always a Humboldtian!“ Thus, we sponsor our Humboldtians through alumni programmes for their entire academic life. 19
The Humboldt Network – more than 26,000 Humboldtians worldwide
On this chart you can see the worldwide distribution of our active fellows. An active knowledge network of more than 26,000 Humboldtians has been laid across the whole academic world – embracing over 140 states. The largest number of Humboldtians are still based in Europe, but numbers in North America and especially Asia are increasing. In the Middle East we have 683 Humboldtians. as of: January 2014
Origin of guest researchers
2009–2013: 2,745 research fellowships granted to academics from abroad Australia, New Zealand, Oceania 3% Middle East, North Africa 4% Sub-Saharan Africa 4% Central and South America 6% Europe 37% North America 18% The distribution of research fellows according to countries of origin changes from year to year because the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation does not have any quotas for countries but selects candidates solely on the basis of the academic quality of applications. Of the researchers from abroad selected in the five-year period, 2009–2013, 37% came from Europe, 28% from Asia, 18% from North America, 6% from Central and South America, 4% from Sub-Saharan Africa, 4% from the Middle East, North Africa and 3% from Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. Asia 28% 21 21
Disciplines of guest researchers
2009–2013: 2,745 research fellowships granted to academics from abroad Engineering Sciences 10 % Humanities and Social Sciences 27 % The Foundation welcomes excellent applications from all disciplines equally. Of the researchers from abroad selected in the five-year period, 2009–2013, 63% were natural scientists, 27% were humanities scholars and social scientists and 10% were engineering scientists. Natural Sciences 63 % 22 22
Alumni sponsorship and international networking
more than 26,000 Humboldtians in over 140 countries: “Once a Humboldtian – always a Humboldtian“ alumni sponsorship and international networking through e.g. further research stays equipment subsidies, book donations Research Group Linkage Programme Humboldt Colloquia and Kollegs Humboldt Alumni Associations Humboldt Alumni Award The Foundation is a lifetime partner. Amongst other things, networking sponsorship caters for further research stays to Germany. This gives fellows a chance to revitalise relationships to specialist colleagues and their institutes or make contacts with new partners, continue joint projects already underway, or build new collaborations. The Research Group Linkage Programme allows Humboldtians to apply for sponsorship in order to cooperate over a period of three years with a researcher working at a German institute and additional cooperation partners in other countries. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation regularly organises colloquia abroad. Moreover, the Humboldt Foundation has provided financial support for Humboldt Alumni Associations as well as for individual Humboldtians to organise regional and specialist conferences. These Humboldt Kollegs have become one of the most popular instruments for strengthening regional and specialist networks. Apart from networking, the Kollegs such as this Kolleg here in Ismailia serve to awaken the interest of young academics in the Foundation’s programmes and in Germany as a location for research. The Humboldt Alumni Awards for innovative networking initiatives are… 23 23
Humboldt Alumni Award for Innovative Networking Initiatives
Goal to support new initiatives by Humboldt Alumni to contribute to sustainable academic links Assessment criteria originality of the initiative beyond existing instruments of the Humboldt Foundation’s sponsorship portfolio integration of scientists, scholars and younger researchers from inside and from outside the Humboldt Network contribution to mutual scientific and intercultural understanding Funding amount: up to 25,000 EUR; 3 awards annually … granted to fellows and award winners abroad. Each award is valued at up to 25,000 EUR. They are designed to promote academic and cultural relations between Germany and the Humboldt Alumni's own countries as well as strengthening their collaboration in the respective regions.
6 out of 26,000 Lado Chanturia, Georgia, Ambassador of Georgia in Germany (2014) Ernest J. Moniz, USA, Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (2013) Eva Illouz, Israel, President, Bezalel Academy of Arts (2012) For example, in 2013 Randa Abou-Bakr from Cairo University got the Humboldt Alumni Award for her networking initiative “Forum for the Study of Popular Culture”. This initiative aims to establish a forum for research into popular culture which will provide resources and expertise for academics working in this field. The network will also generate opportunities for junior researchers from Egypt and the Arab region to travel to Germany for short periods of research. Other VIPs among our Humboldt alumni are the current Ambassador of Georgia in Germany, the Colombian Minister of Justice and Law as well as the President of Peking University. Yesid Reyes Alvarado, Colombia, Minister of Justice and Law (2014) Randa Abou-bakr, Egypt, Cairo University, Humboldt Alumni Award (2013) Enge Wang, China, President, Peking University (2013)
Humboldt Network Online
Public network search and find Humboldtians on our database search the Bibliographia Humboldtiana Protected area (for Humboldtians) access details and contact addresses of all Humboldtians manage entries in the Bibliographica Humboldtiana and your personal profile We have several tools which help our Humboldtians to stay in touch. In the Network Online database everyone can search for names and disciplines of the Humboldtians. The Bibliographia Humboldtiana is a collection of bibliographic information on publications ensuing from research stays sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This database is also accessible to all users. In addition, Humboldtians can log in to the protected area of the Network Online to access the details and contact addresses of all those sponsored, or update their contact details. 26
Humboldt Life – the Humboldt Foundation‘s online network
platform for all members of the Humboldt Family to promote professional and personal communication members can: introduce themselves and present their research focus areas find new collaborative partners or trace colleagues they once worked with start or join groups to share knowledge and ideas enter their publications in a central publication database Humboldt Life – the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s new online network – was launched last year. As a social network, Humboldt Life offers many functions that you know from other social networks such as Facebook, Research Gate or the Alumniportal Deutschland. This is an excellent way in exchanging further project ideas and promoting the scientific cooperation in the Humboldt Network. Humboldtians can use Humboldt Life to present themselves and their work, search the network and connect with fellow Humboldtians.
The Foundation‘s Ambassador Scientists
Then a few words on the Humboldt Foundation’s Ambassador Scientists. They disseminate information about Germany as a research location at universities and research institutions at home and abroad, focussing particularly on the Foundation’s sponsorship programmes and international network.
The Foundation’s Ambassador Scientists
1 3 2 1 1 1 Humboldtians on Campus 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 They work for the Foundation in an honorary capacity as alumni, hosts or reviewers. Ambassador Scientists are points of contact for Humboldt alumni and Humboldt associations. As you can see on this map currently 48 Ambassador Scientists in 38 countries are supporting the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
German Science Centre (DWZ) Cairo, Egypt
Objective joint representation of German innovation leaders abroad – with close collaboration between industry and science, to strengthen cooperations with foreign partners Remit information, services, promotion, consulting, joint events exchange and networks (workshops, conferences etc.) The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the GSC Cairo Prof. Ashraf H. Abadi, Ambassador Scientist of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Egypt, supports the GSC Cairo locally In Egypt we have Professor Ashraf Abadi at the German University in Cairo who is acting as our Ambassador Scientist. Heba Afifi who works at the German Science Center in Cairo is supporting him in his important work here in Egypt. They give presentations on the programmes of the Humboldt Foundation and organize workshops.
AvH in Egypt and the MENA region
In the last couple of minutes of our talk I would like to focus on our activities in the MENA region and Egypt in particular. 31
Origin of Guest Researchers
countries with relatively many Humboldtians (> 200): Egypt (388), Israel (275) countries with moderate numbers of Humboldtians (> 100): Iran (115) countries with few Humboldtians (< 100): Algeria (21), Iraq (13), Jordan (36), Lebanon (23), Morocco (28), Palestinian Territories (15), Syria (18), Tunisia (17) In the MENA-region, we have traditionally strong ties with Egypt: Since 1953 we have sponsored 388 Fellows from Egypt. Also in Israel and Iran we have relatively many Humboldtians. Countries with few Humboldtians include Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Syria and Tunisia.
AvH in the Middle East and North Africa
~ 960 Humboldtians (~ 120 Research Awardees, ~ 110 Georg Forster-Research Fellows) 22 Feodor Lynen Research Fellows (1 in Egypt) ~ 20 Humboldt-Kollegs 6 Humboldt-Kolloquia (e.g. Jordan, May 2009) Humboldt Ambassador Scientists in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco Humboldt Alumni Associations in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Maghreb Research Group Linkages in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Tunisia On this slide you can see some figures regarding Humboldtians in the Middle East and North Africa. In total, we have around 960 Humboldtians in this region. 120 of them are research awardees and 110 are Georg-Forster-Research Fellows. Humboldtians have been actively organizing 20 Humboldt Kollegs in the last years and 6 Humboldt Colloquia have taken place in the Middle East, the last one being in Jordan in 2009. Humboldt Ambassador scientists in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Morocco are supporting the work of the Humboldt Foundation in these countries. Humboldt Alumni Associations exist in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and the Maghreb. Research Group Linkages have been established between German institutions with institutions in Egypt, Iran, Jordan and Tunisia.
Egypt: Applications and approvals
Research Fellowships Applications Approvals 2009 20 4 2010 23 3 2011 18 1 2012 (special initiative) 48 13 2013 Here you can see some figures regarding the applications and approvals of Egyptian scientists for our Humboldt and Georg Forster research fellowships. During the last couple of years, there have been special funds by the German foreign office for the Transformation Partnership with Egypt and Tunisia. In this way, we were able to support Egyptian researchers even better.
Alumni sponsorship for Egypt in 2013
Renewed research stays: 6 Short stays of up to 30 days: 4 Equipment donations: 4 Return fellowships: 3 In 2013, for example, Egyptian alumni got renewed research stays, short stays in Germany, equipment donations and return fellowships.
Contact The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is available to answer your questions at any time: Jean-Paul-Straße Bonn Germany Tel: Fax: So this is it for now. If you have any questions about the Humboldt Foundation’s work please consult our website or contact directly. And you can also contact me, of course. Thank you very much for your attention! 36 36
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