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Institute for Military Support to Governance
COL Terry Lindon Information 1 May 2014 v4
Background The USASOC Commander directed establishment of the IMSG in support of: DoDD , Functions of the DoD and Its Major Components, 21 Dec 2010, Directs the Army to “occupy territories abroad and provide for the initial establishment of a military government, pending transfer of responsibility to other authority.” DoDD Stability Operations, 16 Sep 2009, Directs DoD components to Conduct, Support, or Lead Stability Operations. DoDD , Civil Affairs, 11 Mar 2014, Directs DoD components to: "Establish and conduct military government until civilian authority or government can be restored" and "Support stability operations, including activities that establish civil security; provide support to governance; provide essential services; support economic development and infrastructure; and establish civil control." Joint Resource Oversight Council Memorandum (JROCM) #162-11, 1 Dec 2011: CA DOTMLPF Change Recommendation to CA formations in general and specifically to CA Functional Specialty capabilities in governance, economic stability, public health and welfare, rule of law, infrastructure, public education, and public information. Joint Resource Oversight Council Memorandum (JROCM) #172-13, 4 Nov 2013: Stability Operations DOTMLPF Change Recommendation to Transitional Military Authority, Military Governance, and requirements for coordination with IA MN and NGO partners. USASOC Guidance for Development of the Force (UGDF), tasking to USAJFKSWCS, page 66, Oct 2013: "establish the IMSG to strengthen partnerships with interagency and further leverage the civil sector expertise." ARSOF 2022, page 21: "Establish the Institute for Military Support to Governance to strengthen partnerships with interagency and further leverage the other ‘5th Forces Providers’ such as academia, non-governmental organizations and civil enterprises." “When Civilian expertise normally provided by USG Agencies is not available, CA functional specialists may be required to fill key planning, operational, or liaison roles until replaced by their OGA counterparts.” FM 3-57 Civil Affairs Operations, October 2011
Institute for Military Support to Governance
Capability Requirement Mission Military Government is a Geneva/Hague Convention and USC Title X responsibility. Identifies and addresses critical civil vulnerabilities in undergoverned and ungoverned areas or high-threat environments where local authorities or the interagency cannot engage. Military Government specialist have existed in the Army Force structure since WW II; Capability currently exists in the Army Reserve. Seeks to revitalize the existing force structure with new standards and expanded capabilities. The Institute for Military Support to Governance manages the provision of civil sector expertise across the range of military operations in order to support USG obligations under international law and promote stability. On order, supports Theater Security Cooperation, Transitional Military Authority, and Support to Civil Administration operations. Specified Tasks Revitalize military governance capabilities Establish credentialing standards for 38G/Civil Sector Experts required to support future operations Inform Military Governance policy, doctrine and training Coordinate associated DOTMLPF functions; shape policies, authorities, doctrine and training for access to civil sector expertise Research, analyze and provide civil sector expertise for Support to Civil Administration (SCA) and Transitional Military Authority (TMA) Provide reach-back support to operational practitioners with research and analysis, concept development and experimentation Collaborate with civil sector experts to provide information to military planners Support Theater Security Cooperation (prevent and shape) Conduct Concept Development and Experimentation for Employment of Civil Sector Experts Develop a Future Operational Concept for the Employment of Civil Sector Experts and non-military capabilities resident in U.S. Government, private business, and academia
Civil Affairs 2020 Strategy
CA forces support commanders by engaging the civil component of the operational environment to achieve CMO or other stated U.S. objectives and ensure the sustained legitimacy of the mission and the transparency and credibility of the military force before, during, or after other military operations. CA forces plan, prepare for, execute, assess, and transition CAO at all levels of war. (FM 3-57, Oct 11) 21st Century CA Soldier Attributes Civil Domain Professionals Diplomatically Astute Proficient Planner Critical Thinker Comfort with Ambiguity Adaptive Effective in the JIIM Environment ENDS CA Soldier 2020 The Civil Affairs Soldier understands civil societies and excels in complex, ambiguous, and non-contiguous environments. Trained in culture, language, social sciences, civil analysis and planning. Capable of identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that threaten the stability of foreign civil societies. The “Civil Scout” of the future is educated to conduct Civil Affairs Operations in a JIIM environment during persistent and/or episodic engagements. Critical Capabilities Civil-Military Warriors PMESII-PT/ ASCOPE Analysis Human Terrain Cultural/ Societal SME Language Proficiency Advanced Civil Education Government Functions Foreign Policy Strategic Stability and Security CA Regimental Vision 2020 Military Government Specialist 2020 The Military Government Specialist is uniquely trained, educated, and qualified to conduct responsibilities normally performed by civil governments. Trained in culture, language, civil analysis, and planning. Educated to both implement and oversee the complexities of transition to civil authorities. JROC/CA DOTMLPF Civil Affairs and Military Government are the Nation’s first choice for mitigating threats to civil society; executed through global persistent engagements across the range of military operations in order to enable our nation to prevent and deter conflict or prevail in war. WAYS Lines of Effort TRADOC PAM Train and Educate the CA Force Design comprehensive, innovative, and relevant curriculum with commensurate resourcing Strengthen CA Credibility Build technical competence that distinguishes the Army CA Regiment within the DOD Improve the CA Force Increase the capacity and capability of the Army CA Regiment MEANS Holistic redesign of CA courses Collaborative development Culture / Social Sciences Language Advanced CA Skills Continuing Education School of Military Government Standardize Training and Professional Military Education (PME) Strategic communications DOD wide participation Military Government Doctrine refinement Professional articles Joint & Army experimentation Regimental esprit de corps Manage professional credentials 525 series CA concept Identify future requirements Right-size the force TRAC-LEE / Proponent CA CBA Normalize Force Mod functions CIMDPS NET/Fielding FY12-17 Sustainable Career Models Support JROC CA DOTMLPF change recommendations “Commanders must be prepared to ensure ARSOF and conventional civil affairs units have the resources to enable essential governance functions when reinforcements from joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational partners are not immediately available.” TRADOC Pam Functional Concept for Mission Command
Operational Concept
Organization - USAJFKSWCS
13-Apr-17 Organization - USAJFKSWCS Commander USAJFKSWCS Operations & Integration Section Director Dean PhD GS-14 Sir, The latest version of the proposed Organizational Structure is depicted on the slide and includes Active, Reserve and future Civilian Personnel. In order to reach this level of structure it is critical to gain approval of the MOU with USARC. This is envisioned as a Zero Growth organization. This is a FORCE RESTRUCTURING EFFORT and does not include new personnel. This version depicts IMSG seated well under SWCS and seated with a host of Supervisory, Advisory, and support personnel. Currently the personnel assigned as the IMSG are the Director, Deputy Director, Operations Officer, Assist OPS Officer, and the OPS NCO. (LASER POINTER) The other personnel resources that are depicted and requested for the future are: The Directors are comprised of O-6 Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentee positions: Once these positions are on the SWCS TDA, we can recruit select officers for part time USAR duty at the IMSG to begin the required UAP / Academic outreach. Funding for Reserve Component Augmentation during IMSG establishment has been requested from USARC and is included in the MoA. This funding will allow for USAR soldiers to be brought on active duty in FY15 and 16 and bridge until the establishment of a TDA and systemic manning. These IMA and AGR Soldiers will fill out the remainder of the structure here at Fort Bragg and will enable the growth process to be complete NLT 1 OCT, FY16. The next domain is Training. This domain will focus on illustrating the Training Pathway for the conversion and creation of the Military Government Officer. (Slide) Deputy Director for Interagency Affairs USASOC POLAD Deputy Director 38A COL SGT MAJ 00G SGM Registrar GS-10 Operations Officer 38A LTC Asst Ops Off 38A MAJ Civil Security Department Governance Department Essential and Humanitarian Services Dept Economy and Infrastructure Department Rule of Law Department Homeland Integration Department Ops NCO 38B MSG Advisor 38G COL Advisor 38G COL Advisor Public Health 38G COL Advisor Economics 38G COL Advisor 38G COL Advisor 38G COL Strategic Planner 59A MAJ/LTC Lead Coord O1A LTC/MAJ Lead Coord O1A LTC/MAJ Advisor Education 38G COL Advisor Infrastructure 38G COL Lead Coord 01A LTC/MAJ Lead Coord O1A LTC/MAJ Exercise Off 01A LTC/MAJ Lead Coord 05A LTC/MAJ Advisor Agriculture 38G COL IA LNO 01A MAJ/LTC Lead Coord 01A LTC/MAJ AC Private Sector Integrator 01A MAJ/LTC Support Personnel AGR JAG 27A MAJ/LTC COMPO3 ADMIN NCO 42A SFC LOG NCO 92A SFC BUDGET NCO 36B SFC DAC Cultural Anthropologist PhD GS-13 CIV UNCLASSIFIED
Governance Innovation for Security and Development
Marc Ventresca, NPS/Oxford Behavior Tech Margarita Quihuis, Stanford Mark Nelson, Stanford Curt Blais, NPS Paula Philbin, NPS HOMELAND INTEGRATION Melanne Civic, CSO Marc Ventresca, NPS/Oxford Karen Guttieri, NPS Jon Czarnecki, NWC Maria Pineda, NPS/UCLA
Research Products Functional Specialties Structure
What Functional Specialties are required? (by Stability Sector) What are the standards? (Civilian education, experience, and certifications) Develop descriptions How many of each Functional Specialty are required? Is the IMSG structure correct? What Functional Specialty teams are at battalion, brigade, and CACOM? Composition/distribution of functional specialty teams Additional Research Topics Timeline What are the policies, authorities, and doctrine that affect employment and deployment? What are the laws and policies affecting direct commissioning? What are the functions and authorities of IMSG, SWCS, CAPOC, and HRC? Curriculum for Direct Commissionees and other 38G's including Military Governance Certificate
Qualification Training
13-Apr-17 Qualification Training XXX Civilian Education and Experience IMSG Validates Commissioned 38A Area of Concentration Training Transfer AOC DL 3-6 Months SSDCO Civilian Education and Experience IMSG Validates Commissioned Non-38A Branch Training Fully Qualified38G Branch Transfer DL RC CAQC(-) DL 6-12 Months SSDCO 3 Months Sir, This slide shows the three variants of training in order to "Grow" a 38G - Military Government Officer, A Branch Transfer - One for Civil Affairs Commissioned Officers and one for those transferring from their basic branch after having completed Captain's Career Course. The third is the Direct Appointment from the Civil Sector and NCOs. The Reclassification of a Commissioned 38A is the Most Viable Option since CAQC has already been completed and the SSDCO will take the least amount of time once the individual Soldier's civilian technical expertise is validated by the IMSG. This process would occur immediately since SSDCO is considered PME. The SM would be enrolled as slots became available. The Branch Transfer of an existing Reservist from another branch will take a bit longer due to the availability of the individual Soldier, a need to attend a portion of CAQC and the SSDCO course. This process is anticipated to take 6-12 Months to complete and is based on the Availability of the Soldier per Fiscal Year, USAR funding, and the availability of the courses. The Direct Appointees would be validated in much the same way as a 38A transfer, however their training is the most comprehensive and requires Army Approval and Initial Military Training. The IMT process is expected to take and average of 6-18 Months with DCC, BOLC and CAQC requiring up to 3 years to complete based on the availability of the Civil Sector Expert. The process culminates with the final PME of SSDCO at the year mark. The next slide will illustrate the envisioned composition of the IMSG and the current "Functional Specialist" titles……. (Slide) Civilian Education and Experience IMSG Validates Requires TRADOC Approval Civilians NCOs Direct Appointment BOLC – A BOLC – B DCC BOLC Common DL DL RC CAQC(-) Years SSDCO 6-18 Months 3 Years Schools Existing ARMY Existing SWCS Future SWCS UNCLASSIFIED
Working Issues Governance Innovation for Security and Development (38G Skill Identifier Development -- define, describe, standards) 17-18 Dec 13: Internal IPR; Jan 14: Rule of Law IPR; Mar 14: Social Well-Being/Economy IPR; May 14: Safe and Secure Environment IPR; Jun 14: Governance IPR; Jun 14: Homeland Integration IPR; Jul 14: Wrap up IPR 20 Aug 14: Delivery of Final Report APAN Website: 24-27 Mar 14: Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop Stakeholder Analysis under revision Governance Certificate preparing for implementation Proponent and USACAPOC Direct Appointment program Recruiting/Classification Future Operating Concept Training and Education IMSG Charter in staffing USASOC-USARC MOU in staffing Operationalize the IMSG Outreach to IA, NGOs, IGOs, Academia, and Business (PPP) Experimentation Silent Quest Unified Challenge JRTC Irwin Middle School - Jun 14
Institute for Military Support to Governance
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