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Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA U.S. Surgeon General Clifford Douglas, JD Director of the University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network David Smith, MD President,

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Presentation on theme: "Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA U.S. Surgeon General Clifford Douglas, JD Director of the University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network David Smith, MD President,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA U.S. Surgeon General Clifford Douglas, JD Director of the University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network David Smith, MD President, State University of New York [SUNY], Upstate Medical University Public Health Reports Webcast: The Surgeon General's Youth Tobacco Report supports the Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative

2  SG Luther Terry Report 1964  2 tobacco-related Surgeon General’s reports  Spring 2012 Youth and Young Adults  SG Luther Terry Report 1964  2 tobacco-related Surgeon General’s reports  Spring 2012 Youth and Young Adults A Report of the Surgeon General

3 One Cigarette Can Cause a Heart Attack Tobacco Smoke damages almost every organ of the body

4 Heartbeat

5 Tobacco Smoke is Addicting  Cigarettes are designed for addiction  Nicotine is the key chemical compound that causes the powerful addicting effects  Other ingredients and design features make them even more attractive and addictive than ever before  Product design, flavoring agents,  And added chemical ingredients

6  Every day 1200 Americans die from smoking  Each of those people are being replaced by 2 young smokers  90% of all smokers start before age 18,  99% of all smokers start before age 26

7 Scientists Show Evidence of Causality  The more the youth is exposed to Marketing and Advertisement, the more likely they are to start and maintain smoking  More than $1 million dollars an hour  Over $27 million a day is spent on targeted messaging and images

8 We can make the next generation tobacco-free

9 :

10 Destiny

11 Clifford E. Douglas, J.D. Consulting Tobacco Control Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The National Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

12 Ending the Tobacco Epidemic: Tobacco Control Strategic Action Plan for HHS Vision: A society free of tobacco-related death and disease Charges: 1.Develop and implement an HHS-wide strategic action plan framed around four Healthy People 2020 tobacco control goals 2.Support the FDA’s newly acquired role to regulate the manufacture, marketing and distribution of tobacco products s/tobacco/tobaccostrategic plan2010.pdf

13 Advance Knowledge: Expand the science base and monitor progress Engage the Public: Change social norms with national media and communications Improve the Public’s Health: Accelerate State and community tobacco control efforts Lead by Example: Implement model tobacco control policies within HHS Four Pillars of the HHS Tobacco Control Strategic Action Plan

14 Lead by Example: Implement model tobacco control policies within HHS July 2011: HHS established a comprehensive tobacco-free campus policy covering all of its facilities Pillar #1 Includes HHS’s Own Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

15 The Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative Vision: Widespread expansion of tobacco- free policies to institutions of higher learning across the U.S. Goals: 1.Foster a collaborative, cooperative effort among academic institutions and partners in the public health community 2.Expand awareness in academia and among the public of the need for and benefits of such policies 3.Facilitate information flow and access to technical assistance

16 Ongoing consultation, collaboration and information exchange with leaders from academia and the public health community Engage in educational events across the nation HHS webcast Town Hall with Surgeon General Regina Benjamin at University of Washington (June 2012) Surgeon General Benjamin’s national webinar (June 2012) National Conference on Tobacco or Health (Aug. 2012) University of Michigan national webcast event with Assistant Secretary for Health Howard Koh (Sept. 2012) College campus visits by Assistant Secretary for Health Koh and Surgeon General Benjamin Key Activities of the Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative

17 SUNY Upstate Medical University Our Smoke-Free Journey David R. Smith, MD President June 27, 2010

18 Our Smoke-Free Journey Making the Decision March 2004, campus planning began to go smoke free The decision aligned with the Upstate Mission Smoking on the campus contradicted our mission July 2004, President formally announced a year-long plan to make the campus Smoke Free Smoke Free Advisory Committee formed that reported directly to the President

19 Smoke-Free Advisory Committee  Employee/Student Health  Committee leadership  Smoking cessation  Employee/Labor Relations  Union issues  Human Resources  Benefits  Recruitment issues  Respiratory Care  Inpatient smoking cessation issues  Assistance with smoking cessation programming  Organizational Training and Development  Development of educational materials  Hospital Administration  Program support  Communication with upper levels  Public and Media Relations  Press releases  GASO speakers  Public Safety  Compliance issues  Healthcare Teleservices  Preadmission notification  Visitor interaction  Library Services  Historical perspective

20 Demographic Information SUNY Upstate Medical University is an Urban Campus Largest employer in Onondaga County Employs approximately 9500 Three major labor unions representing over 6000 University Hospital and University Hospital at CGH Colleges of Medicine, Health Professions, Nursing, and Graduate Studies. Combined student body of 1500+ First SUNY Campus to become smoke-free

21 Assessing Our Situation: Conducted a survey in partnership with the ACS Smoking statistics were extrapolated from the 2004 survey and compared to a 2002 survey. –2002 - 17% campus population were smokers –2004 – 13% campus population were smokers 85% of those smokers had an interest in quitting Non-Compliance with Existing Policy

22 Union Considerations Upstate has 5 Unions Developed MOU for new policy Labor Union Meetings

23 Smoke-Free Communications The President continued to issue letters to the campus as we entered each new phase of the process. A Communication Plan was developed, to include: Slogan – “Let’s Clear the Air” Website Unique Signage Campus Maps (Defined Campus Boundaries) Staff Education Booklets Pamphlets for visitors Intervention cards Recruitment tool

24 Our Smoke-Free Journey New Policy Implemented –Communication –Responsibility and Compliance Support for smoking cessation. Realizing great success, but one problem still haunted us: The Public Sidewalk!

25 Our Journey for Public Support Finding leverage to influence local government Deflect the dissent Use your friends Use your muscle

26 Our Legacy  A new generation of workers and patients and visitors has acclimated to the policy  We are directing smoking cessation programs across the region  We are consulting on implementation programs for health care facilities across the state  We are now working on a SUNY Wide initiative for a “Tobacco-Free SUNY”

27 Thank You We would now like to take your Questions.

28 Stay tuned for our next webcast! Certification in Public Health Continuing Education Practice, please go to: Link to the CE credits is on the left side of the page. Public Health Reports Meet the Author! Live Webcast

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