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Follow us on hashtag for this event: #odugUK our wifi details: FFGuest Save_Energy1 UNCLASSIFIED.

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Presentation on theme: "Follow us on hashtag for this event: #odugUK our wifi details: FFGuest Save_Energy1 UNCLASSIFIED."— Presentation transcript:

1 follow us on Twitter: @odugUK hashtag for this event: #odugUK our wifi details: FFGuest Save_Energy1 UNCLASSIFIED

2 Open Data User Group Introductory event Thursday 14 June 2012 UNCLASSIFIED

3 Overview Pete Lawrence, Deputy Director Transparency Delivery & Operations, Cabinet Office Background - Transparency Agenda and Open Data Heather Savory, Chair Open Data User Group ODUG Vision and MembershipQuestions and Next Steps UNCLASSIFIED

4 Since May 2012 the Coalition Government has made a number of high profile achievements on transparency and Open Data Built the largest resource in the world, with over 8,400 datasets available Published unprecedented data in transport, health, justice and education via two sets of Prime Ministerial commitments Over £188bn of spending transactions now published by central government Engaged with over 300 businesses – large and small – about the potential benefits and challenges of Open Data for industry Launched Open Data Consultation Open Government Partnership Co-Chair UNCLASSIFIED

5 There is more to come Continuing to meet current PM and Chancellor commitments Publish Open Data White Paper Publish Open Data Strategies for each Department – Big data – My data – User experience & feedback – Developing information markets – Continuous quality improvement – Set out forward plan of new data publications Set standards Launch Open Data Institute ODUG influence UNCLASSIFIED

6 Jan 2011 Initial announcement MCO and Edward Davey outlined plans for a new Public Data Corporation which would: Mar 2011 Budget July 2011 MoG Change Land Registry, Met Office and Ordnance Survey move to BIS Aug 2011 PDC Consultation Nov 2011 Autumn Statement Establish a Data Strategy Board and a Public Data Group ODUG comes from the development of a new structure for a “Public Data Corporation” UNCLASSIFIED

7 On 19 th March, BIS and CO Ministers published the Terms of Reference for these new organisations UNCLASSIFIED

8 The PDG Trading Funds already have a history of releasing Open Data and the PDG has a commitment to continue to look to ways to increase this Met Office 5000 sites weather data Exploring the rest of the Public Weather Service data Ordnance Survey OS Opendata National Trails Land Registry “Price Paid” information Monthly Transactions Companies House Bulk data on registered companies UNCLASSIFIED

9 ODUG will advise on public sector data that should be prioritised for release as Open Data, to the benefit of the UK ODUG will: act as intelligent customer on behalf of the public and the private sector for data free at the point of use and for re-use act as a single stakeholder group be empowered to use the most appropriate channels of engagement with broader users and re-users of Open Data The membership: draw on expertise and experience of the user community to build the business case to the DSB will need to undertake appropriate research and evidence gathering to inform the business case to release Open Data may be called upon in an advisory capacity to: – Cabinet Office Transparency Team – Sector Transparency Boards UNCLASSIFIED

10 Advise Ministers and Government Advise the Data Strategy Board Advocacy for data free at point of use and re-use Represent Open Data Users Give a voice to open data users and re- users Bring together a community with representation from all areas of Open Data users Open Data User Group ODUG has two main aims to advise Ministers and the DSB and to represent Open Data users to government UNCLASSIFIED

11 Central Government Agencies Campaigning Organisations Data Strategy Board Public Data Group Academia Commercial Organisations Media Data Journalists Systems Integrators Government Consultancies Open Data Users Open Data User Group Citizens / Civil Society Transport and Logistics Open Rights Group Departments e.g. BIS, DfT, CO etc. HMRC Incubators e.g. Tech City Developers OKFN Credit Bureaux ODI Groups e.g. Which? Consumer Focus etc. MySociety Public Sector Transparency Board Hyper Local Media Telecoms Web Services Insurers Trading Funds e.g. OS, MO, CH & LR Local Government Local Authorities Health Services Education Providers Tech Trade Press Environment Agency Big Data ONS GIS Organisations Market Research Open Data researchers Libraries Statisticians Rewired State Customer Groups e.g. PWSCG, GISCG TNA Sector Transparency Boards LGA ODUG will need to represent, and reach out to, a wide range of organisations and individuals Not Exhaustive UNCLASSIFIED

12 ODUG will have two broad principles of consensus and transparency Create consensus Bring together disparate cultures and perspectives to build an effective forum Generate collective agreements Face 2 face meetings Virtual networks and social media to reach as many as possible Transparency of process and advice Transparent process and documentation Minutes online Operating model Working methods – “agile” values Work plan Online presence to create a space for open debate Huddle or other online community tool Github Set up a wiki UNCLASSIFIED

13 ODUG will support the work of the DSB and the PDG UNCLASSIFIED Data Strategy Board Public Data Group (Trading Funds) Open Data - content - delivery format - usability Open Data Users - data analysts - application developers Open Data User Group Growth Stakeholder communications Transparency

14 Key outcome is to develop business cases to support the release of further Open Data HMT business caseODUG priorities“elevator pitch” UNCLASSIFIED DSB Cost and benefits of data Current DSB budget for Open Data £3.5m per annum in 2013/14 and 2014/15 ODUG to produce business cases to justify spending Comprehensive Spending Review Key element for continued ODUG funding Influence DSB negotiations for budget beyond 2015

15 These business cases will need to be developed beginning over the next 6 months UNCLASSIFIED Introductory event Operating model and work plan April 2013 2013 First ODUG First DSB ODUG DSB ODUG priorities ODUG DSB Proposal to DSB ODUG DSB Appoint members Develop Business Case Communities develop ideas The first step will be to select and appoint members of the formal group

16 What we will ask of ODUG members UNCLASSIFIED Quarterly Meetings Agree workplan Sign off business cases and advice Etc. Activities between meetings Act as point of contact for community representation Evidence gathering for business cases Meetups, networking etc. A champion and advocate for Open Data Be the conduit to and representative for your sector Lead development of well-evidenced business cases to bring to ODUG

17 We are looking to balance member skills across the sectors they represent Segment Skills Large Companies SMEs Systems Integrators Central & Local Government Academia Civil Society Community Activists Data business experience Economics Development Communications Support UNCLASSIFIED

18 ODUG members will be selected through an open process Selection needed as limited places on Group (between 12-15 formal members) Application – Online application form herehere – Sets out which sector will represent and puts forward case for individual Timing – Applications submitted by 22 June 2012 – Final appointment by Minister for Cabinet Office and Chair by 2 July 2012 You can still be involved with ODUG if you don’t want to become a member – LinkedIn Group - Open Data User Group – Twitter account - @odugUK UNCLASSIFIED

19 Any questions? UNCLASSIFIED Is the proposed process right? Working methods Membership selection Are the categories for the community right? How do we involve regions, and work with other groups? …anything else?

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