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Industry academia co-operation for skills development Presented by Mookgo Mthombeni.

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Presentation on theme: "Industry academia co-operation for skills development Presented by Mookgo Mthombeni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry academia co-operation for skills development Presented by Mookgo Mthombeni

2 Format of the presentation SW Background Introduction Recruitment and Employment processes Benefits of the program Future plans Conclusion

3 SW Background Started 1997, rationalization of Water boards - give job experience as req by tertiary institution curriculum - render social responsibility to communities - Create a pool for qualified & experienced individuals - Promote skills development aim at supporting EE 3 parties got into a traineeship contract & work program agreement Program structured – satisfy operational req as well as academic institution Aim of co-operation – deliver competent employees thru skills & intimate knowledge of the field

4 Introduction Formal approach,assist process of education and training & upliftment in general To ensure skills development is promoted & maintained in its operation & area of supply – employees, students, qualified & non-qualified are assisted with exp training thru mentorship programs. Programs currently running: - Learnership (non-qualified) - In Service training (qualified) - Skills development (employees taken for short courses) - Work shadow (Grade 11)

5 Recruitment and Employment processes Students recruited,existing structures within academic institutions For Exp training – submit CV For Masters candidates – letters are sent to University Successful,offered traineeship at SW Contract: drawn and signed, Separate agreement: signed by SW & student reps, detail student work & other training commitments

6 Benefits of the Program Students: Benefits: exposure to teamwork, further personal development & qualification Teamwork; development of critical thinking & problem solving skills On practical level: - On the job training; financial support, presentation sessions, research environment, industry experts, other treatment plants (clients & potential employers),

7 Benefits of the Program (continued) Tertiary Institutions: - Elevates training from lab scale to plant scale level - Opportunity to follow additional skills development courses such as safety, fire fighting etc.. - Better understanding,value & application of the study material - Identify practical problems in industry that require detailed investigation to utilize as topics for research for final year study

8 Benefits of the program (continued) Industry: Opportunity to have input in the development & training of its future employees exposure to potential employees on a trial basis facilitates assisted focused research by experts in Academia on problems specific to the industry player Assign learners to specific problems provides an opportunity to assign manpower with advanced learning, at reasonable cost

9 Future Plans/Proposal Proposal to introduce two-year Mentorship Program, to be presented to ECF forum. Potential employees/graduates taken thru two year training & allocated Mentors/Coaches (scarce skills) Mentoring to be provided by industry experts Aim to give guide into in depth industry dynamics Trainees meet after 1 st year (annual conference) - platform for freedom of expression, to share experience & knowledge at different plants within SW regions.

10 Conclusion Results impressive, few graduates trained Tertiary involved: VUT, TUT, UN, NW,Unisa,Pen Tech, Stellenbosch & Pretoria University. Importance training & dev of future employees cant be under estimated Experience proved, students entering the labour market not equipped to & capable of applying theoretical knowledge in practice. A win-win, every partner in collaboration reaps benefits, joint effort & contributes to economic, social and intellectual upliftment.

11 Thank you

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