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Conclusions & Thoughts on The Future of Geo-Statistics Lars H. Backer.

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Presentation on theme: "Conclusions & Thoughts on The Future of Geo-Statistics Lars H. Backer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conclusions & Thoughts on The Future of Geo-Statistics Lars H. Backer

2 1. User needs Inductive method –For methods to change the world. –TUse these methods to define user needs Deductive method –For methods to describe & model the world –Use these methods to decribe the world

3 2. The demand Useful information for sustainable development MES (Man-Environmental Systems) –Physical System properties Environmental policies Policies for Spatial deveopment (Physical Urban & Regional Planning) –Non physical System properties To describe and explain socio-cultural clusters To describe and explain economic clusters

4 3. Datasets Two types of end uses –Small Area Statistics for professional use Programs Plans Projects –Large Area Statistics for reporting Two types of datasets –Day-time population –Night-time population

5 4. Statistical Areas Regular Tesselations (point-based statistics) –National Grid systems (Lattices or Grids) –European Grid System (Lattices or grids) Irregular Tessellations (area-based statistics) –Census areas –Ennumeration areas

6 5. Contents Bottom-up approaches (aggregation) –Nordic Grids –Grid Club or the Grid Challenge Top-down (disaggregation) –Gisco (The Albrecht Wirthman map)

7 6. Socioeconomic Information SocioCultural objects –Features –Parameters –Rules –Methods Economic variable –Features –Parameters –Rules –Methods

8 7. Methods to improve data Analyse Bottom-up method –Harmonisation issues –Threshhold effects Analyse Top-down method –Disaggregation alogrithms –Reference data (topographic maps etc.) Analyse difference (overlay) –Bottom-up datasets closer to reality –Data may be used to calibrate methods

9 8. Methods for clustering Delineations –Urban (structural) Areas (Morphologies) Urban structure types –Urban (functional) Areas (Land Use) Residential areas Areas for work (Business and industry) Areas for Public acess. Recreation areas (Blue & green) Infrastructure Mulitilayer analysis –Urban functional analysis etc.

10 9. Critical Issues Disclosure Problems –Threshholds Stigmatisation Problems –Senitive variables

11 10. Publication, Dissemination Network Seminars –Organise Grid Club Seminars Reference litterature and publication services –Professional Bibliography and acess to pdf files –Possibility to publish papers for the Grid Club EU contacts –Alessandro Annioni (Ispra) –Daniele Rizzi (Gisco) –Hans Dufourmont (Inspire) –Albrecht Wirthman (Gisco)

12 12. Relations Partners –Cooperation with mapping agencies (NMA’s) –Consolidation within statistical institutes NSI’s Professional Reference: –Academia? Customer Relations –Define User communities Contacts –Eurostat/Gisco (Daniele Rizzi) –JRC,Ispra (Alessandro Annnioni) –Inspire (Hans Dufourmont)

13 11. The Grid Club Denmark Finland Norway Switzerland Estonia Netherlands Austria Sweden

14 Thank you!

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