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13.02.2008 isw Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Beratung und Dienstleistung mbH ECRN Seminar „The future of bulk chemicals in Europe – a challenge for.

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1 13.02.2008 isw Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Beratung und Dienstleistung mbH ECRN Seminar „The future of bulk chemicals in Europe – a challenge for chemical regions“ Andreas Fiedler Brussels, 13 February 2008 Challenges for a Central and Eastern European Feedstock Network / Chemical Logistics

2 13.02.2008 The European Chemical Regions Network a network of around 20 chemical regions in Europe set up in 2004 by Saxony-Anhalt and other chemical regions representing chemical regions with nearly 1 Mio. employees in the chemical industry network of public authorities with strong links to the chemical industry aims of the network –defend joint interests at European level –foster dialogue and co-operation between and with chemical regions –initiate co-operation projects –co-operation with CEFIC on REACH, SusChem –co-operation with other stakeholders

3 13.02.2008 Chemical Sites in Europe

4 13.02.2008 Challenge Chemical Sites in Central and Eastern Europe are inland chemical sites with the specific needs and requirements regarding logistics do not have a sophisticated network of connections between the chemical sites are not equipped with the logistical network to realise the growth potential regarding the new markets in Russia or China A key challenge for the development of the chemical sites in Central and Eastern Europe in the coming years will be a stronger interaction between these sites similar to those in Western Europe, where this has been a reality for many decades.

5 13.02.2008 Current shortcomings regarding chemical logistics the current infrastructure development in the area is taking place without taking real demand sufficiently into account lack of harmonisation of technical, administrative and social regulations in Europe lack of co-ordination in the area regarding key decisions for transport policy in the area lack of transport management and demand-driven terminals lack of support for cargo transport with regard to passenger transport

6 13.02.2008 Possible solutions: provide the requirements to give rail transport for chemical logistics a higher priority in Central and Eastern Europe to accompany this – where geographically possible – with the development of in-land shipping setting up of inter-modal logistic centres in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary develop a competitive pipeline network for feedstock supply and cluster production between chemical sites in Central Europe provide know-how transfer for the development of competitive transport and logistic systems in East-West direction development of a joint Chemical Logistic strategy for Central Europe.

7 13.02.2008 Proposal for a Chemical Logistic strategy for Central an Eastern Europe (I) This strategy could include the following measures: development of a joint material network in Central and Eastern Europe as a strategic objective of the EU, the national states and the affected chemical regions installation of a joint co-ordination mechanism for a demand driven transport infrastructure in the region initiation of national support measures for developing this pan- European transport corridor focussing on removing the national deficits and restrictions increasing the role of rail transport by coordinating the national efforts to develop this pan-European transport corridor targeted development of pipeline systems for feedstock supply and for networking the chemical sites

8 13.02.2008 Proposal for a Chemical Logistic strategy for Central an Eastern Europe (II) This strategy could include the following measures: separating freight and passenger rail and road transport on the most congested routes in the area streamlining the administrative, organisational and technical requirements by replacing them with joint standards reducing the planning and implementation time for infrastructure projects improving the joint use of EU structural funds for coordinated transport policies in the area improving the instrument for infrastructure finance developing a joint security strategy for freight and logistics including know-how transfer and best practice exchange

9 13.02.2008 Initiating the Strategy as part of the HLG The ECRN therefore proposes an initiative, in the framework of the High Level Dialogue, to: develop a coherent approach of European, national and regional actors and chemical logistics (Development of a joint vision on chemical logistics in Central Europe), define key areas and measures for realising this vision (Development of a common action plan on chemical logistics in Central Europe) and implement measures with the full involvement of the actors at various levels

10 13.02.2008 Proposal for an Initiative on Central and Eastern European Feedstock Network Joint actions could be carried out in the following areas: Material Networking of chemical sites in Central Europe (Possibilities and Limitations) Improvement of the existing transport infrastructure (Assessment and scope for future action) Requirements for action in the field of certification and administration (Possibilities for simplification) Development of new concepts for chemical logistics in Central Europe

11 13.02.2008 Agreements so far Informal agreement between Sherpa of CZ, D and PL to develop the topic further (regional, national and industry level) Carry out a planning workshop to define the scope and strategy of a joint initiative Inclusion of the key aspects of the initiative in the debate of the HLG on Logistics (February 29th)

12 13.02.2008 The next steps Carry out a workshop on Chemical Logistics for Central and Eastern Europe on February 20th in Magdeburg Presentation of a draft position paper prior to the meeting Agreement between the participating actors (national governments, regional authorities, chemical industry and industry organisations) on a joint position paper Present the key findings at the Sub Group Meeting on February 29th in Brussels Development of a INTERREG IV B application of the chemical regions involved (with the support of the other stakeholders) to finance the process in the coming years Seek co-operation with CEFIC and EPCA on this matter

13 13.02.2008 Interreg IV B Central Europe

14 13.02.2008 Project Idea Call expected in March – Submission Mid April Lead Partner: Ministry of Economy and Labour of Saxony- Anhalt Partnership: Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary Partners, public institutions from national, regional level, industry association, chamber of commerce, academia, etc. Duration 3 years from January 2009 – December 2011 Budget: 2,5 Mio Euro (75/85% Funding) Improving accessibility of and within Central Europe 2.1. Improving Central Europe’s Interconnectivity

15 13.02.2008 Project Objectives Develop Central and Eastern European Feedstock Network to Overcome existing national barriers for chemical logistics Better connection between raw material locations and production locations Reduce costs, improve quality/safety and increase speed of chemical logistics Harmonise regulations and coordinate planning of infrastructure and use of Structural Funds Strengthen of competitiveness of chemical industry and better access to growth markets in Central and Eastern Europe Improved Environmental Protection by shifting transport from road to railways

16 13.02.2008 Contact Andreas Fiedler isw GmbH Hoher Weg 3 D 06120 Halle Tel :+49 345 29982724 Email:

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