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Strength in Numbers: Making the Research Work for Us Presented By: Jevon C. Gibson, MA CEO Minority Health Solutions, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Strength in Numbers: Making the Research Work for Us Presented By: Jevon C. Gibson, MA CEO Minority Health Solutions, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strength in Numbers: Making the Research Work for Us Presented By: Jevon C. Gibson, MA CEO Minority Health Solutions, LLC

2 Workshop Goals Define research in terms of the work that you do Understand the importance of research to your programs Define various types of research Identify what type of research would be beneficial to your work

3 Ground Rules Do NOT ask me questions I do not know the answer to…I will be forced to make up an answer Regardless of how you feel at the end of this session, tell your colleagues how “great and informative” it was (please use these exact words)

4 Research Defined “Diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications” --Webster’s Unabridged “To study (something) thoroughly so as to present in a detailed, accurate manner” --Princeton WordNet

5 Why Research? To support normal decision making To answer important questions To test a hypothesis, theory or belief To evaluate our way of doing things To provide the best possible services and solutions

6 Value Added Research can: Add credibility to services Inform service types and models Enhance existing services

7 Added Credibility Allows you to infuse strategies from existing authorities in your field Ensures that your services are based on sound theoretical precedents Ensures that your services are warranted, relevant and efficacious

8 Informs service types and models Research helps you to choose what types of services work best for your clients Research helps you to identify multiple methods for producing the desired outcome

9 Enhance existing services Allows you to try alternative approaches in a controlled environment without jeopardizing your entire program Provides you the opportunity to justify the need for more or alternate resources. (or the reallocation of existing resources)

10 The more with less paradigm Competing priorities Funding reductions Lack of skilled labor Increasing numbers of clients that need services

11 Exercise (15 minutes) 1. Identify an emerging issue that you feel warrants further investigation 2. Determine the potential impact of this issue 3. Identify other organizations, entities or individuals that could be impacted either directly or indirectly by this issue

12 Types of Research Basic research Designed to advance knowledge Audience scholars and researchers Conducted when interested in learning more about a specific phenomenon Applied research Designed to help solve particular, existing problems Much larger audience interested due to the scope Includes survey research

13 Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) “A collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community and has the aim of combining knowledge with action and achieving social change...” ~ Community Health Scholars Program

14 Key Words Collaborative (key informants) Equitably Partners Combining knowledge with action Achieving social change

15 Partner organizations should… Be willing and committed Have an aligned mission Have the capacity to participate Have the support of leadership Understand the principles of research Have technical skills or resources

16 Who are potential partners? Community based organizations Schools Academia Public sector Business sector Philanthropic sector

17 Ask these questions… What do you know about this organization (their history)? How would you assess their capacity? How will you define roles? What is the goal of the collective?

18 Steps to Conducting Research 1. Define the problem 2. Develop a theory (explanation, solution) 3. Identify the data collection methodology 4. Conduct data analysis 5. Summarize your findings

19 QUESTIONS? Please refer to slide #3 regarding questions

20 Remember… -- “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing time. Action with vision is making a positive difference” Joel Baker

21 Contact Information Jevon C. Gibson Minority Health Solutions, LLC (678)777-7432

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